320 lines
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320 lines
7.7 KiB
* tuningCollection.cpp
* --------------------
* Purpose: Alternative sample tuning collection class.
* Notes : (currently none)
* Authors: OpenMPT Devs
* The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "tuningcollection.h"
#include "../common/mptIO.h"
#include "../common/serialization_utils.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "../common/mptFileIO.h"
#include "Loaders.h"
#include "../mptrack/TrackerSettings.h"
namespace Tuning {
Version history:
2->3: Serialization revamp(August 2007)
1->2: Sizetypes of string serialisation from size_t(uint32)
to uint8. (March 2007)
namespace CTuningS11n
void ReadStr(std::istream &iStrm, mpt::ustring &ustr, const std::size_t dummy, mpt::Charset charset);
void WriteStr(std::ostream &oStrm, const mpt::ustring &ustr);
} // namespace CTuningS11n
using namespace CTuningS11n;
static void ReadTuning(std::istream &iStrm, CTuningCollection &Tc, const std::size_t dummy, mpt::Charset defaultCharset)
Tc.AddTuning(iStrm, defaultCharset);
static void WriteTuning(std::ostream& oStrm, const CTuning& t)
CTuning* CTuningCollection::GetTuning(const mpt::ustring &name)
for(std::size_t i = 0; i<m_Tunings.size(); i++)
if(m_Tunings[i]->GetName() == name)
return m_Tunings[i].get();
return nullptr;
const CTuning* CTuningCollection::GetTuning(const mpt::ustring &name) const
for(std::size_t i = 0; i<m_Tunings.size(); i++)
if(m_Tunings[i]->GetName() == name)
return m_Tunings[i].get();
return nullptr;
Tuning::SerializationResult CTuningCollection::Serialize(std::ostream& oStrm, const mpt::ustring &name) const
srlztn::SsbWrite ssb(oStrm);
ssb.BeginWrite("TC", 3); // version
ssb.WriteItem(int8(1), "UTF8");
ssb.WriteItem(name, "0", &WriteStr);
uint16 dummyEditMask = 0xffff;
ssb.WriteItem(dummyEditMask, "1");
const size_t tcount = m_Tunings.size();
for(size_t i = 0; i<tcount; i++)
ssb.WriteItem(*m_Tunings[i], "2", &WriteTuning);
if(ssb.GetStatus() & srlztn::SNT_FAILURE)
return Tuning::SerializationResult::Failure;
return Tuning::SerializationResult::Success;
Tuning::SerializationResult CTuningCollection::Deserialize(std::istream &iStrm, mpt::ustring &name, mpt::Charset defaultCharset)
std::istream::pos_type startpos = iStrm.tellg();
const Tuning::SerializationResult oldLoadingResult = DeserializeOLD(iStrm, name, defaultCharset);
if(oldLoadingResult == Tuning::SerializationResult::NoMagic)
{ // An old version was not recognised - trying new version.
srlztn::SsbRead ssb(iStrm);
ssb.BeginRead("TC", 3); // version
int8 use_utf8 = 0;
ssb.ReadItem(use_utf8, "UTF8");
const mpt::Charset charset = use_utf8 ? mpt::Charset::UTF8 : defaultCharset;
const srlztn::SsbRead::ReadIterator iterBeg = ssb.GetReadBegin();
const srlztn::SsbRead::ReadIterator iterEnd = ssb.GetReadEnd();
for(srlztn::SsbRead::ReadIterator iter = iterBeg; iter != iterEnd; iter++)
uint16 dummyEditMask = 0xffff;
if (ssb.CompareId(iter, "0") == srlztn::SsbRead::IdMatch)
ssb.ReadIterItem(iter, name, [charset](std::istream &iStrm, mpt::ustring &ustr, const std::size_t dummy){ return ReadStr(iStrm, ustr, dummy, charset); });
else if (ssb.CompareId(iter, "1") == srlztn::SsbRead::IdMatch)
ssb.ReadIterItem(iter, dummyEditMask);
else if (ssb.CompareId(iter, "2") == srlztn::SsbRead::IdMatch)
ssb.ReadIterItem(iter, *this, [charset](std::istream &iStrm, CTuningCollection &Tc, const std::size_t dummy){ return ReadTuning(iStrm, Tc, dummy, charset); });
if(ssb.GetStatus() & srlztn::SNT_FAILURE)
