
250 lines
6.7 KiB

// This source code is a heavily modified version based on the unrar package.
// It may NOT be used to develop a RAR (WinRAR) compatible archiver.
// See license.txt for copyright and licensing.
// unrar_core 5.1.7
#include "unrar.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <limits.h>
//// Glue
// One goal is to keep source code as close to original as possible, so
// that changes to the original can be found and merged more easily.
// These names are too generic and might clash (or have already, hmpf)
#define Array Rar_Array
#define uint32 rar_uint32
#define int32 rar_int32
#define Unpack Rar_Unpack
#define Archive Rar_Archive
#define RawRead Rar_RawRead
#define BitInput Rar_BitInput
#define ModelPPM Rar_ModelPPM
#define RangeCoder Rar_RangeCoder
#define SubAllocator Rar_SubAllocator
#define UnpackFilter Rar_UnpackFilter
#define VM_PreparedProgram Rar_VM_PreparedProgram
#define CRCTab Rar_CRCTab
// original source used rar* names for these as well
#define rarmalloc malloc
#define rarrealloc realloc
#define rarfree free
// Internal flags, possibly set later
#undef NORARVM
// During debugging if expr is false, prints message then continues execution
#ifndef check
#define check( expr ) ((void) 0)
struct Rar_Error_Handler
jmp_buf jmp_env;
void MemoryError();
void ReportError( unrar_err_t );
// throw spec is mandatory in ISO C++ if operator new can return NULL
#if __cplusplus >= 199711 || __GNUC__ >= 3
#define UNRAR_NOTHROW throw ()
struct Rar_Allocator
// provides allocator that doesn't throw an exception on failure
static void operator delete ( void* p ) { free( p ); }
static void* operator new ( size_t s ) UNRAR_NOTHROW { return malloc( s ); }
static void* operator new ( size_t, void* p ) UNRAR_NOTHROW { return p; }
//// os.hpp
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define NM 1024
#if defined (__i386__) || defined (__x86_64__) || defined (_M_IX86) || defined (_M_X64)
// Optimizations mostly only apply to x86
#if defined(__sparc) || defined(sparc) || defined(__sparcv9)
/* prohibit not aligned access to data structures in text comression
algorithm, increases memory requirements */
//// rartypes.hpp
typedef unsigned int uint32; //32 bits exactly
typedef int int32; //signed 32 bits exactly
#define PRESENT_INT32
typedef unsigned char byte; //8 bits
typedef unsigned short ushort; //preferably 16 bits, but can be more
typedef unsigned int uint; //32 bits or more
typedef blargg_wchar_t wchar;
#define GET_SHORT16(x) (sizeof(ushort)==2 ? (ushort)(x):((x)&0xffff))
#define GET_UINT32(x) (sizeof(uint )==4 ? (uint )(x):((x)&0xffffffff))
//// rardefs.hpp
#define Min(x,y) (((x)<(y)) ? (x):(y))
#define Max(x,y) (((x)>(y)) ? (x):(y))
#define ALIGN_VALUE(v,a) (size_t(v) + ( (~size_t(v) + 1) & (a - 1) ) )
#define ASIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
//// int64.hpp
typedef unrar_long_long int64;
typedef unrar_ulong_long uint64;
#define int64to32(x) ((uint)(x))
#define int32to64(high,low) ((((int64)(high))<<31<<1)+(low))
#define is64plus(x) (x>=0)
#define INT64MAX int32to64(0x7fffffff,0)
#define INT64NDF int32to64(0x7fffffff,0x7fffffff)
//// crc.hpp
extern uint crc_tables[8][256];
void InitCRCTables();
uint CRC32(uint StartCRC,const void *Addr,size_t Size);
ushort Checksum14(ushort StartCRC,const void *Addr,size_t Size);
#define SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE 32
#include "blake2s.hpp"
#include "hash.hpp"
//// rdwrfn.hpp
class ComprDataIO
: public Rar_Error_Handler
unrar_read_func user_read;
unrar_write_func user_write;
void* user_read_data;
void* user_write_data;
unrar_err_t write_error; // once write error occurs, no more writes are made
int64 Tell_;
bool OldFormat;
int64 UnpPackedSize;
bool SkipUnpCRC;
int UnpRead(byte *Addr,uint Count);
void UnpWrite(byte *Addr,uint Count);
void SetSkipUnpCRC( bool b ) { SkipUnpCRC = b; }
void SetPackedSizeToRead( int64 n ) { UnpPackedSize = n; }
uint UnpFileCRC;
void Seek(int64 Offset, int Method = 0 ) { (void)Method; Tell_ = Offset; }
int64 Tell() { return Tell_; }
int Read( void* p, int n );
DataHash PackedDataHash; // Packed write and unpack read hash.
DataHash PackHash; // Pack read hash.
DataHash UnpHash; // Unpack write hash.
//// secpassword.hpp
void cleandata(void *data,size_t size);
//// pathfn.hpp
wchar* GetWideName(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW,wchar *DestW,size_t DestSize);
void UnixSlashToDos(const char *SrcName, char *DestName, size_t MaxLength);
void DosSlashToUnix(const char *SrcName, char *DestName, size_t MaxLength);
void UnixSlashToDos(const wchar *SrcName, wchar *DestName, size_t MaxLength);
void DosSlashToUnix(const wchar *SrcName, wchar *DestName, size_t MaxLength);
//// rar.hpp
class Unpack;
#include "array.hpp"
#include "unicode.hpp"
#include "timefn.hpp"
#include "headers.hpp"
#include "headers5.hpp"
#include "getbits.hpp"
#include "archive.hpp"
#include "rawread.hpp"
#include "encname.hpp"
#include "compress.hpp"
#include "rarvm.hpp"
#include "model.hpp"
#include "strfn.hpp"
#include "unpack.hpp"
//// savepos.hpp
class SaveFilePos
File *SaveFile;
int64 SavePos;
SaveFilePos(File &Src)
//// extract.hpp
/** RAR archive */
struct unrar_t
: public Rar_Allocator
unrar_info_t info;
unrar_pos_t begin_pos;
unrar_pos_t solid_pos;
unrar_pos_t first_file_pos;
void const* data_;
void* own_data_;
void (*close_file)( void* ); // func ptr to avoid linking fclose() in unnecessarily
bool done;
long FileCount;
Unpack* Unp;
Array<byte> Buffer;
// large items last
Archive Arc;
void UnstoreFile( int64 );
unrar_err_t ExtractCurrentFile( bool SkipSolid = false, bool check_compatibility_only = false );
void update_first_file_pos()
if ( FileCount == 0 )
first_file_pos = Arc.CurBlockPos;
typedef unrar_t CmdExtract;