+ Apologies for this one-time notice, but it's important! +
+ + Enabled by default + +

+ + Disabled and opt-in + +
+ Starting with version 3.7.0,
+ Indie Wiki Buddy now only has permission to filter search results on
+ Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo by-default.
+ If you would like to re-enable Indie Wiki Buddy's search filtering on any other search engines
+ (that includes Yahoo!, Brave, Ecosia, Startpage, Qwant, Kagi, and Yandex),
+ or if you would like to disable Indie Wiki Buddy's access to Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo,
+ you can do so on the settings page.
+ This change is being done to be more privacy-friendly.
+ Indie Wiki Buddy now supports 10 search engines, but most users only use one or two,
+ so it makes sense to have most search engines be opt-in.
+ In addition, when we add support for more search engines in future updates,
+ you won't have to deal with those annoying requests for new permissions
+ since they will be opt-in!
+ As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to
+ get in touch. Thank you!