return Tuning::SerializationResult::Failure;
return Tuning::SerializationResult::Success;
return oldLoadingResult;
Tuning::SerializationResult CTuningCollection::DeserializeOLD(std::istream &inStrm, mpt::ustring &uname, mpt::Charset defaultCharset)
//1. begin marker:
uint32 beginMarker = 0;
mpt::IO::ReadIntLE<uint32>(inStrm, beginMarker);
if(beginMarker != MagicBE("TCSH")) // Magic is reversed in file, hence BE
return Tuning::SerializationResult::NoMagic;
//2. version
int32 version = 0;
mpt::IO::ReadIntLE<int32>(inStrm, version);
if(version > 2 || version < 1)
return Tuning::SerializationResult::Failure;
//3. Name
if(version < 2)
std::string name;
if(!mpt::IO::ReadSizedStringLE<uint32>(inStrm, name, 256))
return Tuning::SerializationResult::Failure;
uname = mpt::ToUnicode(defaultCharset, name);
std::string name;
if(!mpt::IO::ReadSizedStringLE<uint8>(inStrm, name))
return Tuning::SerializationResult::Failure;
uname = mpt::ToUnicode(defaultCharset, name);
//4. Editmask
int16 em = 0;
mpt::IO::ReadIntLE<int16>(inStrm, em);
//Not assigning the value yet, for if it sets some property const,
//further loading might fail.
//5. Tunings
uint32 s = 0;
mpt::IO::ReadIntLE<uint32>(inStrm, s);
if(s > 50)
return Tuning::SerializationResult::Failure;
for(size_t i = 0; i<s; i++)
if(!AddTuning(inStrm, defaultCharset))
return Tuning::SerializationResult::Failure;
//6. End marker
uint32 endMarker = 0;
mpt::IO::ReadIntLE<uint32>(inStrm, endMarker);
if(endMarker != MagicBE("TCSF")) // Magic is reversed in file, hence BE
return Tuning::SerializationResult::Failure;
return Tuning::SerializationResult::Success;
bool CTuningCollection::Remove(const CTuning *pT)
const auto it = std::find_if(m_Tunings.begin(), m_Tunings.end(),
[&] (const std::unique_ptr<CTuning> & upT) -> bool
return upT.get() == pT;
if(it == m_Tunings.end())
return false;
return true;
bool CTuningCollection::Remove(const std::size_t i)
if(i >= m_Tunings.size())
return false;
m_Tunings.erase(m_Tunings.begin() + i);
return true;
CTuning* CTuningCollection::AddTuning(std::unique_ptr<CTuning> pT)
if(m_Tunings.size() >= s_nMaxTuningCount)
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
CTuning *result = pT.get();
return result;
CTuning* CTuningCollection::AddTuning(std::istream &inStrm, mpt::Charset defaultCharset)
if(m_Tunings.size() >= s_nMaxTuningCount)
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<CTuning> pT = CTuning::CreateDeserializeOLD(inStrm, defaultCharset);
pT = CTuning::CreateDeserialize(inStrm, defaultCharset);
return nullptr;
CTuning *result = pT.get();
return result;
bool UnpackTuningCollection(const CTuningCollection &tc, const mpt::PathString &prefix)
bool error = false;
auto numberFmt = mpt::FormatSpec().Dec().FillNul().Width(1 + static_cast<int>(std::log10(tc.GetNumTunings())));
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < tc.GetNumTunings(); ++i)
const CTuning & tuning = tc.GetTuning(i);
mpt::PathString fn;
fn += prefix;
mpt::ustring tuningName = tuning.GetName();
tuningName = U_("untitled");
fn += mpt::PathString::FromUnicode(mpt::format(U_("%1 - %2"))(mpt::ufmt::fmt(i + 1, numberFmt), tuningName));
fn += mpt::PathString::FromUTF8(CTuning::s_FileExtension);
error = true;
} else
mpt::SafeOutputFile sfout(fn, std::ios::binary, mpt::FlushModeFromBool(TrackerSettings::Instance().MiscFlushFileBuffersOnSave));
if(tuning.Serialize(sfout) != Tuning::SerializationResult::Success)
error = true;
return !error;
} // namespace Tuning