
572 lines
20 KiB

// Game_Music_Emu $vers.
#include "Spc_Sfm.h"
#include "blargg_endian.h"
#include <stdio.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
// TODO: support Spc_Filter's bass
set_type( gme_sfm_type );
set_gain( 1.4 );
set_max_initial_silence( 30 );
set_silence_lookahead( 30 ); // Some SFMs may have a lot of initialization code
Sfm_Emu::~Sfm_Emu() { }
// Track info
static void hash_sfm_file( byte const* data, int data_size, Music_Emu::Hash_Function& out )
out.hash_( data, data_size );
blargg_err_t Sfm_Emu::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
const char * title = metadata.enumValue("information:title");
if (title) strncpy( out->song, title, 255 );
else out->song[0] = 0;
out->song[255] = '\0';
return blargg_ok;
static blargg_err_t check_sfm_header( void const* header )
if ( memcmp( header, "SFM1", 4 ) )
return blargg_err_file_type;
return blargg_ok;
struct Sfm_File : Gme_Info_
blargg_vector<byte> data;
Bml_Parser metadata;
Sfm_File() { set_type( gme_sfm_type ); }
blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& in )
int file_size = in.remain();
if ( file_size < Sfm_Emu::sfm_min_file_size )
return blargg_err_file_type;
RETURN_ERR( data.resize( file_size ) );
RETURN_ERR( data.begin(), data.end() - data.begin() ) );
RETURN_ERR( check_sfm_header( data.begin() ) );
if ( file_size < 8 )
return "SFM file too small";
int metadata_size = get_le32( data.begin() + 4 );
byte temp = data[ 8 + metadata_size ];
data[ 8 + metadata_size ] = '\0';
metadata.parseDocument( (const char *)data.begin() + 8 );
data[ 8 + metadata_size ] = temp;
return blargg_ok;
blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
const char * title = metadata.enumValue("information:title");
if (title) strncpy( out->song, title, 255 );
else out->song[0] = 0;
out->song[255] = '\0';
return blargg_ok;
blargg_err_t hash_( Hash_Function& out ) const
hash_sfm_file( data.begin(), data.end() - data.begin(), out );
return blargg_ok;
static Music_Emu* new_sfm_emu () { return BLARGG_NEW Sfm_Emu ; }
static Music_Emu* new_sfm_file() { return BLARGG_NEW Sfm_File; }
gme_type_t_ const gme_sfm_type [1] = {{ "Super Nintendo with log", 1, &new_sfm_emu, &new_sfm_file, "SFM", 0 }};
// Setup
blargg_err_t Sfm_Emu::set_sample_rate_( int sample_rate )
if ( sample_rate != native_sample_rate )
RETURN_ERR( resampler.resize_buffer( native_sample_rate / 20 * 2 ) );
RETURN_ERR( resampler.set_rate( (double) native_sample_rate / sample_rate ) ); // 0.9965 rolloff
return blargg_ok;
void Sfm_Emu::mute_voices_( int m )
Music_Emu::mute_voices_( m );
for ( int i = 0, j = 1; i < 8; ++i, j <<= 1 )
smp.dsp.channel_enable( i, !( m & j ) );
blargg_err_t Sfm_Emu::load_mem_( byte const in [], int size )
set_voice_count( 8 );
if ( size < Sfm_Emu::sfm_min_file_size )
return blargg_err_file_type;
static const char* const names [ 8 ] = {
"DSP 1", "DSP 2", "DSP 3", "DSP 4", "DSP 5", "DSP 6", "DSP 7", "DSP 8"
set_voice_names( names );
return check_sfm_header( in );
// Emulation
void Sfm_Emu::set_tempo_( double t )
/*apu.set_tempo( (int) (t * Snes_Spc::tempo_unit) );*/
// (n ? n : 256)
#define IF_0_THEN_256( n ) ((uint8_t) ((n) - 1) + 1)
#define META_ENUM_INT(n,d) (value = metadata.enumValue(n), value ? strtol(value, &end, 10) : (d))
static const byte ipl_rom[0x40] =
0xCD, 0xEF, 0xBD, 0xE8, 0x00, 0xC6, 0x1D, 0xD0,
0xFC, 0x8F, 0xAA, 0xF4, 0x8F, 0xBB, 0xF5, 0x78,
0xCC, 0xF4, 0xD0, 0xFB, 0x2F, 0x19, 0xEB, 0xF4,
0xD0, 0xFC, 0x7E, 0xF4, 0xD0, 0x0B, 0xE4, 0xF5,
0xCB, 0xF4, 0xD7, 0x00, 0xFC, 0xD0, 0xF3, 0xAB,
0x01, 0x10, 0xEF, 0x7E, 0xF4, 0x10, 0xEB, 0xBA,
0xF6, 0xDA, 0x00, 0xBA, 0xF4, 0xC4, 0xF4, 0xDD,
0x5D, 0xD0, 0xDB, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xFF
blargg_err_t Sfm_Emu::start_track_( int track )
RETURN_ERR( Music_Emu::start_track_( track ) );
const byte * ptr = file_begin();
if ( file_size() < Sfm_Emu::sfm_min_file_size )
return "SFM file too small";
int metadata_size = get_le32(ptr + 4);
if ( file_size() < metadata_size + Sfm_Emu::sfm_min_file_size )
return "SFM file too small";
metadata.parseDocument((const char *) ptr + 8, metadata_size);
memcpy( smp.iplrom, ipl_rom, 64 );
memcpy( smp.apuram, ptr + 8 + metadata_size, 65536 );
memcpy( smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.regs, ptr + 8 + metadata_size + 65536, 128 );
smp.set_sfm_queue( ptr + 8 + metadata_size + 65536 + 128, ptr + file_size() );
char * end;
const char * value;
uint32_t test = META_ENUM_INT("smp:test", 0);
smp.status.clock_speed = (test >> 6) & 3;
smp.status.timer_speed = (test >> 4) & 3;
smp.status.timers_enable = test & 0x08;
smp.status.ram_disable = test & 0x04;
smp.status.ram_writable = test & 0x02;
smp.status.timers_disable = test & 0x01;
smp.status.iplrom_enable = META_ENUM_INT("smp:iplrom",1);
smp.status.dsp_addr = META_ENUM_INT("smp:dspaddr",0);
value = metadata.enumValue("smp:ram");
if (value)
smp.status.ram00f8 = strtol(value, &end, 10);
if (*end)
value = end + 1;
smp.status.ram00f9 = strtol(value, &end, 10);
std::string name;
std::ostringstream oss;
name = "smp:regs:";
smp.regs.pc = META_ENUM_INT(name + "pc", 0xffc0);
smp.regs.a = META_ENUM_INT(name + "a", 0x00);
