
421 lines
12 KiB

* This file is part of sidplayfp, a console SID player.
* Copyright 2011-2014 Leandro Nini
* Copyright 2000-2001 Simon White
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "player.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::dec;
using std::hex;
using std::flush;
using std::setw;
using std::setfill;
#include <sidplayfp/SidInfo.h>
#include <sidplayfp/SidTuneInfo.h>
// Display console menu
void ConsolePlayer::menu ()
if (m_quietLevel > 1)
const SidInfo &info = ();
const SidTuneInfo *tuneInfo = m_tune.getInfo();
// cerr << (char) 12 << '\f'; // New Page
if ((m_iniCfg.console ()).ansi)
cerr << '\x1b' << "[40m"; // Background black
cerr << '\x1b' << "[2J"; // Clear screen
cerr << '\x1b' << "[0;0H"; // Move cursor to 0,0
consoleTable (tableStart);
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (red, true);
cerr << " SID";
consoleColour (blue, true);
cerr << "PLAYFP";
consoleColour (white, true);
cerr << " - Music Player and C64 SID Chip Emulator" << endl;
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (white, false);
cerr << setw(19) << "Sidplayfp" << " V" << VERSION << ", ";
cerr << (char) toupper (*;
cerr << + 1 << " V" << info.version() << endl;
const unsigned int n = tuneInfo->numberOfInfoStrings();
if (n)
consoleTable (tableSeparator);
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (cyan, true);
cerr << " Title : ";
consoleColour (magenta, true);
cerr << tuneInfo->infoString(0) << endl;
if (n>1)
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (cyan, true);
cerr << " Author : ";
consoleColour (magenta, true);
cerr << tuneInfo->infoString(1) << endl;
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (cyan, true);
cerr << " Released : ";
consoleColour (magenta, true);
cerr << tuneInfo->infoString(2) << endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tuneInfo->numberOfCommentStrings(); i++)
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (cyan, true);
cerr << " Comment : ";
consoleColour (magenta, true);
cerr << tuneInfo->commentString(i) << endl;
consoleTable (tableSeparator);
if (m_verboseLevel)
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (green, true);
cerr << " File format : ";
consoleColour (white, true);
cerr << tuneInfo->formatString() << endl;
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (green, true);
cerr << " Filename(s) : ";
consoleColour (white, true);
cerr << tuneInfo->dataFileName() << endl;
// Second file is only sometimes present
if (tuneInfo->infoFileName())
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (green, true);
cerr << " : ";
consoleColour (white, true);
cerr << tuneInfo->infoFileName() << endl;
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (green, true);
cerr << " Condition : ";
consoleColour (white, true);
cerr << m_tune.statusString() << endl;
#if HAVE_TSID == 1
if (!m_tsid)
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (green, true);
cerr << " TSID Error : ";
consoleColour (white, true);
cerr << m_tsid.getError () << endl;
#endif // HAVE_TSID
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (green, true);
cerr << " Playlist : ";
consoleColour (white, true);
{ // This will be the format used for playlists
int i = 1;
if (!m_track.single)
i = m_track.selected;
i -= (m_track.first - 1);
if (i < 1)
i += m_track.songs;
cerr << i << '/' << m_track.songs;
cerr << " (tune " << tuneInfo->currentSong() << '/'
<< tuneInfo->songs() << '['
<< tuneInfo->startSong() << "])";
if (m_track.loop)
cerr << " [LOOPING]";
cerr << endl;
if (m_verboseLevel)
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (green, true);
cerr << " Song Speed : ";
consoleColour (white, true);
cerr << info.speedString() << endl;
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (green, true);
cerr << " Song Length : ";
consoleColour (white, true);
if (m_timer.stop)
cerr << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ((m_timer.stop / 60) % 100)
<< ':' << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (m_timer.stop % 60);
else if (m_timer.valid)
cerr << "FOREVER";
cerr << "UNKNOWN";
if (m_timer.start)
{ // Show offset
cerr << " (+" << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ((m_timer.start / 60) % 100)
<< ':' << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (m_timer.start % 60) << ")";
cerr << endl;
if (m_verboseLevel)
consoleTable (tableSeparator);
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (yellow, true);
cerr << " Addresses : " << hex;
consoleColour (white, false);
