
662 lines
16 KiB

// Game_Music_Emu
#include "Spc_Emu.h"
#include "blargg_endian.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#ifdef RARDLL
#define PASCAL
#define CALLBACK
#define LONG long
#define HANDLE void *
#define LPARAM intptr_t
#define UINT __attribute__((unused)) unsigned int
#include <dll.hpp>
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
using std::min;
using std::max;
// TODO: support Spc_Filter's bass
Spc_Emu::Spc_Emu( gme_type_t type )
set_type( type );
static const char* const names [SuperFamicom::SPC_DSP::voice_count] = {
"DSP 1", "DSP 2", "DSP 3", "DSP 4", "DSP 5", "DSP 6", "DSP 7", "DSP 8"
set_voice_names( names );
set_gain( 1.4 );
enable_echo( true );
Spc_Emu::~Spc_Emu() { }
// Track info
long const spc_size = 0x10200;
long const head_size = Spc_Emu::header_size;
byte const* Spc_Emu::trailer() const { return &file_data [min( file_size, spc_size )]; }
long Spc_Emu::trailer_size() const { return max( 0L, file_size - spc_size ); }
byte const* Rsn_Emu::trailer( int track ) const
const byte *track_data = spc[track];
long track_size = spc[track + 1] - spc[track];
return &track_data [min( track_size, spc_size )];
long Rsn_Emu::trailer_size( int track ) const
long track_size = spc[track + 1] - spc[track];
return max( 0L, track_size - spc_size );
static void get_spc_xid6( byte const* begin, long size, track_info_t* out )
// header
byte const* end = begin + size;
if ( size < 8 || memcmp( begin, "xid6", 4 ) )
check( false );
long info_size = get_le32( begin + 4 );
byte const* in = begin + 8;
if ( end - in > info_size )
debug_printf( "Extra data after SPC xid6 info\n" );
end = in + info_size;
int year = 0;
char copyright [256 + 5];
int copyright_len = 0;
int const year_len = 5;
int disc = 0, track = 0;
while ( end - in >= 4 )
// header
int id = in [0];
int data = in [3] * 0x100 + in [2];
int type = in [1];
int len = type ? data : 0;
in += 4;
if ( len > end - in )
check( false );
break; // block goes past end of data
// handle specific block types
char* field = 0;
switch ( id )
case 0x01: field = out->song; break;
case 0x02: field = out->game; break;
case 0x03: field = out->author; break;
case 0x04: field = out->dumper; break;
case 0x07: field = out->comment; break;
case 0x10: field = out->ost; break;
case 0x11: disc = data; break;
case 0x12: track = data; break;
case 0x14: year = data; break;
//case 0x30: // intro length
// Many SPCs have intro length set wrong for looped tracks, making it useless
case 0x30:
check( len == 4 );
if ( len >= 4 )
out->intro_length = get_le32( in ) / 64;
if ( out->length > 0 )
long loop = out->length - out->intro_length;
if ( loop >= 2000 )
out->loop_length = loop;
case 0x33:
check( len == 4 );
if ( len >= 4 )
out->fade_length = get_le32( in ) / 64;
case 0x13:
copyright_len = min( len, (int) sizeof copyright - year_len );
memcpy( &copyright [year_len], in, copyright_len );
if ( id < 0x01 || (id > 0x07 && id < 0x10) ||
(id > 0x14 && id < 0x30) || id > 0x36 )
debug_printf( "Unknown SPC xid6 block: %X\n", (int) id );
if ( field )
check( type == 1 );
Gme_File::copy_field_( field, (char const*) in, len );
// skip to next block
in += len;
// blocks are supposed to be 4-byte aligned with zero-padding...
