588 lines
12 KiB
588 lines
12 KiB
// MADFile.m
// Cog
// Created by Vincent Spader on 6/17/06.
// Copyright 2006 Vincent Spader. All rights reserved.
#import "MADDecoder.h"
#import <ID3Tag/id3tag.h>
@implementation MADDecoder
#define XING_MAGIC (('X' << 24) | ('i' << 16) | ('n' << 8) | 'g')
#define INFO_MAGIC (('I' << 24) | ('n' << 16) | ('f' << 8) | 'o')
#define LAME_MAGIC (('L' << 24) | ('A' << 16) | ('M' << 8) | 'E')
struct xing
long flags; /* valid fields (see below) */
unsigned long frames; /* total number of frames */
unsigned long bytes; /* total number of bytes */
unsigned char toc[100]; /* 100-point seek table */
long scale; /* ?? */
struct lame
long flags;
XING_FRAMES = 0x00000001L,
XING_BYTES = 0x00000002L,
XING_TOC = 0x00000004L,
XING_SCALE = 0x00000008L
int lame_parse(struct lame *lame, struct mad_bitptr *ptr, unsigned int bitlen)
unsigned long magic;
unsigned long garbage;
magic = mad_bit_read(ptr, 32); //4 bytes
if (magic != LAME_MAGIC)
return 0;
mad_bit_skip(ptr, 17*8); //17 bytes skipped
garbage = mad_bit_read(ptr, 24); //3 bytes
// _startPadding = (garbage >> 12) & 0x000FFF;
// _endPadding = garbage & 0x000FFF;
return 1;
int xing_parse(struct xing *xing, struct mad_bitptr *ptr, unsigned int bitlen)
xing->flags = 0;
unsigned long magic;
if (bitlen < 64)
return 0;
magic = mad_bit_read(ptr, 32);
if (magic != INFO_MAGIC && magic != XING_MAGIC)
return 0;
xing->flags = mad_bit_read(ptr, 32);
bitlen -= 64;
if (xing->flags & XING_FRAMES) {
if (bitlen < 32)
return 0;
xing->frames = mad_bit_read(ptr, 32);
bitlen -= 32;
if (xing->flags & XING_BYTES) {
if (bitlen < 32)
return 0;
xing->bytes = mad_bit_read(ptr, 32);
bitlen -= 32;
if (xing->flags & XING_TOC) {
int i;
if (bitlen < 800)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
xing->toc[i] = mad_bit_read(ptr, 8);
bitlen -= 800;
if (xing->flags & XING_SCALE) {
if (bitlen < 32)
return 0;
xing->scale = mad_bit_read(ptr, 32);
bitlen -= 32;
return 1;
int parse_headers(struct xing *xing, struct lame *lame, struct mad_bitptr ptr, unsigned int bitlen)
xing->flags = 0;
lame->flags = 0;
if (xing_parse(xing, &ptr, bitlen))
lame_parse(lame, &ptr, bitlen);
return 1;
return 0;
- (BOOL)scanFileFast:(BOOL)fast useXing:(BOOL)use_xing
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 16*1024;
const int N_AVERAGE_FRAMES = 10;
struct mad_stream stream;
struct mad_header header;
struct mad_frame frame; /* to read xing data */
struct xing xing;
struct lame lame;
int remainder = 0;
int data_used = 0;
int len = 0;
int tagsize = 0;
int frames = 0;
unsigned char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
BOOL has_xing = NO;
BOOL vbr = NO;
mad_stream_init (&stream);
mad_header_init (&header);
mad_frame_init (&frame);
bitrate = 0;
_duration = mad_timer_zero;
frames = 0;
[_source seek:0 whence:SEEK_END];
_fileSize = [_source tell];
[_source seek:0 whence:SEEK_SET];
BOOL done = NO;
while (!done)
remainder = stream.bufend - stream.next_frame;
memcpy (buffer, stream.this_frame, remainder);
len = [_source read:buffer + remainder amount:BUFFER_SIZE - remainder];
if (len <= 0)
mad_stream_buffer (&stream, buffer, len + remainder);
while (1)
