You can read it for yourself, but here is a paraphrasing of what it proposes:
* *Specifically* bans state-run websites from serving non-free javascript to
* Creates a commission to provide oversight, watching the use of Free Software by state agencies
* Bans state agencies from using proprietary software - maybe this could include schools, in the future!
* If a person is tried in a criminal case, they have the right to audit the source code of any proprietary software that collects evidence against them
* Encourages data portability (able to transfer data from one program to another)
* Bans certain non-compete clauses and NDAs (non-disclosure agreements) pertaining to Free Software projects
* Bans state/local law enforcement from assisting with the enforcement of copyright claims against Free Software projects
* Bans state agencies from purchasing non-free software if free software exists, for a given task
However, this is only a short summary. You are advised to read the bill in
detail. It's not very long.
At first glance, it may not seem that the bill affects individuals, but don't
be fooled; this is a hugely positive step forward for everyone! If the state is
using Free Software, that most likely means it'll be used in education aswell.
Although perhaps not immediately and readily apparent, this is a stake in the
heart of proprietary software's current dominance, because it would remove one
key element of its attack against us; its abuse of education services.
If education services are using Free Software, that means they'll probably have
children (the ones being educated) using it too. This is a *huge* step, and it
will result in more Free Software developers in the future. Free Software will
become more and more mainstream to the masses, which can surely only be a good
Freedom is always superior. The more people that have it, the better off we all
are, because freedom is also collective; it relies on others around us also
having it, so that we can defend each other. If more people have it, especially
if it results in more Free Software developers in the future, that's one thing,
but imagine if *more* states like what they see and start to copy the new
Now imagine that countries besides the US start doing it, inspired by the US's
success (and I think it will be a resounding success).
Imagine a world where [Free
Software](, free as in freedom, is
the default everywhere. Imagine a world where [Free Software
licensing]( is required reading
material in schools. *Imagine a world where any five year old can install a
free operating system such as GNU+Linux, and Computer Science is mandatory in
schools from a young age. Imagine filing your tax returns with Free Software,
exclusively. Imagine not even thinking about that, because it became the norm.*
*Imagine a world where proprietary software doesn't exist, because it is
obsolete; entire generations of people are taught to value freedom, and to
staunchly defend it, helping each other learn and grow (and produce better
software in the process, with less bugs, because people are now free to do
that, without relying on some evil company).*
Imagine a world where you're no longer being spied on because NSA, Apple and
Microsoft no longer have backdoor access to your computer. *Imagine having the
ability to say no, because that's what freedom is. Try to imagine it!*
Free Software is a revolution that we in the Free Software movement have
rigorously upheld and fought for, over many years, but we still face an uphill
battle because children are not taught in schools about free computing, nor are
they encouraged to learn; they are taught to view computers as *products* to
throw away every 1-2 years, that they can run a few *apps* on but otherwise are
not allowed to do anything with. The *concept* of a *general purpose, fully
reprogrammable computer* is heavily suppressed in mainstream culture. *Most*
people in the world do not run a free operating system; the idea of a computer
being a mere *appliance* is normalized (as opposed to the idea of it being a
highly liberating tool for development and the expansion of human knowledge).
*This* is what we in the Free Software movement have fought for over the years.
We believe that knowledge is a human right, that the ability to share, study,
learn, adapt and modify the software is an inalienable right that everyone must
have. [The four freedoms are absolute.](
One of our biggest problem has been simply that schools and governments do not
teach people about free computing. The right to learn, the right to read and
the right to hack. Our governments are made up of human beings just like you or
me, and they can be bought/corrupted; Microsoft, Apple and many others (such as
IBM) have done this for years, having the national infrastructures governing us
run on their proprietary systems, instead of systems that respect freedom; it
is essential that these systems run free software, because a free and democratic
should expect nothing less. Those companies buy influence *and they own your
All of this could change very soon. Something is happening in New Hampshire,
which could redefine our movement and give *free software* real power
**The reading of the bill is happening on 11 January 2022. This is when you
should go to New Hampshire.**
**Location of hearing: Legislative Office Building in Concord, New Hampshire:\