smp.regs.x = META_ENUM_INT(name + "x", 0x00);
smp.regs.y = META_ENUM_INT(name + "y", 0x00);
smp.regs.s = META_ENUM_INT(name + "s", 0xef);
smp.regs.p = META_ENUM_INT(name + "psw", 0x02);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
SuperFamicom::SMP::Timer<192> &t = (i == 0 ? smp.timer0 : (i == 1 ? smp.timer1 : *(SuperFamicom::SMP::Timer<192>*)&smp.timer2));
oss << "smp:timer[" << i << "]:";
name = oss.str();
value = metadata.enumValue(name + "enable");
if (value)
t.enable = !!strtol(value, &end, 10);
value = metadata.enumValue(name + "target");
if (value)
{ = strtol(value, &end, 10);
value = metadata.enumValue(name + "stage");
if (value)
t.stage0_ticks = strtol(value, &end, 10);
if (*end != ',') break;
value = end + 1;
t.stage1_ticks = strtol(value, &end, 10);
if (*end != ',') break;
value = end + 1;
t.stage2_ticks = strtol(value, &end, 10);
if (*end != ',') break;
value = end + 1;
t.stage3_ticks = strtol(value, &end, 10);
value = metadata.enumValue(name + "line");
if (value)
t.current_line = !!strtol(value, &end, 10);
smp.dsp.clock = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:clock", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.echo_hist_pos = &smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.echo_hist[META_ENUM_INT("dsp:echohistaddr", 0)];
value = metadata.enumValue("dsp:echohistdata");
if (value)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.echo_hist[i][0] = strtol(value, &end, 10);
value = strchr(value, ',');
if (!value) break;
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.echo_hist[i][1] = strtol(value, &end, 10);
value = strchr(value, ',');
if (!value) break;
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.phase = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:sample", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.kon = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:kon", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.noise = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:noise", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.counter = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:counter", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.echo_offset = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:echooffset", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.echo_length = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:echolength", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.new_kon = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:koncache", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.endx_buf = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:endx", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.envx_buf = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:envx", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.outx_buf = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:outx", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_pmon = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:pmon", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_non = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:non", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_eon = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:eon", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_dir = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:dir", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_koff = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:koff", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_brr_next_addr = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:brrnext", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_adsr0 = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:adsr0", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_brr_header = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:brrheader", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_brr_byte = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:brrdata", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_srcn = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:srcn", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_esa = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:esa", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_echo_enabled = !META_ENUM_INT("dsp:echodisable", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_dir_addr = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:diraddr", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_pitch = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:pitch", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_output = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:output", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_looped = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:looped", 0);
smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_echo_ptr = META_ENUM_INT("dsp:echoaddr", 0);
#define META_ENUM_LEVELS(n, o) \
value = metadata.enumValue(n); \
if (value) \
{ \
(o)[0] = strtol(value, &end, 10); \
if (*end) \
{ \
value = end + 1; \
(o)[1] = strtol(value, &end, 10); \
} \
