if (typeof importScripts !== 'undefined') { importScripts('scripts/common-functions.js'); } // Capture web requests chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener( async (event) => { if (event.documentLifecycle !== 'prerender') { if (event.frameType === 'sub_frame') { let tabInfo = await chrome.tabs.get(event.tabId); main(tabInfo.url, event.tabId); } else { main(event.url, event.tabId); } } }, { urls: ['*://*.fandom.com/*', '*://*.wiki.fextralife.com/*'], types: ['main_frame', 'sub_frame'] } ); // Listen for user turning extension on or off, to update icon chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg, sender, sendResponse) => { if (msg.action === 'updateIcon') { setPowerIcon(msg.value); } }); // Listen for browser starting, to set initial icon state chrome.runtime.onStartup.addListener(() => { chrome.storage.local.get({ 'power': 'on' }, (item) => { setPowerIcon(item.power); }); }); // Listen for extension installed/updating chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(async (detail) => { // Set initial icon state chrome.storage.local.get({ 'power': 'on' }, (item) => { setPowerIcon(item.power); }); // If new install, open settings with starter guide if (detail.reason === 'install') { chrome.tabs.create({ url: 'pages/settings/index.html?newinstall=true' }); } // If update, open changelog if setting is enabled chrome.storage.sync.get({ 'openChangelog': 'off' }, (item) => { if (item.openChangelog === 'on' && detail.reason === 'update') { chrome.tabs.create({ url: 'https://getindie.wiki/changelog/?updated=true', active: false }); } }); // Temporary functions for 3.0 migration if (detail.reason === 'update') { commonFunctionMigrateToV3(); } }); function setPowerIcon(status) { const manifestVersion = chrome.runtime.getManifest().manifest_version; if (status === 'on') { if (manifestVersion === 2) { chrome.browserAction.setIcon({ path: "/images/logo-128.png" }); } else { chrome.action.setIcon({ path: "/images/logo-128.png" }); } } else { if (manifestVersion === 2) { chrome.browserAction.setIcon({ path: "/images/logo-off.png" }); } else { chrome.action.setIcon({ path: "/images/logo-off.png" }); } } } function redirectToBreezeWiki(storage, tabId, url) { function processRedirect(host) { // Extract article from URL const urlFormatted = new URL(url); urlFormatted.search = ''; const subdomain = urlFormatted.hostname.split(".")[0]; const article = String(urlFormatted).split('fandom.com/wiki/')[1].replaceAll('%20', '_'); // Perform redirect if (article) { chrome.tabs.update(tabId, { url: host + '/' + subdomain + '/wiki/' + article }); } else { chrome.tabs.update(tabId, { url: host + '/' + subdomain }); } // Increase BreezeWiki stat count chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'countBreezeWiki': (storage.countBreezeWiki ?? 0) + 1 }); if ((storage.notifications ?? 'on') === 'on') { // Notify that user is being redirected to BreezeWiki let notifID = 'independent-wiki-redirector-notification-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1E16); chrome.notifications.create(notifID, { "type": "basic", "iconUrl": 'images/logo-48.png', "title": "You've been redirected to BreezeWiki!", "message": "Indie Wiki Buddy has sent you to BreezeWiki for a cleaner, ad-free experience on Fandom." }); // Self-clear notification after 6 seconds setTimeout(() => { chrome.notifications.clear(notifID); }, 6000); } } if (url.includes('fandom.com/wiki/') && !url.includes('fandom=allow')) { if (!(storage.breezewikiHost ?? null)) { fetch('https://bw.getindie.wiki/instances.json') .then((response) => { if (response.ok) { return response.json(); } throw new Error('Indie Wiki Buddy failed to get BreezeWiki data.'); }).then((breezewikiHosts) => { breezewikiHosts = breezewikiHosts.filter(host => chrome.runtime.getManifest().version.localeCompare(host.iwb_version, undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' } ) >= 0 ); // Check if BreezeWiki's main site is available let breezewikiMain = breezewikiHosts.filter(host => host.instance === 'https://breezewiki.com'); if (breezewikiMain.length > 0) { chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHost': breezewikiMain[0].instance }); } else { // If BreezeWiki.com is not available, set to a random mirror try { chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHost': breezewikiHosts[Math.floor(Math.random() * breezewikiHosts.length)].instance }); } catch (e) { console.log('Indie Wiki Buddy failed to get BreezeWiki data: ' + e); } } chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHostOptions': breezewikiHosts }); chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHostFetchTimestamp': Date.now() }); processRedirect(host); }).catch((e) => { console.log('Indie Wiki Buddy failed to get BreezeWiki data: ' + e); chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHost': 'https://breezewiki.com' }); }); } else { if (storage.breezewikiHost === 'CUSTOM') { processRedirect(storage.breezewikiCustomHost || 'https://breezewiki.com'); } else { processRedirect(storage.breezewikiHost); } } } } async function main(url, tabId) { // Create object prototypes for getting and setting attributes Object.prototype.get = function (prop) { this[prop] = this[prop] || {}; return this[prop]; }; Object.prototype.set = function (prop, value) { this[prop] = value; } chrome.storage.local.get((localStorage) => { chrome.storage.sync.get(async (syncStorage) => { const storage = { ...syncStorage, ...localStorage }; if ((storage.power ?? 'on') === 'on') { let crossLanguageSetting = storage.crossLanguage || 'off'; let matchingSite = await commonFunctionFindMatchingSite(url, crossLanguageSetting); if (matchingSite) { // Get user's settings for the wiki let settings = await commonFunctionDecompressJSON(storage.wikiSettings) || {}; let id = matchingSite['id']; let siteSetting = settings[id] || storage.defaultWikiAction || 'alert'; // Check if redirects are enabled for the site if (siteSetting === 'redirect') { let newURL = commonFunctionGetNewURL(url, matchingSite); // Perform redirect chrome.tabs.update(tabId, { url: newURL }); // Increase redirect count chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'countRedirects': (storage.countRedirects ?? 0) + 1 }); // Notify if enabled if ((storage.notifications ?? 'on') === 'on') { // Notify that user is being redirected let notifID = 'independent-wiki-redirector-notification-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1E16); chrome.notifications.create(notifID, { "type": "basic", "iconUrl": 'images/logo-48.png', "title": "You've been redirected!", "message": "Indie Wiki Buddy has sent you from " + matchingSite['origin'] + " to " + matchingSite['destination'] }); // Self-clear notification after 6 seconds setTimeout(() => { chrome.notifications.clear(notifID); }, 6000); } } else if ((storage.breezewiki ?? 'off') === 'on' || (storage.breezewiki ?? 'off') === 'redirect') { redirectToBreezeWiki(storage, tabId, url); } } else if ((storage.breezewiki ?? 'off') === 'on' || (storage.breezewiki ?? 'off') === 'redirect') { redirectToBreezeWiki(storage, tabId, url); } } }); }); }