275 lines
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275 lines
5.2 KiB
// Node.m
// CogNew
// Created by Vincent Spader on 1/4/06.
// Copyright 2006 Vincent Spader. All rights reserved.
#import "Node.h"
#import "BufferChain.h"
#import "Logging.h"
#import "OutputAVFoundation.h"
#import <pthread.h>
#import <mach/mach_time.h>
@implementation Node
- (id)initWithController:(id)c previous:(id)p {
self = [super init];
if(self) {
buffer = [[ChunkList alloc] initWithMaximumDuration:3.0];
semaphore = [[Semaphore alloc] init];
accessLock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
initialBufferFilled = NO;
controller = c;
endOfStream = NO;
shouldContinue = YES;
nodeChannelConfig = 0;
nodeLossless = NO;
[self setPreviousNode:p];
return self;
- (AudioStreamBasicDescription)nodeFormat {
return nodeFormat;
- (uint32_t)nodeChannelConfig {
return nodeChannelConfig;
- (BOOL)nodeLossless {
return nodeLossless;
- (void)writeData:(const void *)ptr amount:(size_t)amount {
[accessLock lock];
AudioChunk *chunk = [[AudioChunk alloc] init];
[chunk setFormat:nodeFormat];
if(nodeChannelConfig) {
[chunk setChannelConfig:nodeChannelConfig];
[chunk setLossless:nodeLossless];
[chunk assignSamples:ptr frameCount:amount / nodeFormat.mBytesPerPacket];
const double chunkDuration = [chunk duration];
double durationLeft = [buffer maxDuration] - [buffer listDuration];
while(shouldContinue == YES && chunkDuration > durationLeft) {
if(durationLeft < chunkDuration) {
if(initialBufferFilled == NO) {
initialBufferFilled = YES;
if([controller respondsToSelector:@selector(initialBufferFilled:)])
[controller performSelector:@selector(initialBufferFilled:) withObject:self];
if(durationLeft < chunkDuration || shouldReset) {
[accessLock unlock];
[semaphore wait];
[accessLock lock];
durationLeft = [buffer maxDuration] - [buffer listDuration];
[buffer addChunk:chunk];
[accessLock unlock];
- (void)writeChunk:(AudioChunk *)chunk {
[accessLock lock];
const double chunkDuration = [chunk duration];
double durationLeft = [buffer maxDuration] - [buffer listDuration];
while(shouldContinue == YES && chunkDuration > durationLeft) {
if(durationLeft < chunkDuration) {
if(initialBufferFilled == NO) {
initialBufferFilled = YES;
if([controller respondsToSelector:@selector(initialBufferFilled:)])
[controller performSelector:@selector(initialBufferFilled:) withObject:self];
if(durationLeft < chunkDuration || shouldReset) {
[accessLock unlock];
[semaphore wait];
[accessLock lock];
durationLeft = [buffer maxDuration] - [buffer listDuration];
[buffer addChunk:chunk];
[accessLock unlock];
// Should be overwriten by subclass.
- (void)process {
- (void)threadEntry:(id)arg {
@autoreleasepool {
[self process];
- (BOOL)peekFormat:(nonnull AudioStreamBasicDescription *)format channelConfig:(nonnull uint32_t *)config {
[accessLock lock];
BOOL ret = [[previousNode buffer] peekFormat:format channelConfig:config];
[accessLock unlock];
return ret;
- (AudioChunk *)readChunk:(size_t)maxFrames {
[accessLock lock];
if([[previousNode buffer] isEmpty] && [previousNode endOfStream] == YES) {
endOfStream = YES;
[accessLock unlock];
return [[AudioChunk alloc] init];
if([previousNode shouldReset] == YES) {
@autoreleasepool {
[buffer reset];
shouldReset = YES;
[previousNode setShouldReset:NO];
[[previousNode semaphore] signal];
AudioChunk *ret;
@autoreleasepool {
ret = [[previousNode buffer] removeSamples:maxFrames];
[accessLock unlock];
if([ret frameCount]) {
[[previousNode semaphore] signal];
return ret;
- (AudioChunk *)readChunkAsFloat32:(size_t)maxFrames {
[accessLock lock];
if([[previousNode buffer] isEmpty] && [previousNode endOfStream] == YES) {
endOfStream = YES;
[accessLock unlock];
return [[AudioChunk alloc] init];
if([previousNode shouldReset] == YES) {
@autoreleasepool {
[buffer reset];
shouldReset = YES;
[previousNode setShouldReset:NO];
[[previousNode semaphore] signal];
AudioChunk *ret;
@autoreleasepool {
ret = [[previousNode buffer] removeSamplesAsFloat32:maxFrames];
[accessLock unlock];
if([ret frameCount]) {
[[previousNode semaphore] signal];
return ret;
- (void)launchThread {
NSThread *thread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(threadEntry:) object:nil];
[thread setStackSize:1024 * 1024]; // Dammit, this new code makes the nodes overflow the stack size, so let's double the stack
[thread start];
- (void)setPreviousNode:(id)p {
previousNode = p;
- (id)previousNode {
return previousNode;
- (BOOL)shouldContinue {
return shouldContinue;
- (void)setShouldContinue:(BOOL)s {
shouldContinue = s;
- (ChunkList *)buffer {
return buffer;
- (void)resetBuffer {
shouldReset = YES; // Will reset on next write.
if(previousNode == nil) {
@autoreleasepool {
[accessLock lock];
[buffer reset];
[accessLock unlock];
- (Semaphore *)semaphore {
return semaphore;
- (BOOL)endOfStream {
return endOfStream;
- (void)setEndOfStream:(BOOL)e {
endOfStream = e;
- (void)setShouldReset:(BOOL)s {
shouldReset = s;
- (BOOL)shouldReset {
return shouldReset;
// Buffering nodes should implement this
- (double)secondsBuffered {
return 0.0;