# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only # Copyright (c) 2022 Caleb La Grange # Copyright (c) 2022 Ferass El Hafidi # Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Leah Rowe e6400_unpack="$PWD/src/bios_extract/dell_inspiron_1100_unpacker.py" me7updateparser="$PWD/util/me7_update_parser/me7_update_parser.py" pfs_extract="$PWD/src/biosutilities/Dell_PFS_Extract.py" uefiextract="$PWD/elf/uefitool/uefiextract" vendir="vendorfiles" appdir="$vendir/app" cbcfgsdir="config/coreboot" hashfiles="vendorhashes blobhashes" # blobhashes for backwards compatibility dontflash="!!! AN ERROR OCCURED! Please DO NOT flash if injection failed. !!!" vfix="DO_NOT_FLASH_YET._FIRST,_INJECT_FILES_VIA_INSTRUCTIONS_ON_LIBREBOOT.ORG_" vguide="https://libreboot.org/docs/install/ivy_has_common.html" tmpromdel="$PWD/tmp/DO_NOT_FLASH" cv="CONFIG_HAVE_ME_BIN CONFIG_ME_BIN_PATH CONFIG_INCLUDE_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW \ CONFIG_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW_FILE CONFIG_KBC1126_FIRMWARE CONFIG_KBC1126_FW1 \ CONFIG_KBC1126_FW2 CONFIG_KBC1126_FW1_OFFSET CONFIG_KBC1126_FW2_OFFSET \ CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_FILE CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_ID CONFIG_BOARD_DELL_E6400 \ CONFIG_HAVE_MRC CONFIG_MRC_FILE CONFIG_HAVE_REFCODE_BLOB \ CONFIG_REFCODE_BLOB_FILE CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH CONFIG_IFD_BIN_PATH \ CONFIG_LENOVO_TBFW_BIN CONFIG_FSP_FD_PATH CONFIG_FSP_M_FILE \ CONFIG_FSP_S_FILE CONFIG_FSP_S_CBFS CONFIG_FSP_M_CBFS CONFIG_FSP_USE_REPO \ CONFIG_FSP_FULL_FD" eval "`setvars "" has_hashes EC_hash DL_hash DL_url_bkup MRC_refcode_gbe vcfg \ E6400_VGA_DL_hash E6400_VGA_DL_url E6400_VGA_DL_url_bkup E6400_VGA_offset \ E6400_VGA_romname SCH5545EC_DL_url_bkup SCH5545EC_DL_hash _dest tree \ mecleaner kbc1126_ec_dump MRC_refcode_cbtree new_mac _dl SCH5545EC_DL_url \ archive EC_url boarddir rom cbdir DL_url nukemode cbfstoolref FSPFD_hash \ _7ztest ME11bootguard ME11delta ME11version ME11sku ME11pch tmpromdir \ IFD_platform ifdprefix cdir sdir _me _metmp mfs TBFW_url_bkup TBFW_url \ TBFW_hash TBFW_size hashfile xromsize xchanged EC_url_bkup need_files \ vfile $cv`" vendor_download() { [ $# -gt 0 ] || $err "No argument given"; export PATH="$PATH:/sbin" board="$1"; readcfg && readkconfig && bootstrap && getfiles; : } readkconfig() { check_defconfig "$boarddir" 1>"$TMPDIR/vendorcfg.list" && return 1 rm -f "$TMPDIR/tmpcbcfg" || $err "!rm $TMPDIR/tmpcbcfg - $dontflash" while read -r cbcfgfile; do for cbc in $cv; do rm -f "$TMPDIR/tmpcbcfg2" || \ $err "!rm $TMPDIR/tmpcbcfg2 - $dontflash" grep "$cbc" "$cbcfgfile" 1>"$TMPDIR/tmpcbcfg2" \ 2>/dev/null || : [ -f "$TMPDIR/tmpcbcfg2" ] || continue cat "$TMPDIR/tmpcbcfg2" >> "$TMPDIR/tmpcbcfg" || \ $err "!cat $TMPDIR/tmpcbcfg2 - $dontflash" done done < "$TMPDIR/vendorcfg.list" eval "`setcfg "$TMPDIR/tmpcbcfg"`" for c in CONFIG_HAVE_MRC CONFIG_HAVE_ME_BIN CONFIG_KBC1126_FIRMWARE \ CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_FILE CONFIG_INCLUDE_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW \ CONFIG_LENOVO_TBFW_BIN CONFIG_FSP_M_FILE CONFIG_FSP_S_FILE; do eval "[ \"\${$c}\" = \"/dev/null\" ] && continue" eval "[ -z \"\${$c}\" ] && continue" eval "`setcfg "$vfile"`"; return 0 done printf "Vendor files not needed for: %s\n" "$board" 1>&2; return 1 } bootstrap() { x_ ./mk -f coreboot ${cbdir##*/} mk -b uefitool biosutilities bios_extract [ -d "${kbc1126_ec_dump%/*}" ] && x_ make -C "$cbdir/util/kbc1126" [ -n "$MRC_refcode_cbtree" ] && \ cbfstoolref="elf/cbfstool/$MRC_refcode_cbtree/cbfstool" && \ x_ ./mk -d coreboot "$MRC_refcode_cbtree"; return 0 } getfiles() { [ -z "$CONFIG_HAVE_ME_BIN" ] || fetch intel_me "$DL_url" \ "$DL_url_bkup" "$DL_hash" "$CONFIG_ME_BIN_PATH" [ -z "$CONFIG_INCLUDE_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW" ] || fetch sch5545ec \ "$SCH5545EC_DL_url" "$SCH5545EC_DL_url_bkup" "$SCH5545EC_DL_hash" \ "$CONFIG_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW_FILE" [ -z "$CONFIG_KBC1126_FIRMWARE" ] || fetch kbc1126ec "$EC_url" \ "$EC_url_bkup" "$EC_hash" "$CONFIG_KBC1126_FW1" [ -z "$CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_FILE" ] || fetch e6400vga "$E6400_VGA_DL_url" \ "$E6400_VGA_DL_url_bkup" "$E6400_VGA_DL_hash" "$CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_FILE" [ -z "$CONFIG_HAVE_MRC" ] || fetch "mrc" "$MRC_url" "$MRC_url_bkup" \ "$MRC_hash" "$CONFIG_MRC_FILE" [ -z "$CONFIG_LENOVO_TBFW_BIN" ] || fetch "tbfw" "$TBFW_url" \ "$TBFW_url_bkup" "$TBFW_hash" "$CONFIG_LENOVO_TBFW_BIN" # # in the future, we might have libre fsp-s and then fsp-m. # therefore, handle them separately, in case one of them is libre; if # one of them was, the path wouldn't be set. # [ -z "$CONFIG_FSP_M_FILE" ] || fetch "fspm" "$CONFIG_FSP_FD_PATH" \ "$CONFIG_FSP_FD_PATH" "$FSPFD_hash" "$CONFIG_FSP_M_FILE" copy [ -z "$CONFIG_FSP_S_FILE" ] || fetch "fsps" "$CONFIG_FSP_FD_PATH" \ "$CONFIG_FSP_FD_PATH" "$FSPFD_hash" "$CONFIG_FSP_S_FILE" copy; : } fetch() { dl_type="$1"; dl="$2"; dl_bkup="$3"; dlsum="$4"; _dest="${5##*../}" [ "$5" = "/dev/null" ] && return 0; _dl="$XBMK_CACHE/file/$dlsum" if [ "$dl_type" = "fspm" ] || [ "$dl_type" = "fsps" ]; then # HACK: if grabbing fsp from coreboot, fix the path for lbmk for _cdl in dl dl_bkup; do eval "$_cdl=\"\${$_cdl##*../}\"; _cdp=\"\$$_cdl\"" [ -f "$_cdp" ] || _cdp="$cbdir/$_cdp" [ -f "$_cdp" ] && eval "$_cdl=\"$_cdp\"" done fi dlop="curl" && [ $# -gt 5 ] && dlop="$6" download "$dl" "$dl_bkup" "$_dl" "$dlsum" "$dlop" rm -Rf "${_dl}_extracted" || $err "!rm ${_ul}_extracted. $dontflash" e "$_dest" f && return 0 mkdir -p "${_dest%/*}" || \ $err "mkdirs: !mkdir -p ${_dest%/*} - $dontflash" remkdir "$appdir"; extract_archive "$_dl" "$appdir" "$dl_type" || \ [ "$dl_type" = "e6400vga" ] || \ $err "mkd $_dest $dl_type: !extract. $dontflash" eval "extract_$dl_type"; set -u -e e "$_dest" f missing && $err "!extract_$dl_type. $dontflash"; : } extract_intel_me() { e "$mecleaner" f not && $err "$cbdir: me_cleaner missing. $dontflash" cdir="$PWD/$appdir" _me="$PWD/$_dest" _metmp="$PWD/tmp/me.bin" mfs="" && [ "$ME11bootguard" = "y" ] && mfs="--whitelist MFS" && \ chkvars ME11delta ME11version ME11sku ME11pch [ "$ME11bootguard" = "y" ] && x_ ./mk -f deguard x_ mkdir -p tmp extract_intel_me_bruteforce if [ "$ME11bootguard" = "y" ]; then apply_me11_deguard_mod else mv "$_metmp" "$_me" || $err "!mv $_metmp $_me - $dontflash" fi } extract_intel_me_bruteforce() { [ $# -gt 0 ] && cdir="$1" e "$_metmp" f && return 0 [ -z "$sdir" ] && sdir="$(mktemp -d)" mkdir -p "$sdir" || \ $err "extract_intel_me: !mkdir -p \"$sdir\" - $dontflash" set +u +e ( [ "${cdir#/a}" != "$cdir" ] && cdir="${cdir#/}" cd "$cdir" || $err "extract_intel_me: !cd \"$cdir\" - $dontflash" for i in *; do [ -f "$_metmp" ] && break [ -L "$i" ] && continue if [ -f "$i" ]; then _r="-r" && [ -n "$mfs" ] && _r="" "$mecleaner" $mfs $_r -t -O "$sdir/vendorfile" \ -M "$_metmp" "$i" && break "$mecleaner" $mfs $_r -t -O "$_metmp" "$i" && break "$me7updateparser" -O "$_metmp" "$i" && break _7ztest="${_7ztest}a" extract_archive "$i" "$_7ztest" || continue extract_intel_me_bruteforce "$cdir/$_7ztest" elif [ -d "$i" ]; then extract_intel_me_bruteforce "$cdir/$i" else continue fi cdir="$1"; [ "${cdir#/a}" != "$cdir" ] && cdir="${cdir#/}" cd "$cdir" || : done ) rm -Rf "$sdir" || $err "extract_intel_me: !rm -Rf $sdir - $dontflash" } apply_me11_deguard_mod() { ( x_ cd src/deguard/ ./finalimage.py --delta "data/delta/$ME11delta" \ --version "$ME11version" \ --pch "$ME11pch" --sku "$ME11sku" --fake-fpfs data/fpfs/zero \ --input "$_metmp" --output "$_me" || \ $err "Error running deguard for $_me - $dontflash" ) || $err "Error running deguard for $_me - $dontflash" } extract_archive() { if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then if [ "$3" = "fspm" ] || [ "$3" = "fsps" ]; then decat_fspfd "$1" "$2" return 0 fi fi innoextract "$1" -d "$2" || python "$pfs_extract" "$1" -e || 7z x \ "$1" -o"$2" || unar "$1" -o "$2" || unzip "$1" -d "$2" || return 1 [ ! -d "${_dl}_extracted" ] || cp -R "${_dl}_extracted" "$2" || \ $err "!mv '${_dl}_extracted' '$2' - $dontflash"; : } decat_fspfd() { _fspfd="$1" _fspdir="$2" _fspsplit="$cbdir/3rdparty/fsp/Tools/SplitFspBin.py" $python "$_fspsplit" split -f "$_fspfd" -o "$_fspdir" -n "Fsp.fd" || \ $err "decat_fspfd '$1' '$2': Can't de-concatenate; $dontflash"; : } extract_kbc1126ec() { e "$kbc1126_ec_dump" f missing && \ $err "$cbdir: kbc1126 util missing - $dontflash" ( x_ cd "$appdir/"; mv Rompaq/68*.BIN ec.bin || : if [ ! -f "ec.bin" ]; then unar -D ROM.CAB Rom.bin || unar -D Rom.CAB Rom.bin || \ unar -D 68*.CAB Rom.bin || \ $err "can't extract Rom.bin - $dontflash" x_ mv Rom.bin ec.bin fi [ -f ec.bin ] || \ $err "extract_kbc1126_ec $board: can't extract - $dontflash" "$kbc1126_ec_dump" ec.bin || \ $err "!1126ec $board extract ecfw - $dontflash" ) || $err "can't extract kbc1126 ec firmware - $dontflash" e "$appdir/ec.bin.fw1" f not && \ $err "$board: kbc1126ec fetch failed - $dontflash" e "$appdir/ec.bin.fw2" f not && \ $err "$board: kbc1126ec fetch failed - $dontflash" cp "$appdir/"ec.bin.fw* "${_dest%/*}/" || \ $err "!cp 1126ec $_dest - $dontflash"; : } extract_e6400vga() { set +u +e chkvars E6400_VGA_offset E6400_VGA_romname tail -c +$E6400_VGA_offset "$_dl" | gunzip > "$appdir/bios.bin" || : ( x_ cd "$appdir" [ -f "bios.bin" ] || \ $err "extract_e6400vga: can't extract bios.bin - $dontflash" "$e6400_unpack" bios.bin || printf "TODO: fix dell extract util\n" ) || $err "can't extract e6400 vga rom - $dontflosh" cp "$appdir/$E6400_VGA_romname" "$_dest" || \ $err "extract_e6400vga $board: can't cp $_dest - $dontflash"; : } extract_sch5545ec() { # full system ROM (UEFI), to