byte const* unaligned = in;
while ( (in - begin) & 3 && in < end )
if ( *in++ != 0 )
// ...but some files have no padding
in = unaligned;
debug_printf( "SPC info tag wasn't properly padded to align\n" );
char* p = &copyright [year_len];
if ( year )
*--p = ' ';
for ( int n = 4; n--; )
*--p = char (year % 10 + '0');
year /= 10;
copyright_len += year_len;
if ( copyright_len )
Gme_File::copy_field_( out->copyright, p, copyright_len );
if ( disc > 0 && disc <= 9 )
out->disc [0] = disc + '0';
out->disc [1] = 0;
if ( track > 255 && track < ( ( 100 << 8 ) - 1 ) )
char* p = &copyright [3];
*p = 0;
if ( track & 255 ) *--p = char (track & 255);
track >>= 8;
for ( int n = 2; n-- && track; )
*--p = char (track % 10 + '0');
track /= 10;
memcpy( out->track, p, &copyright [4] - p );
check( in == end );
static void get_spc_info( Spc_Emu::header_t const& h, byte const* xid6, long xid6_size,
track_info_t* out )
// decode length (can be in text or binary format, sometimes ambiguous ugh)
long len_secs = 0;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
unsigned n = h.len_secs [i] - '0';
if ( n > 9 )
// ignore single-digit text lengths
// (except if author field is present and begins at offset 1, ugh)
if ( i == 1 && ( [0] || ! [1]) )
len_secs = 0;
len_secs *= 10;
len_secs += n;
if ( !len_secs || len_secs > 0x1FFF )
len_secs = get_le16( h.len_secs );
if ( len_secs < 0x1FFF )
out->length = len_secs * 1000;
long fade_msec = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
unsigned n = h.fade_msec [i] - '0';
if ( n > 9 )
if ( i == 1 && ( [0] || ! [1]) )
fade_msec = -1;
fade_msec *= 10;
fade_msec += n;
if ( i == 4 && unsigned( [0] - '0' ) <= 9 )
fade_msec = fade_msec * 10 + [0] - '0';
if ( fade_msec < 0 || fade_msec > 0x7FFF )
fade_msec = get_le32( h.fade_msec );
if ( fade_msec < 0x7FFF )
out->fade_length = fade_msec;
int offset = ( [0] < ' ' || unsigned ( [0] - '0') <= 9);
Gme_File::copy_field_( out->author, & [offset], sizeof - offset );
GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, song );
GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, game );
GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, dumper );
GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, comment );
if ( xid6_size )
get_spc_xid6( xid6, xid6_size, out );
blargg_err_t Spc_Emu::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
get_spc_info( header(), trailer(), trailer_size(), out );
return 0;
blargg_err_t Rsn_Emu::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int track ) const
get_spc_info( header( track ), trailer( track ), trailer_size( track ), out );
return 0;
static blargg_err_t check_spc_header( void const* header )
if ( memcmp( header, "SNES-SPC700 Sound File Data", 27 ) )
return gme_wrong_file_type;
return 0;
struct Spc_File : Gme_Info_
Spc_Emu::header_t header;
blargg_vector<byte> xid6;
Spc_File( gme_type_t type ) { set_type( type ); }
Spc_File() : Spc_File( gme_spc_type ) {}
blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& in )
long file_size = in.remain();
if ( is_archive )
return 0;
if ( file_size < 0x10180 )
return gme_wrong_file_type;
RETURN_ERR( &header, head_size ) );
RETURN_ERR( check_spc_header( header.tag ) );
long xid6_size = file_size - spc_size;
if ( xid6_size > 0 )
RETURN_ERR( xid6.resize( xid6_size ) );
RETURN_ERR( in.skip( spc_size - head_size ) );
RETURN_ERR( xid6.begin(), xid6.size() ) );
return 0;
blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
get_spc_info( header, xid6.begin(), xid6.size(), out );
return 0;
static Music_Emu* new_spc_emu () { return BLARGG_NEW Spc_Emu ; }
static Music_Emu* new_spc_file() { return BLARGG_NEW Spc_File; }
static gme_type_t_ const gme_spc_type_ = { "Super Nintendo", 1, &new_spc_emu, &new_spc_file, "SPC", 0 };