if (mad_header_decode (&header, &stream) == -1)
if (stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN)
if (!MAD_RECOVERABLE (stream.error))
if (stream.error == MAD_ERROR_LOSTSYNC)
/* ignore LOSTSYNC due to ID3 tags */
tagsize = id3_tag_query (stream.this_frame,
stream.bufend -
if (tagsize > 0)
mad_stream_skip (&stream, tagsize);
mad_timer_add (&_duration, header.duration);
data_used += stream.next_frame - stream.this_frame;
if (frames == 1)
/* most of these *should* remain constant */
bitrate = header.bitrate;
frequency = header.samplerate;
channels = MAD_NCHANNELS(&header);
if (use_xing)
frame.header = header;
if (mad_frame_decode(&frame, &stream) == -1)
if (parse_headers(&xing, &lame, stream.anc_ptr, stream.anc_bitlen))
has_xing = YES;
vbr = YES;
frames = xing.frames;
mad_timer_multiply (&_duration, frames);
bitrate = 8.0 * xing.bytes / mad_timer_count(_duration, MAD_UNITS_SECONDS);
done = YES;
/* perhaps we have a VBR file */
if (bitrate != header.bitrate)
vbr = YES;
if (vbr)
bitrate += header.bitrate;
if ((!vbr || (vbr && !has_xing)) && fast && frames >= N_AVERAGE_FRAMES)
float frame_size = ((double)data_used) / N_AVERAGE_FRAMES;
frames = (_fileSize - tagsize) / frame_size;
_duration.seconds /= N_AVERAGE_FRAMES;
_duration.fraction /= N_AVERAGE_FRAMES;
mad_timer_multiply (&_duration, frames);
done = YES;
if (stream.error != MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN)
if (vbr && !has_xing)
bitrate = bitrate / frames;
mad_frame_finish (&frame);
mad_header_finish (&header);
mad_stream_finish (&stream);
length = mad_timer_count(_duration, MAD_UNITS_MILLISECONDS);
bitrate /= 1000;
[_source seek:0 whence:SEEK_SET];
return frames != 0;
- (BOOL)open:(id<CogSource>)source
[source retain];
[_source release];
_source = source;
/* First the structures used by libmad must be initialized. */
bitsPerSample = 16;
return [self scanFileFast:YES useXing:YES];
* Scale PCM data
static inline signed int scale (mad_fixed_t sample)
BOOL hard_limit = YES;
// BOOL replaygain = NO;
/* replayGain by SamKR */
double scale = -1;
/* if (replaygain)
if (file_info->has_replaygain)
scale = file_info->replaygain_track_scale;
if (file_info->replaygain_album_scale != -1
&& (scale==-1 || ! xmmsmad_config.replaygain.track_mode))
scale = file_info->replaygain_album_scale;
if (scale == -1)
scale = xmmsmad_config.replaygain.default_scale;
if (scale == -1)
scale = 1.0;
/* hard-limit (clipping-prevention) */
if (hard_limit)
/* convert to double before computation, to avoid mad_fixed_t wrapping */
double x = mad_f_todouble(sample) * scale;
static const double k = 0.5; // -6dBFS
if (x > k)
x = tanh((x - k) / (1-k)) * (1-k) + k;
else if(x < -k)
x = tanh((x + k) / (1-k)) * (1-k) - k;
sample = x * (MAD_F_ONE);
sample *= scale;
int n_bits_to_loose = MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - 16;
/* round */
/* add half of the bits_to_loose range to round */
sample += (1L << (n_bits_to_loose - 1));
/* clip */
/* make sure we are between -1 and 1 */
if (sample >= MAD_F_ONE)
sample = MAD_F_ONE - 1;
else if (sample < -MAD_F_ONE)
sample = -MAD_F_ONE;
/* quantize */
* Turn our mad_fixed_t into an integer.