extract with UEFIExtract: _bios="${_dl}_extracted/Firmware/1 $dlsum -- 1 System BIOS vA.28.bin" # this is the SCH5545 firmware, inside of the extracted UEFI ROM: _sch5545ec_fw="$_bios.dump/4 7A9354D9-0468-444A-81CE-0BF617D890DF" _sch5545ec_fw="$_sch5545ec_fw/54 D386BEB8-4B54-4E69-94F5-06091F67E0D3" _sch5545ec_fw="$_sch5545ec_fw/0 Raw section/body.bin" # <-- this! "$uefiextract" "$_bios" || $err "sch5545 !extract - $dontflash" cp "$_sch5545ec_fw" "$_dest" || \ $err "$_dest: !sch5545 copy - $dontflash"; : } # Lenovo ThunderBolt firmware updates: # https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/thinkpad-t-series-laptops/thinkpad-t480-type-20l5-20l6/20l5/solutions/ht508988 extract_tbfw() { chkvars TBFW_size # size in bytes, matching TBFW's flash IC x_ mkdir -p tmp x_ rm -f tmp/tb.bin find "$appdir" -type f -name "TBT.bin" > "tmp/tb.txt" || \ $err "extract_tbfw $_dest: Can't extract TBT.bin - $dontflash" while read -r f; do [ -f "$f" ] || continue [ -L "$f" ] && continue cp "$f" "tmp/tb.bin" || \ $err "extract_tbfw $_dest: Can't copy TBT.bin - $dontflash" break done < "tmp/tb.txt" dd if=/dev/null of=tmp/tb.bin bs=1 seek=$TBFW_size || \ $err "extract_tbfw $_dest: Can't pad TBT.bin - $dontflash" cp "tmp/tb.bin" "$_dest" || \ $err "extract_tbfw $_dest: copy error - $dontflash "; : } extract_fspm() { copy_fsp M; : } extract_fsps() { copy_fsp S; : } # this copies the fsp s/m; re-base is handled by ./mk inject copy_fsp() { cp "$appdir/Fsp_$1.fd" "$_dest" || \ $err "copy_fsp: Can't copy $1 to $_dest - $dontflash"; : } fail_inject() { [ -L "$tmpromdel" ] || [ ! -d "$tmpromdel" ] || \ rm -Rf "$tmpromdel" || : printf "\n\n%s\n\n" "$dontflash" 1>&2 printf "WARNING: File '%s' was NOT modified.\n\n" "$archive" 1>&2 printf "Please MAKE SURE vendor files are inserted before flashing\n\n" fail "$1" } vendor_inject() { need_files="n" # will be set to "y" if vendorfiles needed _olderr="$err" err="fail_inject" remkdir "$tmpromdel" set +u +e; [ $# -lt 1 ] && $err "No options specified. - $dontflash" eval "`setvars "" nukemode new_mac xchanged`" # randomise the MAC address by default # TODO: support setting CBFS MAC address for GA-G41M-ES2L new_mac="??:??:??:??:??:??" archive="$1"; [ $# -gt 1 ] && case "$2" in nuke) new_mac="" nukemode="nuke" ;; setmac) [ $# -gt 2 ] && new_mac="$3" && \ [ -z "$new_mac" ] && $err \ "You set an empty MAC address string" ;; *) $err "Unrecognised inject mode: '$2'" esac # allow the user to skip setting MAC addresses. # if new_mac is empty, this script skips running nvmutil [ "$new_mac" = "keep" ] && new_mac="" # we don't allow the *user* to clear new_mac, in the setmac # command, in case the build system is being integrated with # another, where setmac is relied upon and is being set # explicitly. this is a preventative error handle, as a courtes # to that hypothetical user e.g. Linux distro package maintainer # integrating this build system into their distro. if they used # a variable for that, and they forgot to initialise it, they'll know. check_release "$archive" || \ $err "You must run this script on a release archive. - $dontflash" [ "$new_mac" = "restore" ] && \ printf "Restoring default GbE for '$archive', board '$board'\n" readcfg && need_files="y" if [ "$need_files" = "y" ] || [ -n "$new_mac" ]; then [ "$nukemode" = "nuke" ] || x_ ./mk download "$board" patch_release_roms fi [ "$need_files" != "y" ] && printf \ "\nTarball '%s' (board '%s) doesn't need vendorfiles.