313 lines
13 KiB
313 lines
13 KiB
const searchEngineRegex = /www\.google\.|duckduckgo\.com|www\.bing\.com/;
const fandomRegex = /\.fandom\.com$/;
const breezeWikiRegex = /breeze\.777\.tf$|breeze\.hostux\.net$|bw\.projectsegfau\.lt$|antifandom\.com$|breezewiki\.pussthecat\.org$|bw\.vern\.cc$|breezewiki\.esmailelbob\.xyz$|bw\.artemislena\.eu$/;
const currentURL = new URL(document.location);
// Create object prototypes for getting and setting attributes:
Object.prototype.get = function (prop) {
this[prop] = this[prop] || {};
return this[prop];
Object.prototype.set = function (prop, value) {
this[prop] = value;
// Create an observer to watch for mutations
function addLocationObserver(callback) {
const config = {
attributes: false,
childList: true,
subtree: true
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
observer.observe(document.body, config);
// Load website data
async function getData() {
const LANGS = ["DE", "EN", "ES", "IT"];
let sites = [];
let promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < LANGS.length; i++) {
promises.push(fetch(chrome.runtime.getURL('data/sites' + LANGS[i] + '.json'))
.then((resp) => resp.json())
.then(function (jsonData) {
jsonData.forEach((site) => site.language = LANGS[i]);
sites = sites.concat(jsonData);
await Promise.all(promises);
return sites;
function displayRedirectBanner(url, destination, storage) {
// Output banner
var banner = document.createElement('div');
banner.id = 'indie-wiki-banner';
banner.style.fontSize = '1.2em';
banner.style.fontFamily = 'sans-serif';
banner.style.width = '100%';
banner.style.zIndex = '2147483647';
banner.style.position = 'fixed';
banner.style.textAlign = 'center';
banner.style.backgroundColor = '#acdae2';
banner.style.minHeight = '40px';
banner.style.lineHeight = '40px';
var bannerExit = document.createElement('div');
bannerExit.style.float = 'right';
bannerExit.style.paddingRight = '10px';
bannerExit.style.fontSize = '1.5em';
bannerExit.style.color = '#333';
bannerExit.style.cursor = 'pointer';
bannerExit.innerText = '✕';
bannerExit.onclick = function () { this.parentElement.remove(); };
var bannerText = document.createElement('span');
bannerText.textContent = 'There is an independent wiki covering this topic!'
var bannerLink = document.createElement('a');
bannerLink.href = url;
bannerLink.style.color = 'navy';
bannerLink.style.fontWeight = '600';
bannerLink.innerText = 'Visit ' + destination + '→';
if (document.readyState === 'interactive' || document.readyState === 'complete') {
document.body.insertAdjacentElement('beforeBegin', banner);
if (storage.breezewiki === 'on') {
if (currentURL.hostname.match(breezeWikiRegex)) {
chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'countAlerts': (storage.countAlerts ?? 0) + 1 });
} else {
chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'countAlerts': (storage.countAlerts ?? 0) + 1 });
} else {
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', e => {
if (document.readyState === 'interactive' || document.readyState === 'complete') {
document.body.insertAdjacentElement('beforeBegin', banner);
if (storage.breezewiki === 'on') {
if (currentURL.hostname.match(breezeWikiRegex)) {
chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'countAlerts': (storage.countAlerts ?? 0) + 1 });
} else {
chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'countAlerts': (storage.countAlerts ?? 0) + 1 });
function filterSearchResults(fandomSearchResults, searchEngine, storage) {
getData().then(sites => {
countFiltered = 0;
fandomSearchResults.forEach(searchResult => {
let searchResultLink = '';
try {
if (searchEngine === 'bing') {
searchResultLink = searchResult.innerHTML.replaceAll('<strong>', '').replaceAll('</strong>', '');
} else {
searchResultLink = searchResult.closest('[href]').href;
} catch (e) {
console.log('Indie Wiki Buddy failed to properly parse search results with error: ' + e);
// Check if site is in our list of wikis:
let matchingSites = sites.filter(el => String(searchResultLink).replace(/^https?:\/\//, '').startsWith(el.origin_base_url));
if (matchingSites.length > 0) {
// Select match with longest base URL
let closestMatch = "";
matchingSites.forEach(site => {
if (site.origin_base_url.length > closestMatch.length) {
closestMatch = site.origin_base_url;
let site = matchingSites.find(site => site.origin_base_url === closestMatch);
if (site) {
// Get user's settings for the wiki
let settings = storage.siteSettings || {};
let id = site['id'];
let searchFilterSetting = '';
if (settings.hasOwnProperty(id) && settings[id].searchFilter) {
searchFilterSetting = settings[id].searchFilter;
} else if (storage.defaultSearchFilterSettings && storage.defaultSearchFilterSettings[site.language]) {
searchFilterSetting = storage.defaultSearchFilterSettings[site.language];
} else {
searchFilterSetting = 'true';
if (searchFilterSetting === 'true') {
let cssQuery = '';
switch (searchEngine) {
case 'google':
if (searchResult.closest('div[data-hveid]')) {
cssQuery = 'div[data-hveid]';
case 'bing':
if (searchResult.closest('li.b_algo')) {
cssQuery = 'li.b_algo';
case 'duckduckgo':
