405 lines
14 KiB
405 lines
14 KiB
var LANGS = ["DE", "EN", "ES", "FI", "FR", "HU", "IT", "JA", "KO", "LZH", "NL", "PL", "PT", "RU", "SV", "TH", "TOK", "TR", "UK", "ZH"];
var BASE64REGEX = /^([0-9a-zA-Z+/]{4})*(([0-9a-zA-Z+/]{2}==)|([0-9a-zA-Z+/]{3}=))?$/;
const extensionAPI = typeof browser === "undefined" ? chrome : browser;
/** @param {string} str */
function b64decode(str) {
const binary_string = atob(str);
const len = binary_string.length;
const bytes = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(len));
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
bytes[i] = binary_string.charCodeAt(i);
return bytes;
* Joins an array of strings as a camelCase string
* @param {string[]} stringArray
* @returns {string}
function camelCaseJoin(stringArray) {
let outputString = "";
for(let i = 0; i < stringArray.length; i++)
const stringEntry = stringArray[i];
if (i == 0) {
outputString += stringEntry;
} else {
outputString += stringEntry.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + stringEntry.slice(1);
return outputString;
/** @param {string} value */
async function commonFunctionDecompressJSON(value) {
// Check if value is base64 encoded:
if (BASE64REGEX.test(value)) {
// Decode into blob
const stream = new Blob([b64decode(value)], {
type: "application/json",
// Decompress value
const decompressedReadableStream = stream.pipeThrough(
new DecompressionStream("gzip")
const resp = new Response(decompressedReadableStream);
const blob = await resp.blob();
const blobText = JSON.parse(await blob.text());
return blobText;
} else {
return value;
/** @param {string} value */
async function commonFunctionCompressJSON(value) {
const stream = new Blob([JSON.stringify(value)], {
type: 'application/json',
// Compress stream with gzip
const compressedReadableStream = stream.pipeThrough(
new CompressionStream("gzip")
const compressedResponse = new Response(compressedReadableStream);
// Convert response to blob and buffer
const blob = await compressedResponse.blob();
const buffer = await blob.arrayBuffer();
// Encode and return string
return btoa(
...new Uint8Array(buffer)
* Load wiki data objects, with each destination having its own object
* @returns {Promise<SiteInfo[]>}
async function commonFunctionGetSiteDataByDestination() {
var sites = [];
let promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < LANGS.length; i++) {
promises.push(fetch(extensionAPI.runtime.getURL('data/sites' + LANGS[i] + '.json'))
.then((resp) => resp.json())
.then((jsonData) => {
jsonData.forEach((site) => site.language = LANGS[i]);
sites = sites.concat(jsonData);
await Promise.all(promises);
return sites;
* @returns {Promise<SiteData[]>}
async function populateSiteDataByOrigin() {
// Populate with the site data
/** @type {SiteData[]} */
let sites = [];
let promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < LANGS.length; i++) {
promises.push(fetch(extensionAPI.runtime.getURL('data/sites' + LANGS[i] + '.json'))
.then((resp) => resp.json())
.then((jsonData) => {
jsonData.forEach((site) => {
site.origins.forEach((origin) => {
"id": site.id,
"origin": origin.origin,
"origin_base_url": origin.origin_base_url,
"origin_content_path": origin.origin_content_path,
"origin_main_page": origin.origin_main_page,
"destination": site.destination,
"destination_base_url": site.destination_base_url,
"destination_search_path": site.destination_search_path,
"destination_content_prefix": origin.destination_content_prefix || site.destination_content_prefix || "",
// /w/index.php?title= is the default path for a new MediaWiki install, change as accordingly in config JSON files
"destination_content_path": site.destination_content_path || "/w/index.php?title=",
"destination_content_suffix": origin.destination_content_suffix || site.destination_content_suffix || "",
"destination_platform": site.destination_platform,
"destination_icon": site.destination_icon,
"destination_main_page": site.destination_main_page,
"destination_host": site.destination_host,
"tags": site.tags || [],
"language": LANGS[i]
await Promise.all(promises);
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
window.iwb_siteDataByOrigin = sites;
