// Set power setting function setPower(setting) { chrome.storage.local.set({ 'power': setting }); var powerImage = document.getElementById('powerImage'); powerImage.src = 'images/power-' + setting + '.png'; powerImage.alt = 'Indie Wiki Buddy is ' + setting; chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: 'updateIcon', value: setting }); } // Populate BreezeWiki dropdown when enabled async function loadBreezeWikiOptions() { // Load BreezeWiki options: chrome.storage.sync.get(['breezewikiHostOptions', 'breezewikiHostFetchTimestamp', 'breezewikiHost'], function (item) { let hostOptions = item.breezewikiHostOptions; let hostFetchTimestamp = item.breezewikiHostFetchTimestamp; let host = item.breezewikiHost; // Fetch and cache list of BreezeWiki hosts if first time, // or if it has been 24 hrs since last refresh if (!host || !hostOptions || !hostFetchTimestamp || (Date.now() - 86400000 > hostFetchTimestamp)) { fetch('https://bw.getindie.wiki/instances.json') .then((response) => { if (response.ok) { return response.json(); } throw new Error('Indie Wiki Buddy failed to get BreezeWiki data.'); }).then((breezewikiHosts) => { breezewikiHosts = breezewikiHosts.filter(host => chrome.runtime.getManifest().version.localeCompare(host.iwb_version, undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' } ) >= 0 ); // If host isn't set, or currently selected host is no longer available, select random host: if (!host || !breezewikiHosts.some(item => item.instance === host)) { // Check if BreezeWiki's main site is available let breezewikiMain = breezewikiHosts.filter(host => host.instance === 'https://breezewiki.com'); if (breezewikiMain.length > 0) { host = breezewikiMain[0].instance; } else { // If BreezeWiki.com is not available, set to a random mirror try { host = breezewikiHosts[Math.floor(Math.random() * breezewikiHosts.length)].instance; } catch (e) { console.log('Indie Wiki Buddy failed to get BreezeWiki data: ' + e); } } } // Populate dropdown selection of hosts const breezewikiHostSelect = document.getElementById('breezewikiHostSelect'); while (breezewikiHostSelect.firstChild) { // Remove any existing options breezewikiHostSelect.removeChild(breezewikiHostSelect.lastChild); } for (var i = 0; i < breezewikiHosts.length; i++) { let option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = breezewikiHosts[i].instance; let textContent = breezewikiHosts[i].instance.replace('https://', ''); const numberOfPeriods = (textContent.match(/\./g)||[]).length; if (numberOfPeriods > 1) { textContent = textContent.substring(textContent.indexOf('.') + 1); } option.textContent = textContent; breezewikiHostSelect.appendChild(option); if (option.value === host) { breezewikiHostSelect.value = host; } } // Store BreezeWiki host details chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHost': host }); chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHostOptions': breezewikiHosts }); chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHostFetchTimestamp': Date.now() }); }).catch((e) => { console.log('Indie Wiki Buddy failed to get BreezeWiki data: ' + e); // If fetch fails and no host is set, default to breezewiki.com: if (!host) { chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHost': 'https://breezewiki.com'}); } }); } else { // If currently selected host is no longer available, select random host: if (!hostOptions.some(item => item.instance === host)) { host = hostOptions[Math.floor(Math.random() * hostOptions.length)].instance; } // Populate dropdown selection of hosts const breezewikiHostSelect = document.getElementById('breezewikiHostSelect'); while (breezewikiHostSelect.firstChild) { // Remove any existing options breezewikiHostSelect.removeChild(breezewikiHostSelect.lastChild); } for (var i = 0; i < hostOptions.length; i++) { let option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = hostOptions[i].instance; let textContent = hostOptions[i].instance.replace('https://', ''); const numberOfPeriods = (textContent.match(/\./g)||[]).length; if (numberOfPeriods > 1) { textContent = textContent.substring(textContent.indexOf('.') + 1); } option.textContent = textContent; breezewikiHostSelect.appendChild(option); if (option.value === host) { breezewikiHostSelect.value = host; } } // Store BreezeWiki host details chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHost': host }); } }); } // Set power setting function setPower(setting, storeSetting = true) { if (storeSetting) { chrome.storage.local.set({ 'power': setting }); } var powerImage = document.getElementById('powerImage'); powerImage.src = 'images/power-' + setting + '.png'; powerImage.alt = 'Indie Wiki Buddy is ' + setting; if (setting === 'on') { document.getElementById('powerCheckbox').checked = true; } else { document.getElementById('powerCheckbox').checked = false; } chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: 'updateIcon', value: setting }); } // Set notifications setting function setNotifications(setting, storeSetting = true) { if (storeSetting) { chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'notifications': setting }); } const notificationsIcon = document.getElementById('notificationsIcon'); if (setting === 'on') { document.getElementById('notificationsCheckbox').checked = true; notificationsIcon.innerText = '🔔'; } else { document.getElementById('notificationsCheckbox').checked = false; notificationsIcon.innerText = '🔕'; } } // Set BreezeWiki settings function setBreezeWiki(setting, storeSetting = true) { if (storeSetting) { chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewiki': setting }); } if (setting === 'on') { document.getElementById('breezewikiCheckbox').checked = true; } else { document.getElementById('breezewikiCheckbox').checked = false; } var breezewikiHost = document.getElementById('breezewikiHost'); if (setting === 'on') { breezewikiHost.style.display = 'block'; chrome.storage.sync.get({ 'breezewikiHost': null }, function (host) { if (!host.breezewikiHost) { fetch('https://bw.getindie.wiki/instances.json') .then((response) => { if (response.ok) { return response.json(); } throw new Error('Indie Wiki Buddy failed to get BreezeWiki data.'); }).then((breezewikiHosts) => { breezewikiHosts = breezewikiHosts.filter(host => chrome.runtime.getManifest().version.localeCompare(host.iwb_version, undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' } ) >= 0 ); // Check if BreezeWiki's main site is available let breezewikiMain = breezewikiHosts.filter(host => host.instance === 'https://breezewiki.com'); if (breezewikiMain.length > 0) { host.breezewikiHost = breezewikiMain[0].instance; } else { // If BreezeWiki.com is not available, set to a random mirror try { host.breezewikiHost = breezewikiHosts[Math.floor(Math.random() * breezewikiHosts.length)].instance; } catch (e) { console.log('Indie Wiki Buddy failed to get BreezeWiki data: ' + e); } } chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHost': host.breezewikiHost }); chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHostOptions': breezewikiHosts }); chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHostFetchTimestamp': Date.now() }); document.getElementById('breezewikiHostSelect').value = host.breezewikiHost; }).catch((e) => { console.log('Indie Wiki Buddy failed to get BreezeWiki data: ' + e); // If fetch fails and no host is set, default to breezewiki.com: if (!host) { chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHost': 'https://breezewiki.com'}); } }); } else { document.getElementById('breezewikiHostSelect').value = host.breezewikiHost; } }); } else { breezewikiHost.style.display = 'none'; } } // Main function that runs on-load document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { // If running Chromium, show warning about service worker bug if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom[e|ium]/)) { const notificationBannerChromeBug = document.getElementById('notificationBannerChromeBug'); chrome.storage.local.get({ 'hideChromeBugNote': false }, function (item) { if (!item.hideChromeBugNote) { notificationBannerChromeBug.style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('chromeBugHideLink').addEventListener('click', function () { chrome.storage.local.set({ 'hideChromeBugNote': true }); notificationBannerChromeBug.style.display = 'none'; }); } }); } // If running Opera, show note about search engine access if (navigator.userAgent.match(/OPR\//)) { const notificationBannerOpera = document.getElementById('notificationBannerOpera'); chrome.storage.local.get({ 'hideOperaPermissionsNote': false }, function (item) { if (!item.hideOperaPermissionsNote) { notificationBannerOpera.style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('operaPermsHideLink').addEventListener('click', function () { chrome.storage.local.set({ 'hideOperaPermissionsNote': true }); notificationBannerOpera.style.display = 'none'; }); } }); } loadBreezeWikiOptions(); // Listener for settings page in new tab: document.getElementById('openSettings').addEventListener('click', function () { chrome.tabs.create({'url': chrome.runtime.getURL('settings.html')}); window.close(); }); // Set setting toggle values: chrome.storage.local.get({ 'power': 'on' }, function (item) { setPower(item.power, false); }); chrome.storage.sync.get({ 'notifications': 'on' }, function (item) { setNotifications(item.notifications, false); }); chrome.storage.sync.get({ 'searchSetting': 'replace' }, function (item) { setSearchSetting(item.searchSetting, false); }); chrome.storage.sync.get({ 'breezewiki': 'off' }, function (item) { setBreezeWiki(item.breezewiki, false); // Load BreezeWiki options if BreezeWiki is enabled if(item.breezewiki === 'on') { loadBreezeWikiOptions(); } }); // Add event listeners for setting toggles document.getElementById('powerCheckbox').addEventListener('change', function () { chrome.storage.local.get({ 'power': 'on' }, function (item) { if (item.power === 'on') { setPower('off'); } else { setPower('on'); } }); }); document.getElementById('notificationsCheckbox').addEventListener('change', function () { chrome.storage.sync.get({ 'notifications': 'on' }, function (item) { if (item.notifications === 'on') { setNotifications('off'); } else { setNotifications('on'); } }); }); document.getElementById('breezewikiCheckbox').addEventListener('change', function () { chrome.storage.sync.get({ 'breezewiki': 'off' }, function (item) { if (item.breezewiki === 'on') { setBreezeWiki('off'); } else { setBreezeWiki('on'); loadBreezeWikiOptions(); } }); }); var breezewikiHostSelect = document.getElementById("breezewikiHostSelect"); breezewikiHostSelect.addEventListener('change', function () { chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHost': breezewikiHostSelect.value }); }); });