\n" \ "$archive" "$board" 1>&2 xtype="patched" && [ "$nukemode" = "nuke" ] && xtype="nuked" [ "$xchanged" != "y" ] && \ printf "\nRelease archive '%s' was *NOT* modified.\n" \ "$archive" && [ "$has_hashes" = "y" ] && \ printf "WARNING: '%s' contains '%s'. DO NOT FLASH!\n" \ "$archive" "$hashfile" 1>&2 && \ printf "(vendorfiles may be needed and aren't there)\n" \ 1>&2 [ "$xchanged" = "y" ] && \ printf "\nRelease archive '%s' successfully %s.\n" \ "$archive" "$xtype" && [ "$nukemode" != "nuke" ] && \ printf "You may now extract '%s' and flash images from it.\n" \ "$archive" [ "$xchanged" = "y" ] && [ "$nukemode" = "nuke" ] && \ printf "WARNING! Vendorfiles *removed*. DO NOT FLASH.\n" 1>&2 \ && printf "DO NOT flash images from '%s'\n" \ "$archive" 1>&2 [ "$need_files" = "n" ] && printf \ "Board '%s' doesn't use vendorfiles, so none were inserted.\n" \ "$board" # # catch-all error handler, for libreboot release opsec: # # if vendor files defined, and a hash file was missing, that means # a nuke must succeed, if specified. if no hashfile was present, # that means vendorfiles had been injected, so a nuke must succeed. # this check is here in case of future bugs in lbmk's handling # of vendorfile deletions on release archives, which absolutely # must always be 100% reliable, so paranoia is paramount: # if [ "$xchanged" != "y" ] && [ "$need_files" = "y" ] && \ [ "$nukemode" = "nuke" ] && [ "$has_hashes" != "y" ]; then printf "FAILED NUKE: tarball '$archive', board '$board'\n" 1>&2 $err "Unhandled vendorfile deletion: DO NOT RELEASE TO RSYNC" fi # of course, we assume that those variables are also set right err="$_olderr" return 0 } check_release() { [ -L "$archive" ] && \ $err "'$archive' is a symlink, not a file - $dontflash" [ -f "$archive" ] || return 1 archivename="`basename "$archive"`" [ -z "$archivename" ] && \ $err "Cannot determine archive file name - $dontflash" case "$archivename" in *_src.tar.xz) $err "'$archive' is a src archive, silly!" ;; grub_*|seagrub_*|custom_*|seauboot_*|seabios_withgrub_*) return 1 ;; *.tar.xz) _stripped_prefix="${archivename#*_}" board="${_stripped_prefix%.tar.xz}" ;; *) $err "'$archive': could not detect board type - $dontflash" esac; : } readcfg() { if [ "$board" = "serprog_rp2040" ] || \ [ "$board" = "serprog_stm32" ] || \ [ "$board" = "serprog_pico" ]; then return 1 fi boarddir="$cbcfgsdir/$board" eval "`setcfg "$boarddir/target.cfg"`" chkvars tree x_ ./mk -d coreboot "$tree" # even if vendorfiles not used, see: setmac [ -z "$vcfg" ] && return 1 vfile="config/vendor/$vcfg/pkg.cfg" [ -L "$vfile" ] && $err "'$archive', '$board': $vfile is a symlink" [ -f "$vfile" ] || $err "'$archive', '$board': $vfile doesn't exist" cbdir="src/coreboot/$tree" cbfstool="elf/cbfstool/$tree/cbfstool" rmodtool="elf/cbfstool/$tree/rmodtool" mecleaner="$PWD/$cbdir/util/me_cleaner/me_cleaner.py" kbc1126_ec_dump="$PWD/$cbdir/util/kbc1126/kbc1126_ec_dump" cbfstool="elf/cbfstool/$tree/cbfstool" ifdtool="elf/ifdtool/$tree/ifdtool" [ -n "$IFD_platform" ] && ifdprefix="-p $IFD_platform"; : } patch_release_roms() { has_hashes="n" tmpromdir="tmp/DO_NOT_FLASH/bin/$board" remkdir "${tmpromdir%"/bin/$board"}" tar -xf "$archive" -C "${tmpromdir%"/bin/$board"}" || \ $err "Can't extract '$archive'" for _hashes in $hashfiles; do [ -L "$tmpromdir/$_hashes" ] && \ $err "'$archive' -> the hashfile is a symlink. $dontflash" [ -f "$tmpromdir/$_hashes" ] && has_hashes="y" && \ hashfile="$_hashes" && break; : done x_ mkdir -p "tmp"; [ -L "tmp/rom.list" ] && \ $err "'$archive' -> tmp/rom.list is a symlink - $dontflash" x_ rm -f "tmp/rom.list" "tmp/zero.1b" x_ dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp/zero.1b bs=1 count=1 find "$tmpromdir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.rom" > "tmp/rom.list" \ || $err "'$archive' -> Can't make tmp/rom.list - $dontflash" if readkconfig; then while read -r _xrom ; do process_release_rom "$_xrom" || break done < "tmp/rom.list" rm -f "$tmpromdir/README.md" || : [ "$nukemode" != "nuke" ] || \ printf "Make sure you inserted vendor files: %s\n" \ "$vguide" > "$tmpromdir/README.md" || : else printf "Skipping vendorfiles on '%s'\n" "$archive" 1>&2 fi ( cd "$tmpromdir" || $err "patch '$archive': can't cd $tmpromdir" # NOTE: For compatibility with older rom releases, defer to sha1 if [ "$has_hashes" = "y" ] && [ "$nukemode" != "nuke" ]; then sha512sum --status -c "$hashfile" || \ sha1sum --status -c "$hashfile" || \ $err "'$archive' -> Can't verify vendor hashes. $dontflash" rm -f "$hashfile" || \ $err "$archive: Can't rm hashfile. $dontflash" fi ) || $err "'$archive' -> Can't verify vendor hashes. $dontflash" if [ -n "$new_mac" ]; then if ! modify_mac_addresses; then printf "\nNo GbE region defined for '%s'\n" "$board" \ 1>&2 printf "Therefore, changing the MAC is impossible.\n" \ 1>&2 printf "This board probably lacks Intel ethernet.\n" \ 1>&2 printf "(or it's pre-IFD Intel with Intel GbE NIC)\n" \ 1>&2 fi fi [ "$xchanged" = "y" ] || rm -Rf "$tmpromdel" || : [ "$xchanged" = "y" ] || return 0 ( cd "${tmpromdir%"/bin/$board"}" || \ $err "Can't cd '${tmpromdir%"/bin/$board"}'; $dontflash" # ../../ is the root of lbmk mkrom_tarball "bin/$board" ) || $err "Cannot re-generate '$archive' - $dontflash" mv "${tmpromdir%"/bin/$board"}/bin/${relname}_${board}.tar.xz" \ "$archive" || \ $err "'$archive' -> Cannot overwrite - $dontflash"; : } process_release_rom() { _xrom="$1"; _xromname="${1##*/}" [ -L "$_xrom" ] && \ $err "$archive -> '${_xrom#"tmp/DO_NOT_FLASH/"}' is a symlink" [ -f "$_xrom" ] || return 0 [ -z "${_xromname#"$vfix"}" ] && \ $err "'$_xromname'->'"${_xromname#"$vfix"}"' empty. $dontflash" # Remove the prefix and 1-byte pad if [ "$nukemode" != "nuke" ] && \ [ "${_xromname#"$vfix"}" != "$_xromname" ]; then _xromnew="${_xrom%/*}/${_xromname#"$vfix"}" # Remove the 1-byte padding stat -c '%s' "$_xrom" > "tmp/rom.size" || \ $err "$_xrom: Can't get rom size. $dontflash" read -r xromsize < "tmp/rom.size" || \ $err "$_xrom: Can't read rom size. $dontflash" expr "X$xromsize" : "X-\{0,1\}[0123456789][0123456789]*$" \ 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null || $err "$_xrom size non-integer" [ $xromsize -lt 2 ] && $err \ "$_xrom: Will not create empty file. $dontflash" # TODO: check whether the size would be a multiple of 64KB # the