if (searchResult.closest('div.nrn-react-div')) {
cssQuery = 'div.nrn-react-div';
if (cssQuery) {
let searchListing = document.createElement('div');
searchListing.style.fontStyle = 'italic';
let searchListingLink = document.createElement('a');
searchListingLink.href = 'https://' + site.destination_base_url;
searchListingLink.textContent = site.destination;
searchListingPretext = document.createTextNode('A search result from ' + site.origin + ' has been removed by Indie Wiki Buddy. Look for results from ');
searchListingPosttext = document.createTextNode(' instead!');
if (countFiltered > 0) {
chrome.storage.sync.set({ 'countSearchFilters': (storage.countSearchFilters ?? 0) + countFiltered });
// Check if search engine results, Fandom, or a BreezeWiki host:
function checkSite() {
if (currentURL.hostname.match(searchEngineRegex) || currentURL.hostname.match(fandomRegex) || currentURL.hostname.match(breezeWikiRegex)) {
return true;
function main(mutations = null, observer = null) {
if (observer) {
chrome.storage.sync.get(function (storage) {
// Check if extension is on:
if ((storage.power ?? 'on') === 'on') {
// Check if on Fandom or BreezeWiki
// If on BreezeWiki, check if there is a pathname (which indicates we are looking at a wiki)
if (currentURL.hostname.match(fandomRegex) || (currentURL.hostname.match(breezeWikiRegex) && currentURL.pathname.length > 1)) {
let origin = currentURL;
// If on a BreezeWiki site, convert to Fandom link to match with our list of wikis:
if (currentURL.hostname.match(breezeWikiRegex)) {
origin = String(currentURL.pathname).split('/')[1] + '.fandom.com/wiki/';
if (currentURL.search.includes('?q=')) {
origin = origin + currentURL.search.substring(3).split('&')[0];
} else {
origin = origin + currentURL.pathname.split('/')[3];
getData().then(sites => {
// Check if site is in our list of wikis:
let matchingSites = sites.filter(el => String(origin).replace(/^https?:\/\//, '').startsWith(el.origin_base_url));
if (matchingSites.length > 0) {
// Select match with longest base URL
let closestMatch = "";
matchingSites.forEach(site => {
if (site.origin_base_url.length > closestMatch.length) {
closestMatch = site.origin_base_url;
let site = matchingSites.find(site => site.origin_base_url === closestMatch);
if (site) {
// Get user's settings for the wiki
let settings = storage.siteSettings || {};
let id = site['id'];
let siteSetting = '';
if (settings.hasOwnProperty(id) && settings[id].hasOwnProperty('action')) {
siteSetting = settings[id].action;
} else if (storage.defaultActionSettings && storage.defaultActionSettings[site.language]) {
siteSetting = storage.defaultActionSettings[site.language];
} else {
siteSetting = 'alert';
// Notify if enabled for the wiki:
if (siteSetting === 'alert') {
// Get article name from the end of the URL;
// We can't just take the last part of the path due to subpages;
// Instead, we take everything after the wiki's base URL + content path:
let article = String(origin).split(site['origin_base_url'] + site['origin_content_path'])[1];
// Set up URL to redirect user to based on wiki platform:
if (article || (!article && !url.href.split(site['origin_base_url'] + '/')[1])) {
let newURL = '';
if (article) {
let searchParams = '';
switch (site['destination_platform']) {
case 'mediawiki':
searchParams = '?title=Special:Search&search=' + article;
case 'doku':
searchParams = 'start?do=search&q=' + article;
newURL = 'https://' + site["destination_base_url"] + site["destination_content_path"] + searchParams;
} else {
newURL = 'https://' + site["destination_base_url"];
// Notify that another wiki is available
displayRedirectBanner(newURL, site['destination'], storage);
} else if (currentURL.hostname.includes('www.google.')) {
// Check if doing a Google search:
function filterGoogle() {
let fandomSearchResults = document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='fandom.com']>h3, h3>a[href*='fandom.com']");
filterSearchResults(fandomSearchResults, 'google', storage);
} else if (currentURL.hostname.includes('duckduckgo.com') && currentURL.search.includes('q=')) {
// Check if doing a Duck Duck Go search:
function filterDuckDuckGo() {
let fandomSearchResults = document.querySelectorAll("h2>a[href*='fandom.com']");
filterSearchResults(fandomSearchResults, 'duckduckgo', storage);
// Need to wait for document to be ready
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
} else {
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', e => {
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
} else if (currentURL.hostname.includes('www.bing.com')) {
// Check if doing a Bing search:
function filterBing() {
let fandomSearchResults = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".b_attribution>cite")).filter(el => el.innerHTML.includes('fandom.com'));
filterSearchResults(fandomSearchResults, 'bing', storage);
// Need to wait for document to be ready
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
} else {
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', e => {
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
if (checkSite()) {
} |