// onBeforeNavigate captures right before navigation to a new page starts; // onCreatedNavigationTarget captures new tabs/windows; // onCommitted captures after onBeforeNavigate, used to catch redirects. chrome.webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate.addListener(event => main(event, 'onBeforeNavigation')); chrome.webNavigation.onCreatedNavigationTarget.addListener(event => main(event, 'onCreatedNavigationTarget')); chrome.webNavigation.onCommitted.addListener(event => main(event, 'onCommitted')); // Listen for user turning extension on or off, to update icon chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (msg, sender, sendResponse) { if (msg.action === "updateIcon") { const manifestVersion = chrome.runtime.getManifest().manifest_version; if (msg.value === 'on') { if (manifestVersion === 2) { chrome.browserAction.setIcon({ path: "/images/logo-128.png" }); } else { chrome.action.setIcon({ path: "/images/logo-128.png" }); } } else { if (manifestVersion === 2) { chrome.browserAction.setIcon({ path: "/images/logo-off.png" }); } else { chrome.action.setIcon({ path: "/images/logo-off.png" }); } } } }); function redirectToBreezeWiki(storage, eventInfo, url) { function processRedirect(host) { const subdomain = url.hostname.split(".")[0]; const article = url.href.split('fandom.com/wiki/')[1].replaceAll('%20', '_'); if (article) { chrome.tabs.update(eventInfo.tabId, { url: host + '/' + subdomain + '/wiki/' + article }); } else { chrome.tabs.update(eventInfo.tabId, { url: host + '/' + subdomain }); } chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'countBreezeWiki': (storage.countBreezeWiki ?? 0) + 1 }); if ((storage.notifications ?? 'on') === 'on') { // Notify that user is being redirected to BreezeWiki let notifID = 'independent-wiki-redirector-notification-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1E16); chrome.notifications.create(notifID, { "type": "basic", "iconUrl": 'images/logo-48.png', "title": "You've been redirected to BreezeWiki!", "message": "Indie Wiki Buddy has sent you to BreezeWiki for a cleaner, ad-free experience on Fandom." }); // Self-clear notification after 6 seconds: setTimeout(function () { chrome.notifications.clear(notifID); }, 6000); } } if (url.href.includes('fandom.com/wiki/')) { if (!(storage.breezewikiHost ?? null)) { fetch('https://bw.getindie.wiki/instances.json') .then((response) => response.json()) .then((breezewikiHosts) => { // Check if BreezeWiki's main site is available let breezewikiMain = breezewikiHosts.filter(host => host.instance === 'https://breezewiki.com'); if (breezewikiMain.length > 0) { chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHost': breezewikiMain[0].instance }); } else { // If BreezeWiki.com is not available, set to a random mirror chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHost': breezewikiHosts[Math.floor(Math.random() * breezewikiHosts.length)].instance }); } chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHostOptions': breezewikiHosts }); chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'breezewikiHostFetchTimestamp': Date.now() }); processRedirect(host); }); } else { processRedirect(storage.breezewikiHost); } } } // Load website data. async function getData() { const LANGS = ["DE", "EN", "ES", "IT"]; let sites = []; let promises = []; for (let i = 0; i < LANGS.length; i++) { promises.push(fetch(chrome.runtime.getURL('data/sites' + LANGS[i] + '.json')) .then((resp) => resp.json()) .then(function (jsonData) { jsonData.forEach((site) => site.language = LANGS[i]); sites = sites.concat(jsonData); })); } await Promise.all(promises); return sites; } async function main(eventInfo, eventName) { // Create object prototypes for getting and setting attributes: Object.prototype.get = function (prop) { this[prop] = this[prop] || {}; return this[prop]; }; Object.prototype.set = function (prop, value) { this[prop] = value; } // Store tab URL and remove any search parameters and section anchors: const url = new URL(eventInfo.url.replace(/(\?|#).*/i, '')); // Check if tabId is > 0 (some background events may have tabId < 0) // & check for fandom.com in hostname and quit early if it's not: if (eventInfo.tabId > 0 && url.hostname.includes('.fandom.com')) { // Check if tab is actually available // This is mainly to prevent background processes from triggering an event chrome.tabs.get(eventInfo.tabId, async function (tab) { if (tab) { let sites = []; sites = await getData(); chrome.storage.sync.get(function (storage) { if ((storage.power ?? 'on') === 'on') { // Check if site is in our list of wikis: let matchingSites = sites.filter(el => url.href.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '').startsWith(el.origin_base_url)); if (matchingSites.length > 0) { // Select match with longest base URL let closestMatch = ""; matchingSites.forEach(site => { if (site.origin_base_url.length > closestMatch.length) { closestMatch = site.origin_base_url; } }); let site = matchingSites.find(site => site.origin_base_url === closestMatch); if (site) { // Get user's settings for the wiki let settings = storage.siteSettings || {}; let id = site['id']; let siteSetting = ''; if (settings.hasOwnProperty(id) && settings[id].hasOwnProperty('action')) { siteSetting = settings[id].action; } else if (storage.defaultActionSettings && storage.defaultActionSettings[site.language]) { siteSetting = storage.defaultActionSettings[site.language]; } else { siteSetting = 'alert'; } // Check if redirects are enabled for the site: if (siteSetting === 'redirect') { // Get article name from the end of the URL; // We can't just take the last part of the path due to subpages; // Instead, we take everything after the wiki's base URL + content path: let article = url.href.split(site['origin_base_url'] + site['origin_content_path'])[1]; // Set up URL to redirect user to based on wiki platform: if (article || (!article && !url.href.split(site['origin_base_url'] + '/')[1])) { let newURL = ''; if (article) { let searchParams = ''; switch (site['destination_platform']) { case 'mediawiki': searchParams = '?title=Special:Search&search=' + article; break; case 'doku': searchParams = 'start?do=search&q=' + article; break; } newURL = 'https://' + site["destination_base_url"] + site["destination_content_path"] + searchParams; } else { newURL = 'https://' + site["destination_base_url"]; } // Perform redirect: chrome.tabs.update(eventInfo.tabId, { url: newURL }); // Increase global redirect count: chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'countRedirects': (storage.countRedirects ?? 0) + 1 }); // Notify if enabled if ((storage.notifications ?? 'on') === 'on') { // Notify that user is being redirected let notifID = 'independent-wiki-redirector-notification-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1E16); chrome.notifications.create(notifID, { "type": "basic", "iconUrl": 'images/logo-48.png', "title": "You've been redirected!", "message": "Indie Wiki Buddy has sent you from " + site['origin'] + " to " + site['destination'] }); // Self-clear notification after 6 seconds: setTimeout(function () { chrome.notifications.clear(notifID); }, 6000); } } } else if ((storage.breezewiki ?? 'off') === 'on') { redirectToBreezeWiki(storage, eventInfo, url); } } } else if ((storage.breezewiki ?? 'off') === 'on') { redirectToBreezeWiki(storage, eventInfo, url); } } }); } }); } }