return sites;
/** @type {SiteData[] | Promise<SiteData[]> | undefined} */
let _siteDataByOrigin;
* Load wiki data objects, with each origin having its own object
* @returns {Promise<SiteData[]>}
async function commonFunctionGetSiteDataByOrigin() {
if (_siteDataByOrigin === undefined) {
let resolve;
_siteDataByOrigin = new Promise(_resolve => resolve = _resolve);
let sites = await populateSiteDataByOrigin();
console.debug("IWB: Site data loaded.");
return sites;
} else {
return _siteDataByOrigin;
* Given a URL, find closest match in our dataset
* @param {string} site
* @param {string} crossLanguageSetting
* @param {boolean} dest
async function commonFunctionFindMatchingSite(site, crossLanguageSetting, dest = false) {
let base_url_key = dest ? 'destination_base_url' : 'origin_base_url';
let sites = await commonFunctionGetSiteDataByOrigin();
let matchingSites = [];
if (crossLanguageSetting === 'on') {
matchingSites = sites.filter(el => site.replace(/.*https?:\/\//, '').startsWith(el[base_url_key]));
} else {
matchingSites = sites.filter(
el =>
site.replace(/.*https?:\/\//, '').startsWith(dest ? el[base_url_key] : el.origin_base_url + el.origin_content_path) ||
site.replace(/.*https?:\/\//, '').replace(/\/$/, '') === el[base_url_key]
if (matchingSites.length > 0) {
// Select match with longest base URL
let closestMatch = '';
matchingSites.forEach(site => {
if (site[base_url_key].length > closestMatch.length) {
closestMatch = site[base_url_key];
return matchingSites.find(site => site[base_url_key] === closestMatch) ?? null;
} else {
return null;
* @param {string} originURL
* @param {SiteData} matchingSite
function commonFunctionGetOriginArticle(originURL, matchingSite) {
let url = new URL('https://' + originURL.replace(/.*https?:\/\//, ''));
let article = String(url.pathname).split(matchingSite['origin_content_path'])[1] || '';
// If a Fextralife wiki, replace plus signs with spaces
// When there are multiple plus signs together, this regex will only replace only the first
if (originURL.includes('.wiki.fextralife.com')) {
article = article.replace(/(?<!\+)\+/g, ' ');
return article;
* @param {SiteData} matchingSite
* @param {string} article
function commonFunctionGetDestinationArticle(matchingSite, article) {
return matchingSite['destination_content_prefix'] + article + matchingSite['destination_content_suffix'];
* @param {string} articleTitle
function encodeArticleTitle(articleTitle) {
// We decode + encode to ensure we don't double-encode,
// in the event a string is already encoded.
// We wrap in a try-catch as decoding can sometimes fail if destination article
// does have special characters (e.g. %) in the title.
try {
return encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(articleTitle));
} catch {
return encodeURIComponent(articleTitle);
* @param {string} originURL
* @param {SiteData} matchingSite
function commonFunctionGetNewURL(originURL, matchingSite) {
// Get article name from the end of the URL;
// We can't just take the last part of the path due to subpages;
// Instead, we take everything after the wiki's base URL + content path
let originArticle = commonFunctionGetOriginArticle(originURL, matchingSite);
let destinationArticle = commonFunctionGetDestinationArticle(matchingSite, originArticle);
// Set up URL to redirect user to based on wiki platform
let newURL = '';
// If the article is the main page (or missing), redirect to the indie wiki's main page
if ((!originArticle) || (decodeURIComponent(originArticle) === matchingSite['origin_main_page'])) {
const mainPageArticle = encodeArticleTitle(matchingSite['destination_main_page']);
newURL = 'https://' + matchingSite["destination_base_url"] + matchingSite["destination_content_path"] + mainPageArticle + matchingSite['destination_content_suffix'];
return newURL;
// Replace underscores with spaces as that performs better in search
const encodedDestinationArticle = encodeArticleTitle(destinationArticle.replaceAll('_', ' '));
let searchParams = '';
switch (matchingSite['destination_platform']) {
case 'mediawiki':
searchParams = `?title=Special:Search&search=${encodedDestinationArticle}`;
case 'dokuwiki':