extern gme_type_t const gme_spc_type = &gme_spc_type_;
#ifdef RARDLL
static int CALLBACK call_rsn(UINT msg, LPARAM UserData, LPARAM P1, LPARAM P2)
byte **bp = (byte **)UserData;
unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char *)P1;
memcpy( *bp, addr, P2 );
*bp += P2;
return 0;
struct Rsn_File : Spc_File
blargg_vector<byte*> spc;
Rsn_File() : Spc_File( gme_rsn_type ) { is_archive = true; }
blargg_err_t load_archive( const char* path )
#ifdef RARDLL
struct RAROpenArchiveData data = {
.ArcName = (char *)path,
.OpenMode = RAR_OM_LIST, .OpenResult = 0,
.CmtBuf = 0, .CmtBufSize = 0, .CmtSize = 0, .CmtState = 0
// get the size of all unpacked headers combined
long pos = 0;
int count = 0;
unsigned biggest = 0;
blargg_vector<byte> temp;
HANDLE PASCAL rar = RAROpenArchive( &data );
struct RARHeaderData head;
for ( ; RARReadHeader( rar, &head ) == ERAR_SUCCESS; count++ )
RARProcessFile( rar, RAR_SKIP, 0, 0 );
long xid6_size = head.UnpSize - spc_size;
if ( xid6_size > 0 )
pos += xid6_size;
pos += head_size;
biggest = max( biggest, head.UnpSize );
xid6.resize( pos );
spc.resize( count + 1 );
temp.resize( biggest );
RARCloseArchive( rar );
// copy the headers/xid6 and index them
byte *bp;
data.OpenMode = RAR_OM_EXTRACT;
rar = RAROpenArchive( &data );
RARSetCallback( rar, call_rsn, (intptr_t)&bp );
for ( count = 0, pos = 0; RARReadHeader( rar, &head ) == ERAR_SUCCESS; )
bp = &temp[0];
RARProcessFile( rar, RAR_TEST, 0, 0 );
if ( !check_spc_header( bp - head.UnpSize ) )
spc[count++] = &xid6[pos];
memcpy( &xid6[pos], &temp[0], head_size );
pos += head_size;
long xid6_size = head.UnpSize - spc_size;
if ( xid6_size > 0 )
memcpy( &xid6[pos], &temp[spc_size], xid6_size );
pos += xid6_size;
spc[count] = &xid6[pos];
set_track_count( count );
RARCloseArchive( rar );
return 0;
(void) path;
return gme_wrong_file_type;
blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int track ) const
if ( static_cast<size_t>(track) >= spc.size() )
return "Invalid track";
long xid6_size = spc[track + 1] - ( spc[track] + head_size );
*(Spc_Emu::header_t const*) spc[track],
spc[track] + head_size, xid6_size, out
return 0;
static Music_Emu* new_rsn_emu () { return BLARGG_NEW Rsn_Emu ; }
static Music_Emu* new_rsn_file() { return BLARGG_NEW Rsn_File; }
static gme_type_t_ const gme_rsn_type_ = { "Super Nintendo", 0, &new_rsn_emu, &new_rsn_file, "RSN", 0 };
extern gme_type_t const gme_rsn_type = &gme_rsn_type_;
// Setup
blargg_err_t Spc_Emu::set_sample_rate_( long sample_rate )
enable_accuracy( false );
if ( sample_rate != native_sample_rate )
RETURN_ERR( resampler.buffer_size( native_sample_rate / 20 * 2 ) );
resampler.time_ratio( (double) native_sample_rate / sample_rate, 0.9965 );
return 0;
void Spc_Emu::enable_accuracy_( bool b )
Music_Emu::enable_accuracy_( b );
filter.enable( b );
if ( b ) enable_echo();
void Spc_Emu::mute_voices_( int m )
Music_Emu::mute_voices_( m );
for ( int i = 0, j = 1; i < SuperFamicom::SPC_DSP::voice_count; ++i, j <<= 1 )
smp.dsp.channel_enable( i, !( m & j ) );
blargg_err_t Spc_Emu::load_mem_( byte const* in, long size )
assert( offsetof (header_t,unused2 [46]) == header_size );
file_data = in;
file_size = size;
set_voice_count( SuperFamicom::SPC_DSP::voice_count );
if ( is_archive )
return 0;
if ( size < 0x10180 )
return gme_wrong_file_type;
return check_spc_header( in );
// Emulation
void Spc_Emu::set_tempo_( double t )
smp.set_tempo( t );
blargg_err_t Spc_Emu::start_track_( int track )
RETURN_ERR( Music_Emu::start_track_( track ) );
const byte * ptr = file_data;
Spc_Emu::header_t & header = *(Spc_Emu::header_t*)ptr;
ptr += sizeof(header);
smp.regs.pc = header.pc[0] + header.pc[1] * 0x100;
smp.regs.a = header.a;
smp.regs.x = header.x;
smp.regs.y = header.y;