// Display PSID Driver location
cerr << "DRIVER = ";
if (info.driverAddr() == 0)
cerr << "NOT PRESENT";
cerr << "$" << setw(4) << setfill('0') << info.driverAddr();
cerr << "-$" << setw(4) << setfill('0') << info.driverAddr() +
(info.driverLength() - 1);
if (tuneInfo->playAddr() == 0xffff)
cerr << ", SYS = $" << setw(4) << setfill('0') << tuneInfo->initAddr();
cerr << ", INIT = $" << setw(4) << setfill('0') << tuneInfo->initAddr();
cerr << endl;
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (yellow, true);
cerr << " : ";
consoleColour (white, false);
cerr << "LOAD = $" << setw(4) << setfill('0') << tuneInfo->loadAddr();
cerr << "-$" << setw(4) << setfill('0') << tuneInfo->loadAddr() +
(tuneInfo->c64dataLen() - 1);
if (tuneInfo->playAddr() != 0xffff)
cerr << ", PLAY = $" << setw(4) << setfill('0') << tuneInfo->playAddr();
cerr << dec << endl;
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (yellow, true);
cerr << " SID Details : ";
consoleColour (white, false);
cerr << "Filter = "
<< ((m_filter.enabled == true) ? "Yes" : "No");
cerr << ", Model = ";
cerr << getModel(tuneInfo->sidModel1());
cerr << endl;
if (tuneInfo->isStereo())
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (yellow, true);
cerr << " : ";
consoleColour (white, false);
cerr << "2nd SID = $" << hex << tuneInfo->sidChipBase2() << dec;
cerr << ", Model = " << getModel(tuneInfo->sidModel2());
cerr << endl;
if (m_verboseLevel > 1)
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (yellow, true);
cerr << " Delay : ";
consoleColour (white, false);
cerr << info.powerOnDelay() << " (cycles at poweron)" << endl;
const char* romDesc = info.kernalDesc();
consoleTable (tableSeparator);
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (magenta, true);
cerr << " Kernal ROM : ";
if (strlen(romDesc) == 0)
consoleColour (red, false);
cerr << "None - Some tunes may not play!";
consoleColour (white, false);
cerr << romDesc;
cerr << endl;
romDesc = info.basicDesc();
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (magenta, true);
cerr << " BASIC ROM : ";
if (strlen(romDesc) == 0)
consoleColour (red, false);
cerr << "None - Basic tunes will not play!";
consoleColour (white, false);
cerr << romDesc;
cerr << endl;
romDesc = info.chargenDesc();
consoleTable (tableMiddle);
consoleColour (magenta, true);
cerr << " Chargen ROM : ";
if (strlen(romDesc) == 0)
consoleColour (red, false);
cerr << "None";
consoleColour (white, false);
cerr << romDesc;
cerr << endl;
consoleTable (tableEnd);
if (m_driver.file)
cerr << "Creating audio file, please wait...";
cerr << "Playing, press ^C to stop...";
// Get all the text to the screen so music playback
// is not disturbed.
if ( !m_quietLevel )
cerr << "00:00";
cerr << flush;
// Set colour of text on console
void ConsolePlayer::consoleColour (player_colour_t colour, bool bold)
if ((m_iniCfg.console ()).ansi)
const char *mode = "";
switch (colour)
case black: mode = "30"; break;
case red: mode = "31"; break;
case green: mode = "32"; break;
case yellow: mode = "33"; break;
case blue: mode = "34"; break;
case magenta: mode = "35"; break;
case cyan: mode = "36"; break;
case white: mode = "37"; break;
if (bold)
cerr << '\x1b' << "[1;40;" << mode << 'm';
cerr << '\x1b' << "[0;40;" << mode << 'm';
// Display menu outline
void ConsolePlayer::consoleTable (player_table_t table)
const unsigned int tableWidth = 54;
consoleColour (white, true);
switch (table)
case tableStart:
cerr << (m_iniCfg.console ()).topLeft << setw(tableWidth)
<< setfill ((m_iniCfg.console ()).horizontal) << ""
<< (m_iniCfg.console ()).topRight;
case tableMiddle:
cerr << setw(tableWidth + 1) << setfill(' ') << ""
<< (m_iniCfg.console ()).vertical << '\r'
<< (m_iniCfg.console ()).vertical;
case tableSeparator:
cerr << (m_iniCfg.console ()).junctionRight << setw(tableWidth)
<< setfill ((m_iniCfg.console ()).horizontal) << ""
<< (m_iniCfg.console ()).junctionLeft;
case tableEnd:
cerr << (m_iniCfg.console ()).bottomLeft << setw(tableWidth)
<< setfill ((m_iniCfg.console ()).horizontal) << ""
<< (m_iniCfg.console ()).bottomRight;
// Move back to begining of row and skip first char
cerr << "\n";
// Restore Ansi Console to defaults
void ConsolePlayer::consoleRestore ()
if ((m_iniCfg.console ()).ansi)
cerr << '\x1b' << "[0m";
const char* ConsolePlayer::getModel (SidTuneInfo::model_t model)
switch (model)
return "UNKNOWN";
case SidTuneInfo::SIDMODEL_6581:
return "6581";
case SidTuneInfo::SIDMODEL_8580:
return "8580";
case SidTuneInfo::SIDMODEL_ANY:
return "ANY";