searchParams = `?do=search&q=${encodedDestinationArticle}`;
case 'moinmoin':
searchParams = `?action=fullsearch&context=180&value="${encodedDestinationArticle}"&fullsearch=Text`;
// Otherwise, assume the full search path is defined on "destination_search_path"
searchParams = encodedDestinationArticle;
newURL = 'https://' + matchingSite["destination_base_url"] + matchingSite["destination_search_path"] + searchParams;
return newURL;
/** Temporary function to migrate user data to IWB version 3.0+ */
async function commonFunctionMigrateToV3() {
await extensionAPI.storage.sync.get(async (storage) => {
if (!storage.v3migration) {
let defaultWikiAction = storage.defaultWikiAction || 'alert';
let defaultSearchAction = storage.defaultSearchAction || 'replace';
// Set new default action settings:
if (!storage.defaultWikiAction) {
if (storage.defaultActionSettings && storage.defaultActionSettings['EN']) {
defaultWikiAction = storage.defaultActionSettings['EN'];
extensionAPI.storage.sync.set({ 'defaultWikiAction': defaultWikiAction });
if (!storage.defaultSearchAction) {
if (storage.defaultSearchFilterSettings && storage.defaultSearchFilterSettings['EN']) {
if (storage.defaultSearchFilterSettings['EN'] === 'false') {
defaultSearchAction = 'disabled';
} else {
defaultSearchAction = 'replace';
extensionAPI.storage.sync.set({ 'defaultSearchAction': defaultSearchAction });
// Remove old objects:
// Migrate wiki settings to new searchEngineSettings and wikiSettings objects
const sites = await commonFunctionGetSiteDataByOrigin();
let siteSettings = storage.siteSettings || {};
let searchEngineSettings = await commonFunctionDecompressJSON(storage.searchEngineSettings || {});
let wikiSettings = await commonFunctionDecompressJSON(storage.wikiSettings) || {};
sites.forEach((site) => {
if (!searchEngineSettings[site.id]) {
if (siteSettings[site.id] && siteSettings[site.id].searchFilter) {
if (siteSettings[site.id].searchFilter === 'false') {
searchEngineSettings[site.id] = 'disabled';
} else {
searchEngineSettings[site.id] = 'replace';
} else {
searchEngineSettings[site.id] = defaultSearchAction;
if (!wikiSettings[site.id]) {
wikiSettings[site.id] = siteSettings[site.id]?.action || defaultWikiAction;
extensionAPI.storage.sync.set({ 'searchEngineSettings': await commonFunctionCompressJSON(searchEngineSettings) });
extensionAPI.storage.sync.set({ 'wikiSettings': await commonFunctionCompressJSON(wikiSettings) });
// Remove old object:
// Mark v3 migration as complete:
extensionAPI.storage.sync.set({ 'v3migration': 'done' });
/** @param {Node} element */
function isAnchor(element) {
if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement)) return false;
return element.tagName && element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a';
* @typedef {Object} SiteData
* @property {string} id
* @property {string} origin
* @property {string} origin_base_url
* @property {string} origin_content_path
* @property {string} origin_main_page
* @property {string} destination
* @property {string} destination_base_url
* @property {string} destination_search_path
* @property {string} destination_content_prefix
* @property {string} destination_content_path
* @property {string} destination_content_suffix
* @property {string} destination_platform
* @property {string} destination_icon
* @property {string} destination_main_page
* @property {string} destination_host
* @property {string[]} tags
* @property {string} language
* @typedef {Object} SiteInfo
* @property {string} id
* @property {string} origins_label
* @property {Origin[]} origins
* @property {string} destination
* @property {string} destination_base_url
* @property {string} destination_platform
* @property {string} destination_icon
* @property {string} destination_main_page
* @property {string} destination_search_path
* @property {string} destination_content_path
* @property {string} [destination_host]
* @property {string[]} [tags]
* @property {string} [destination_content_suffix]
* @typedef {Object} Origin
* @property {string} origin
* @property {string} origin_base_url
* @property {string} origin_content_path
* @property {string} origin_main_page