
177 lines
5.1 KiB

#ifndef __S98PLAYER_HPP__
#define __S98PLAYER_HPP__
#include "../stdtype.h"
#include "../emu/EmuStructs.h"
#include "../emu/Resampler.h"
#include "../utils/StrUtils.h"
#include "helper.h"
#include "playerbase.hpp"
#include "../utils/DataLoader.h"
#include "../emu/logging.h"
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#define FCC_S98 0x53393800
struct S98_HEADER
UINT8 fileVer;
UINT32 tickMult; // [v1] tick timing numerator
UINT32 tickDiv; // [v2] tick timing denumerator
UINT32 compression; // [v1: 0 - no compression, >0 - size of uncompressed data] [v2: ??] [v3: must be 0]
UINT32 tagOfs; // [v1/2: song title file offset] [v3: tag data file offset]
UINT32 dataOfs; // play data file offset
UINT32 loopOfs; // loop file offset
struct S98_DEVICE
UINT32 devType;
UINT32 clock;
UINT32 pan; // [v2: reserved] [v3: pan setting]
UINT32 app_spec; // [v2: application-specific] [v3: reserved]
class S98Player : public PlayerBase
struct DevCfgBuffer
std::vector<UINT8> data;
S98Player* player;
size_t chipDevID;
struct S98_CHIPDEV
size_t optID;
std::vector<UINT8> cfg;
S98Player* player;
S98_CHIPDEV* chipDev;
UINT32 GetPlayerType(void) const;
const char* GetPlayerName(void) const;
static UINT8 PlayerCanLoadFile(DATA_LOADER *dataLoader);
UINT8 CanLoadFile(DATA_LOADER *dataLoader) const;
UINT8 LoadFile(DATA_LOADER *dataLoader);
UINT8 UnloadFile(void);
const S98_HEADER* GetFileHeader(void) const;
const char* const* GetTags(void);
UINT8 GetSongInfo(PLR_SONG_INFO& songInf);
UINT8 GetSongDeviceInfo(std::vector<PLR_DEV_INFO>& devInfList) const;
UINT8 SetDeviceOptions(UINT32 id, const PLR_DEV_OPTS& devOpts);
UINT8 GetDeviceOptions(UINT32 id, PLR_DEV_OPTS& devOpts) const;
UINT8 SetDeviceMuting(UINT32 id, const PLR_MUTE_OPTS& muteOpts);
UINT8 GetDeviceMuting(UINT32 id, PLR_MUTE_OPTS& muteOpts) const;
//UINT32 GetSampleRate(void) const;
UINT8 SetSampleRate(UINT32 sampleRate);
//UINT8 SetPlaybackSpeed(double speed);
//void SetEventCallback(PLAYER_EVENT_CB cbFunc, void* cbParam);
UINT32 Tick2Sample(UINT32 ticks) const;
UINT32 Sample2Tick(UINT32 samples) const;
double Tick2Second(UINT32 ticks) const;
//double Sample2Second(UINT32 samples) const;
UINT8 GetState(void) const;
UINT32 GetCurPos(UINT8 unit) const;
UINT32 GetCurLoop(void) const;
UINT32 GetTotalTicks(void) const; // get time for playing once in ticks
UINT32 GetLoopTicks(void) const; // get time for one loop in ticks
//UINT32 GetTotalPlayTicks(UINT32 numLoops) const; // get time for playing + looping (without fading)
UINT8 Start(void);
UINT8 Stop(void);
UINT8 Reset(void);
UINT8 Seek(UINT8 unit, UINT32 pos);
UINT32 Render(UINT32 smplCnt, WAVE_32BS* data);
UINT8 GetDeviceInstance(size_t id) const;
size_t DeviceID2OptionID(UINT32 id) const;
void RefreshMuting(S98_CHIPDEV& chipDev, const PLR_MUTE_OPTS& muteOpts);
void RefreshPanning(S98_CHIPDEV& chipDev, const PLR_PAN_OPTS& panOpts);
void CalcSongLength(void);
UINT8 LoadTags(void);
std::string GetUTF8String(const char* startPtr, const char* endPtr);
UINT8 ParsePSFTags(const std::string& tagData);
UINT32 ReadVarInt(UINT32& filePos);
void RefreshTSRates(void);
static void PlayerLogCB(void* userParam, void* source, UINT8 level, const char* message);
static void SndEmuLogCB(void* userParam, void* source, UINT8 level, const char* message);
void GenerateDeviceConfig(void);
static void DeviceLinkCallback(void* userParam, VGM_BASEDEV* cDev, DEVLINK_INFO* dLink);
UINT8 SeekToTick(UINT32 tick);
UINT8 SeekToFilePos(UINT32 pos);
void ParseFile(UINT32 ticks);
void HandleEOF(void);
void DoCommand(void);
void DoRegWrite(UINT8 deviceID, UINT8 port, UINT8 reg, UINT8 data);
CPCONV* _cpcSJIS; // ShiftJIS -> UTF-8 codepage conversion
DEV_LOGGER _logger;
const UINT8* _fileData; // data pointer for quick access, equals _dLoad->GetFileData().data()
S98_HEADER _fileHdr;
std::vector<S98_DEVICE> _devHdrs;
std::vector<DevCfgBuffer> _devCfgs;
UINT32 _totalTicks;
UINT32 _loopTick;
std::map<std::string, std::string> _tagData;
std::vector<const char*> _tagList;
//UINT32 _outSmplRate;
// tick/sample conversion rates
UINT64 _tsMult;
UINT64 _tsDiv;
static const UINT8 _OPT_DEV_LIST[_OPT_DEV_COUNT]; // list of configurable libvgm devices
PLR_DEV_OPTS _devOpts[_OPT_DEV_COUNT * 2]; // space for 2 instances per chip
size_t _devOptMap[0x100][2]; // maps libvgm device ID to _devOpts vector
std::vector<S98_CHIPDEV> _devices;
std::vector<std::string> _devNames;
size_t _optDevMap[_OPT_DEV_COUNT * 2]; // maps _devOpts vector index to _devices vector
UINT32 _filePos;
UINT32 _fileTick;
UINT32 _playTick;
UINT32 _playSmpl;
UINT32 _curLoop;
UINT32 _lastLoopTick;
UINT8 _playState;
UINT8 _psTrigger; // used to temporarily trigger special commands
//PLAYER_EVENT_CB _eventCbFunc;
//void* _eventCbParam;
#endif // __S98PLAYER_HPP__