* Shift all but 16-bits of the fractional part
* off the right hand side and shift an extra place
* to get the sign bit.
sample >>= n_bits_to_loose;
return sample;
- (void)writeOutput
unsigned int nsamples;
mad_fixed_t const *left_ch, *right_ch;
// if (_outputAvailable) {
// NSLog(@"Losing Output: %i", _outputAvailable);
// }
nsamples = _synth.pcm.length;
left_ch = _synth.pcm.samples[0];
right_ch = _synth.pcm.samples[1];
_outputAvailable = nsamples * channels * (bitsPerSample/8);
if (_outputBuffer)
_outputBuffer = (unsigned char *) malloc (_outputAvailable * sizeof (char));
unsigned char *outputPtr = _outputBuffer;
int i;
for (i=0; i < nsamples; i++)
signed short sample;
/* output sample(s) in 16-bit signed little-endian PCM */
sample = scale(left_ch[i]);
*(outputPtr++) = sample>>8;
*(outputPtr++) = sample & 0xff;
if (channels == 2)
sample = scale(right_ch[i]);
*(outputPtr++) = sample>>8;
*(outputPtr++) = sample & 0xff;
- (int)fillBuffer:(void *)buf ofSize:(UInt32)size
int remainder;
int len;
BOOL eof = NO;
int amountToCopy = size;
int amountRemaining = size;
if (amountToCopy > _outputAvailable)
amountToCopy = _outputAvailable;
if (amountToCopy) {
memcpy(buf, _outputBuffer, amountToCopy);
memmove(_outputBuffer, _outputBuffer + amountToCopy, _outputAvailable - amountToCopy);
amountRemaining -= amountToCopy;
_outputAvailable -= amountToCopy;
while (amountRemaining > 0 && !eof) {
if (_stream.buffer == NULL || _stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN)
if (!_seekSkip)
remainder = _stream.bufend - _stream.next_frame;
if (remainder)
memmove(_inputBuffer, _stream.this_frame, remainder);
remainder = 0;
len = [_source read:_inputBuffer+remainder amount:INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE-remainder];
if (len <= 0)
eof = YES;
len += remainder;
if (len < MAD_BUFFER_GUARD) {
int i;
for (i = len; i < MAD_BUFFER_GUARD; i++)
_inputBuffer[i] = 0;
mad_stream_buffer(&_stream, _inputBuffer, len);
_stream.error = 0;
if (_seekSkip)
int skip = 2;
if (mad_frame_decode (&_frame, &_stream) == 0)
mad_timer_add (&_timer, _frame.header.duration);
if (--skip == 0)
mad_synth_frame (&_synth, &_frame);
else if (!MAD_RECOVERABLE (_stream.error))
} while (skip);
_seekSkip = NO;
if (mad_frame_decode(&_frame, &_stream) == -1) {
if (!MAD_RECOVERABLE (_stream.error))
if(_stream.error==MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN) {
eof = YES;
if (_stream.error == MAD_ERROR_LOSTSYNC)
// ignore LOSTSYNC due to ID3 tags
int tagsize = id3_tag_query (_stream.this_frame,
_stream.bufend -
if (tagsize > 0)
mad_stream_skip (&_stream, tagsize);
mad_timer_add (&_timer, _frame.header.duration);
mad_synth_frame (&_synth, &_frame);
[self writeOutput];
amountToCopy = amountRemaining;
if (amountToCopy > _outputAvailable) {
amountToCopy = _outputAvailable;
if (amountRemaining < amountToCopy) {
amountToCopy = amountRemaining;
memcpy(((char *)buf)+(size-amountRemaining), _outputBuffer, amountToCopy);
memmove(_outputBuffer, _outputBuffer + amountToCopy, _outputAvailable - amountToCopy);
amountRemaining -= amountToCopy;
_outputAvailable -= amountToCopy;
return (size - amountRemaining);
- (void)close
[_source close];
- (double)seekToTime:(double)milliseconds
int new_position;
int seconds = milliseconds/1000.0;
int total_seconds = mad_timer_count(_duration, MAD_UNITS_SECONDS);
if (seconds > total_seconds)
seconds = total_seconds;
mad_timer_set(&_timer, seconds, 0, 0);
new_position = ((double) seconds / (double) total_seconds) * _fileSize;
[_source seek:new_position whence:SEEK_SET];
_stream.error = MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN;
_stream.sync = 0;
_outputAvailable = 0;
_seekSkip = YES;
return seconds*1000.0;
- (NSDictionary *)properties
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithInt:channels],@"channels",
[NSNumber numberWithInt:bitsPerSample],@"bitsPerSample",
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:frequency],@"sampleRate",
[NSNumber numberWithInt:bitrate],@"bitrate",
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:length],@"length",
@"big", @"endian",
- (BOOL)seekable
return [_source seekable];
+ (NSArray *)fileTypes
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"mp3",nil];