smp.regs.p = header.psw;
smp.regs.s = header.sp;
memcpy( smp.apuram, ptr, sizeof smp.apuram );
// clear input ports that contain out port data from dump
memset( smp.apuram + 0xF4, 0, 4 );
memcpy( smp.sfm_last, ptr + 0xF4, 4 );
static const uint8_t regs_to_copy[][2] = {
{0xFC,0xFF}, {0xFB,0xFF}, {0xFA,0xFF}, {0xF9,0xFF},
{0xF8,0xFF}, {0xF2,0xFF}, {0xF1,0x87}
for (auto n : regs_to_copy)
smp.op_buswrite( n[0], ptr[ n[0] ] & n[1] );
smp.timer0.stage3_ticks = ptr[ 0xFD ] & 0x0F;
smp.timer1.stage3_ticks = ptr[ 0xFE ] & 0x0F;
smp.timer2.stage3_ticks = ptr[ 0xFF ] & 0x0F;
ptr += sizeof smp.apuram;
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.load( ptr );
#if 1
// clear fake echo ram
memset( &smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.echo_ram, 0xFF, sizeof smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.echo_ram );
if ( !( SuperFamicom::SPC_DSP::r_flg ) & 0x20) )
// if echo enabled, clear echo buffer
int addr = 0x100 * SuperFamicom::SPC_DSP::r_esa );
int end = addr + 0x800 * ( SuperFamicom::SPC_DSP::r_edl ) & 0x0F);
if ( end > 0x10000 )
end = 0x10000;
memset( &smp.apuram [addr], 0xFF, end - addr );
filter.set_gain( (int) (gain() * SPC_Filter::gain_unit) );
track_info_t spc_info;
RETURN_ERR( track_info_( &spc_info, track ) );
// Set a default track length, need a non-zero fadeout
if ( autoload_playback_limit() && ( spc_info.length > 0 ) )
set_fade ( spc_info.length, 50 );
return 0;
blargg_err_t Spc_Emu::play_and_filter( long count, sample_t out [] )
smp.render( out, count ); out, count );
return 0;
blargg_err_t Spc_Emu::skip_( long count )
if ( sample_rate() != native_sample_rate )
count = long (count * resampler.ratio()) & ~1;
count -= resampler.skip_input( count );
// TODO: shouldn't skip be adjusted for the 64 samples read afterwards?
if ( count > 0 )
smp.skip( count );
// eliminate pop due to resampler
if ( sample_rate() != native_sample_rate )
const int resampler_latency = 64;
sample_t buf [resampler_latency];
return play_( resampler_latency, buf );
return 0;
blargg_err_t Spc_Emu::play_( long count, sample_t* out )
if ( sample_rate() == native_sample_rate )
return play_and_filter( count, out );
long remain = count;
while ( remain > 0 )
remain -= &out [count - remain], remain );
if ( remain > 0 )
long n = resampler.max_write();
RETURN_ERR( play_and_filter( n, resampler.buffer() ) );
resampler.write( n );
check( remain == 0 );
return 0;
blargg_err_t Rsn_Emu::load_archive( const char* path )
#ifdef RARDLL
struct RAROpenArchiveData data = {
.ArcName = (char *)path,
.OpenMode = RAR_OM_LIST, .OpenResult = 0,
.CmtBuf = 0, .CmtBufSize = 0, .CmtSize = 0, .CmtState = 0
// get the file count and unpacked size
long pos = 0;
int count = 0;
HANDLE PASCAL rar = RAROpenArchive( &data );
struct RARHeaderData head;
for ( ; RARReadHeader( rar, &head ) == ERAR_SUCCESS; count++ )
RARProcessFile( rar, RAR_SKIP, 0, 0 );
pos += head.UnpSize;
rsn.resize( pos );
spc.resize( count + 1 );
RARCloseArchive( rar );
// copy the stream and index the tracks
byte *bp = &rsn[0];
data.OpenMode = RAR_OM_EXTRACT;
rar = RAROpenArchive( &data );
RARSetCallback( rar, call_rsn, (intptr_t)&bp );
for ( count = 0, pos = 0; RARReadHeader( rar, &head ) == ERAR_SUCCESS; )
RARProcessFile( rar, RAR_TEST, 0, 0 );
if ( !check_spc_header( bp - head.UnpSize ) )
spc[count++] = &rsn[pos];
pos += head.UnpSize;
spc[count] = &rsn[pos];
set_track_count( count );
RARCloseArchive( rar );
return 0;
(void) path;
return gme_wrong_file_type;
blargg_err_t Rsn_Emu::start_track_( int track )
if ( static_cast<size_t>(track) >= spc.size() )
return "Invalid track requested";
file_data = spc[track];
file_size = spc[track + 1] - spc[track];
return Spc_Emu::start_track_( track );
Rsn_Emu::~Rsn_Emu() { }