smallest rom images we do are 512kb xromsize="`expr $xromsize - 1`" [ $xromsize -lt 524288 ] && \ $err "$_xrom size too small; likely not a rom. $dontflash" dd if="$_xrom" of="$_xromnew" bs=$xromsize count=1 || \ $err "$_xrom: Can't resize. $dontflash" rm -f "$_xrom" || $err "Can't rm $_xrom - $dontflash" _xrom="$_xromnew" fi [ "$nukemode" = "nuke" ] && \ mksha512sum "$_xrom" "vendorhashes" patch_rom "$_xrom" || return 1 # if break return, can still change MAC [ "$nukemode" != "nuke" ] && return 0 # Rename the file, prefixing a warning saying not to flash # the target image, which now has vendor files removed. Also # pad it so that flashprog returns an error if the user tries # to flash it, due to mismatching ROM size vs chip size cat "$_xrom" tmp/zero.1b > "${_xrom%/*}/$vfix${_xrom##*/}" || \ $err "'$archive' -> can't pad/rename '$_xrom'. $dontflash" rm -f "$_xrom" || $err "'$archive' -> can't rm '$_xrom'. $dontflash" } patch_rom() { rom="$1" # regarding ifs below: # if a hash file exists, we only want to allow inject. # if a hash file is missing, we only want to allow nuke. # this logical rule prevents double-nuke and double-inject # if injecting without a hash file i.e. inject what was injected # (or inject where no vendor files are needed, covered previously) if [ "$has_hashes" != "y" ] && [ "$nukemode" != "nuke" ]; then printf "inject: '%s' has no hash file. Skipping.\n" \ "$archive" 1>&2 return 1 fi # nuking *with* a hash file, i.e. nuking what was nuked before if [ "$has_hashes" = "y" ] && [ "$nukemode" = "nuke" ]; then printf "inject nuke: '%s' has a hash file. Skipping nuke.\n" \ "$archive" 1>&2 return 1 fi [ -n "$CONFIG_HAVE_REFCODE_BLOB" ] && inject "fallback/refcode" \ "$CONFIG_REFCODE_BLOB_FILE" "stage" [ "$CONFIG_HAVE_MRC" = "y" ] && inject "mrc.bin" "$CONFIG_MRC_FILE" \ "mrc" "0xfffa0000" [ "$CONFIG_HAVE_ME_BIN" = "y" ] && inject IFD "$CONFIG_ME_BIN_PATH" me [ "$CONFIG_KBC1126_FIRMWARE" = "y" ] && inject ecfw1.bin \ "$CONFIG_KBC1126_FW1" raw "$CONFIG_KBC1126_FW1_OFFSET" && inject \ ecfw2.bin "$CONFIG_KBC1126_FW2" raw "$CONFIG_KBC1126_FW2_OFFSET" [ -n "$CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_FILE" ] && [ -n "$CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_ID" ] && \ inject "pci$CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_ID.rom" "$CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_FILE" optionrom [ "$CONFIG_INCLUDE_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW" = "y" ] && \ [ -n "$CONFIG_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW_FILE" ] && \ inject sch5545_ecfw.bin "$CONFIG_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW_FILE" raw # # coreboot adds FSP-M first. so we shall add it first, then S: # NOTE: # We skip the fetch if CONFIG_FSP_USE_REPO or CONFIG_FSP_FULL_FD is set # but only for inject/nuke. we still run fetch (see above) because on # _fsp targets, coreboot still needs them, but coreboot Kconfig uses # makefile syntax and puts $(obj) in the path, which makes no sense # in sh. So we modify the path there, but lbmk only uses the file # in vendorfiles/ if neither CONFIG_FSP_USE_REPO nor CONFIG_FSP_FULL_FD # are set # [ -z "$CONFIG_FSP_USE_REPO" ] && [ -z "$CONFIG_FSP_FULL_FD" ] && \ [ -n "$CONFIG_FSP_M_FILE" ] && \ inject "$CONFIG_FSP_M_CBFS" "$CONFIG_FSP_M_FILE" fsp --xip [ -z "$CONFIG_FSP_USE_REPO" ] && [ -z "$CONFIG_FSP_FULL_FD" ] && \ [ -n "$CONFIG_FSP_S_FILE" ] && \ inject "$CONFIG_FSP_S_CBFS" "$CONFIG_FSP_S_FILE" fsp # TODO: modify gbe *after checksum verification only* # TODO: insert default gbe if doing -n nuke printf "ROM image successfully patched: %s\n" "$rom" xchanged="y" } inject() { [ $# -lt 3 ] && $err "$*, $rom: usage: inject name path type (offset)" [ "$2" = "/dev/null" ] && return 0 eval "`setvars "" cbfsname _dest _t _offset`" cbfsname="$1"; _dest="${2##*../}"; _t="$3" if [ "$_t" = "fsp" ]; then [ $# -gt 3 ] && _offset="$4" else [ $# -gt 3 ] && _offset="-b $4" && [ -z "$4" ] && \ $err "inject $*, $rom: offset given but empty (undefined)" fi e "$_dest" f n && [ "$nukemode" != "nuke" ] && $err "!inject $dl_type" if [ "$cbfsname" = "IFD" ]; then [ "$nukemode" = "nuke" ] || "$ifdtool" $ifdprefix -i \ $_t:$_dest "$rom" -O "$rom" || \ $err "failed: inject '$_t' '$_dest' on '$rom'" [ "$nukemode" != "nuke" ] || "$ifdtool" $ifdprefix --nuke $_t \ "$rom" -O "$rom" || $err "$rom: !nuke IFD/$_t" xchanged="y" return 0 elif [ "$nukemode" = "nuke" ]; then "$cbfstool" "$rom" remove -n "$cbfsname" || \ $err "inject $rom: can't remove $cbfsname" xchanged="y" return 0 fi if [ "$_t" = "stage" ]; then # the only stage we handle is refcode x_ mkdir -p tmp; x_ rm -f "tmp/refcode" "$rmodtool" -i "$_dest" -o "tmp/refcode" || "!reloc refcode" "$cbfstool" "$rom" add-stage -f "tmp/refcode" -n "$cbfsname" \ -t stage || $err "$rom: !add ref" else "$cbfstool" "$rom" add -f "$_dest" -n "$cbfsname" \ -t $_t $_offset || $err "$rom !add $_t ($_dest)" fi; xchanged="y"; : } modify_mac_addresses() { [ "$nukemode" = "nuke" ] && \ $err "Cannot modify MAC addresses while nuking vendor files" # chkvars CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH [ -n "$CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH" ] || return 1 e "${CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH##*../}" f n && $err "missing gbe file" [ "$new_mac" != "restore" ] && \ x_ make -C util/nvmutil x_ mkdir -p tmp [ -L "tmp/gbe" ] && $err "tmp/gbe exists but is a symlink" [ -d "tmp/gbe" ] && $err "tmp/gbe exists but is a directory" if [ -e "tmp/gbe" ]; then [ -f "tmp/gbe" ] || $err "tmp/gbe exists and is not a file" fi x_ cp "${CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH##*../}" "tmp/gbe" [ "$new_mac" != "restore" ] && \ x_ "util/nvmutil/nvm" "tmp/gbe" setmac "$new_mac" find "$tmpromdir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.rom" > "tmp/rom.list" \ || $err "'$archive' -> Can't make tmp/rom.list - $dontflash" while read -r _xrom; do [ -L "$_xrom" ] && continue [ -f "$_xrom" ] || continue "$ifdtool" $ifdprefix -i GbE:"tmp/gbe" "$_xrom" -O \ "$_xrom" || $err "'$_xrom': Can't insert new GbE file" xchanged="y" done < "tmp/rom.list" printf "\nThe following GbE NVM words were written in '%s':\n" \ "$archive" x_ util/nvmutil/nvm tmp/gbe dump | grep -v "bytes read from file" [ "$new_mac" = "restore" ] && \ printf "\nNOTE: User specified setmac 'restore' argument.\n" && \ printf "Default GbE file '%s' written without running nvmutil.\n" \ "${CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH##*../}"; : }