
39 lines
900 B

// GCPopTestView.m
// GCWindowMenuTest
// Created by Graham on Tue Apr 24 2007.
// Copyright (c) 2007 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#import "PopupButton.h"
#import "GCWindowMenu.h"
@implementation PopupButton
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent*) event
// create the menu to pop up using the view connected to the _popView outlet
GCWindowMenu* menu = [GCWindowMenu windowMenuWithContentView:_popView];
[menu setShouldCloseWhenViewTrackingReturns:YES];
// place the menu relative to our window
NSPoint p = [self bounds].origin;
p.y += [self bounds].size.height;
p.x += ([self bounds].size.width - [[[_popView window] contentView] bounds].size.width)/2.0;
p = [self convertPoint:p toView:nil];
// draw self highlighted
[self highlight:YES];
// pop up and track the menu
[menu popUpAtPoint:p withEvent:event];
// unhighlight self
[self highlight:NO];