
88 lines
1.7 KiB

#ifndef __EMUHELPER_H__
#define __EMUHELPER_H__
#include <stddef.h> // for NULL
#include "../stdtype.h"
#include "../common_def.h" // for INLINE
#include "EmuStructs.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#include <stdio.h>
// MS VC6 doesn't have M_PI yet
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1400
// Math function defines from VC2010's math.h for VC6
#ifndef powf
#define powf(x,y) ((float)pow((double)(x), (double)(y)))
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define logerror printf
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1400
// MS VC6 doesn't support the variadic macro syntax
#define logerror
#define logerror(...) {}
INLINE void INIT_DEVINF(DEV_INFO* devInf, DEV_DATA* devData, UINT32 sampleRate, const DEV_DEF* devDef)
devInf->dataPtr = devData;
devInf->sampleRate = sampleRate;
devInf->devDef = devDef;
devInf->linkDevCount = 0;
devInf->linkDevs = NULL;
// get parent struct from chip data pointer
#define CHP_GET_INF_PTR(info) (((DEV_DATA*)info)->chipInf)
#define SRATE_CUSTOM_HIGHEST(srmode, rate, customrate) \
if (srmode == DEVRI_SRMODE_CUSTOM || \
(srmode == DEVRI_SRMODE_HIGHEST && rate < customrate)) \
rate = customrate;
// round up to the nearest power of 2
// from
INLINE UINT32 ceil_pow2(UINT32 v)
v --;
v |= (v >> 1);
v |= (v >> 2);
v |= (v >> 4);
v |= (v >> 8);
v |= (v >> 16);
v ++;
return v;
// create a mask that covers the range 0...v-1
INLINE UINT32 pow2_mask(UINT32 v)
if (v == 0)
return 0;
v --;
v |= (v >> 1);
v |= (v >> 2);
v |= (v >> 4);
v |= (v >> 8);
v |= (v >> 16);
return v;
#endif // __EMUHELPER_H__