META_ENUM_LEVELS("dsp:mainout", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_main_out);
META_ENUM_LEVELS("dsp:echoout", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_echo_out);
META_ENUM_LEVELS("dsp:echoin", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_echo_in);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
oss << "dsp:voice[" << i << "]:";
name = oss.str();
SuperFamicom::SPC_DSP::voice_t & voice = smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.voices[i];
value = metadata.enumValue(name + "brrhistaddr");
if (value)
voice.buf_pos = strtol(value, &end, 10);
value = metadata.enumValue(name + "brrhistdata");
if (value)
for (int j = 0; j < SuperFamicom::SPC_DSP::brr_buf_size; ++j)
voice.buf[j] = voice.buf[j + SuperFamicom::SPC_DSP::brr_buf_size] = strtol(value, &end, 10);
if (!*end) break;
value = end + 1;
voice.interp_pos = META_ENUM_INT(name + "interpaddr",0);
voice.brr_addr = META_ENUM_INT(name + "brraddr",0);
voice.brr_offset = META_ENUM_INT(name + "brroffset",0);
voice.vbit = META_ENUM_INT(name + "vbit",0);
voice.regs = &smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.regs[META_ENUM_INT(name + "vidx",0)];
voice.kon_delay = META_ENUM_INT(name + "kondelay", 0);
voice.env_mode = (SuperFamicom::SPC_DSP::env_mode_t) META_ENUM_INT(name + "envmode", 0);
voice.env = META_ENUM_INT(name + "env", 0);
voice.t_envx_out = META_ENUM_INT(name + "envxout", 0);
voice.hidden_env = META_ENUM_INT(name + "envcache", 0);
filter.set_gain( (int) (gain() * Spc_Filter::gain_unit) );
return blargg_ok;
blargg_err_t Sfm_Emu::save( gme_writer_t writer, void* your_data ) const
std::string name;
std::ostringstream oss;
Bml_Parser metadata;
const byte * ptr = file_begin();
int metadata_size = get_le32(ptr + 4);
metadata.parseDocument((const char *) ptr + 8, metadata_size);
metadata.setValue( "smp:test", (smp.status.clock_speed << 6) | (smp.status.timer_speed << 4) | (smp.status.timers_enable << 3) | (smp.status.ram_disable << 2) | (smp.status.ram_writable << 1) | (smp.status.timers_disable << 0) );
metadata.setValue( "smp:iplrom", smp.status.iplrom_enable );
metadata.setValue( "smp:dspaddr", smp.status.dsp_addr );
oss << smp.status.ram00f8 << "," << smp.status.ram00f9;
metadata.setValue( "smp:ram", oss.str().c_str() );
name = "smp:regs:";
metadata.setValue( name + "pc", smp.regs.pc );
metadata.setValue( name + "a", smp.regs.a );
metadata.setValue( name + "x", smp.regs.x );
metadata.setValue( name + "y", smp.regs.y );
metadata.setValue( name + "s", smp.regs.s );
metadata.setValue( name + "psw", smp.regs.p );
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
SuperFamicom::SMP::Timer<192> const& t = (i == 0 ? smp.timer0 : (i == 1 ? smp.timer1 : *(SuperFamicom::SMP::Timer<192>*)&smp.timer2));
oss << "smp:timer[" << i << "]:";
name = oss.str();
metadata.setValue( name + "enable", t.enable );
metadata.setValue( name + "target", );
oss << (unsigned long)t.stage0_ticks << "," << (unsigned long)t.stage1_ticks << ","
<< (unsigned long)t.stage2_ticks << "," << (unsigned long)t.stage3_ticks;
metadata.setValue( name + "stage", oss.str().c_str() );
metadata.setValue( name + "line", t.current_line );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:clock", smp.dsp.clock );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:echohistaddr", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.echo_hist_pos - smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.echo_hist );
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
oss << smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.echo_hist[i][0] << ","
<< smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.echo_hist[i][1];
if ( i != 7 ) oss << ",";
metadata.setValue( "dsp:echohistdata", oss.str().c_str() );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:sample", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.phase );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:kon", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.kon );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:noise", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.noise );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:counter", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.counter );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:echooffset", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.echo_offset );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:echolength", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.echo_length );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:koncache", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.new_kon );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:endx", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.endx_buf );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:envx", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.envx_buf );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:outx", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.outx_buf );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:pmon", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_pmon );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:non", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_non );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:eon", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_eon );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:dir", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_dir );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:koff", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_koff );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:brrnext", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_brr_next_addr );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:adsr0", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_adsr0 );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:brrheader", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_brr_header );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:brrdata", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_brr_byte );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:srcn", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_srcn );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:esa", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_esa );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:echodisable", !smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_echo_enabled );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:diraddr", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_dir_addr );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:pitch", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_pitch );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:output", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_output );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:looped", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_looped );
metadata.setValue( "dsp:echoaddr", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_echo_ptr );
#define META_WRITE_LEVELS(n, o) \
oss.str(""); \
oss.clear(); \
oss << (o)[0] << "," << (o)[1]; \
metadata.setValue((n), oss.str().c_str());
META_WRITE_LEVELS("dsp:mainout", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_main_out);
META_WRITE_LEVELS("dsp:echoout", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_echo_out);
META_WRITE_LEVELS("dsp:echoin", smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.t_echo_in);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
oss << "dsp:voice[" << i << "]:";
name = oss.str();
SuperFamicom::SPC_DSP::voice_t const& voice = smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.voices[i];
metadata.setValue( name + "brrhistaddr", voice.buf_pos );
for (int j = 0; j < SuperFamicom::SPC_DSP::brr_buf_size; ++j)
oss << voice.buf[j];
if ( j != SuperFamicom::SPC_DSP::brr_buf_size - 1 )
oss << ",";
metadata.setValue( name + "brrhistdata", oss.str().c_str() );
metadata.setValue( name + "interpaddr", voice.interp_pos );
metadata.setValue( name + "brraddr", voice.brr_addr );
metadata.setValue( name + "brroffset", voice.brr_offset );
metadata.setValue( name + "vbit", voice.vbit );
metadata.setValue( name + "vidx", voice.regs - smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.regs);
metadata.setValue( name + "kondelay", voice.kon_delay );
metadata.setValue( name + "envmode", voice.env_mode );
metadata.setValue( name + "env", voice.env );
metadata.setValue( name + "envxout", voice.t_envx_out );
metadata.setValue( name + "envcache", voice.hidden_env );
metadata.serialize( name );
RETURN_ERR( writer( your_data, "SFM1", 4 ) );
uint8_t temp[4];
uint32_t meta_length = (uint32_t) name.length();
set_le32( temp, meta_length );
RETURN_ERR( writer( your_data, temp, 4 ) );
RETURN_ERR( writer( your_data, name.c_str(), meta_length ) );
RETURN_ERR( writer( your_data, smp.apuram, 65536 ) );
RETURN_ERR( writer( your_data, smp.dsp.spc_dsp.m.regs, 128 ) );
if ( smp.get_sfm_queue_remain() )
RETURN_ERR( writer( your_data, smp.get_sfm_queue(), smp.get_sfm_queue_remain() ) );
return blargg_ok;
blargg_err_t Sfm_Emu::play_and_filter( int count, sample_t out [] )
smp.render( out, count ); out, count );
return blargg_ok;
blargg_err_t Sfm_Emu::skip_( int count )
if ( sample_rate() != native_sample_rate )
count = (int) (count * resampler.rate()) & ~1;
count -= resampler.skip_input( count );
// TODO: shouldn't skip be adjusted for the 64 samples read afterwards?
if ( count > 0 )
smp.skip( count );
if ( sample_rate() != native_sample_rate )
// eliminate pop due to resampler
const int resampler_latency = 64;
sample_t buf [resampler_latency];
return play_( resampler_latency, buf );
return blargg_ok;
blargg_err_t Sfm_Emu::play_( int count, sample_t out [] )
if ( sample_rate() == native_sample_rate )
return play_and_filter( count, out );
int remain = count;
while ( remain > 0 )
remain -= &out [count - remain], remain );
if ( remain > 0 )
int n = resampler.buffer_free();
RETURN_ERR( play_and_filter( n, resampler.buffer() ) );
resampler.write( n );
check( remain == 0 );
return blargg_ok;
blargg_err_t Sfm_Emu::hash_( Hash_Function& out ) const
hash_sfm_file( file_begin(), file_size(), out );
return blargg_ok;