exorcism 3
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ the project, she provided Leah with a lot of technical advice. She initially
created Libreboot IRC channel, when Leah did not know how to
use IRC, and also handed +F founder status to Leah for the channel. As an FSF
sysadmin, it was Lisa's job to maintain a lot of the infrastructure used by
Libreboot; at the time, mailing lists on the GNU Savannah website were used by
Libreboot; at the time, mailing lists on the Savannah website were used by
the Libreboot project. When Paul Kocialkowski was a member of the project in
2016, she helped him get help from the FSF; he was the leader of the Replicant
project at the time, which had funding from the FSF, and the FSF authorized him
@ -275,9 +275,6 @@ The FSF and GNU websites now run on
Librebooted ASUS KGPE-D16 based servers, on a fully free GNU+Linux distro. This
means that the FSF now has full software freedom for their hosting infrastructure.
**NOTE: D16/D8 and KFSN4-DRE boards were removed from Libreboot on November
19th, 2022.**
The FSF also provides access to this infrastructure for many other projects
(besides GNU projects); for example, Trisquel uses a D16 provided by the FSF
for their development server used for building Trisquel releases and testing
@ -288,9 +288,6 @@ IRC, а також передала +F статус засновника для
означає, що FSF тепер має повну свободу програмного забезпечення для своєї
інфраструктури хостингу.
**ПРИМІТКА: Плати D16/D8 та KFSN4-DRE було видалено з Libreboot 19 листопада
2022 року**
FSF також надає доступ до цієї інфраструктури для багатьох інших проектів
(крім проектів GNU); наприклад, Trisquel використовує D16, наданий FSF
для свого сервера розробки, який використовується для створення випусків Trisquel і тестування
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ documentation, but there are aspects of libreboot that deserve special
treatment. libreboot provides the option to boot GRUB directly, running on
bare metal (instead of using BIOS or UEFI services).
[The Linux section](../gnulinux/) also has libreboot-specific guides for
[The Linux section](../linux/) also has libreboot-specific guides for
dealing with Linux distributions when using GRUB directly, in this
setup. [A similar section exists for BSD operating systems](../bsd/)
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ Installing libreboot
Documentation related to operating systems
- [Linux Guides](gnulinux/)
- [How to install BSD on an x86 host system](bsd/)
- [Linux Guides](linux/)
Information for developers
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ libreboot. Новини, включаючи оголошення про випу
Документація, яка має відношення до операційних систем
- [Керівництва Linux](gnulinux/)
- [Як встановити BSD на x86 хостову систему](bsd/)
- [Керівництва Linux](linux/)
Інформація для розробників
@ -497,11 +497,10 @@ is software-defined, and not enforced by the hardware.
The osboot project merged with Libreboot, and `nvmutil` was
imported into the `lbmk` repository. A historical change log
A historical change log
is included at [docs/install/nvmutilimport.md](nvmutilimport.md),
but this simply lists historical changes to nvmutil when it
was part of osboot. Future changes to nvmutil can be found by
was a separate project. Future changes to nvmutil can be found by
running `git log util/nvmutil` in `lbmk.git`. No more changes
to `nvmutilimport.md` will be applied, but future releases of
Libreboot announced in `news/` will mention any nvmutil changes.
@ -10,11 +10,6 @@ version of the nvmutil documentation: [nvmutil.md](nvmutil.md)
This code and documentation import was performed on November 17th, 2022.
The notes below are for historical purposes, as they show versioned
Change Logs from when nvmutil was part of osboot, but in its own
repository. Post-osboot-libreboot-merge, it was decided that nvmutil
shall now be part of the Libreboot build system proper.
Future changes to nvmutil (in `lbmk.git`) shall be included in regular
Libreboot release announcements, under `news/`, so please be sure to
check that from now on.
@ -202,4 +202,4 @@ You should see something like this:
Now [install Linux](../gnulinux/).
Now [install Linux](../linux/).
@ -221,4 +221,4 @@ You should see something like this:
Now [install Linux](../gnulinux/).
Now [install Linux](../linux/).
@ -258,4 +258,4 @@ You should see something like this:

Now [install Linux](../gnulinux/).
Now [install Linux](../linux/).
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ You should see something like this:

Now [install Linux](../gnulinux/).
Now [install Linux](../linux/).
X200S and X200 Tablet users: GPIO33 trick will not work.
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Tablet (для цих систем потрібно повністю видал

Тепер [встановлюйте Linux](../gnulinux/).
Тепер [встановлюйте Linux](../linux/).
Користувачі X200S та X200 Tablet: трюк GPIO33 не спрацює.
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ will unmount it:
The `lsblk` command told you what device it is. Overwrite the drive, writing
the OpenBSD installer to it with `dd`. Here's an example:
doas dd if=gnulinux.iso of=/dev/rsdXc bs=1M; sync
doas dd if=linux.iso of=/dev/rsdXc bs=1M; sync
That's it! You should now be able to boot the installer from your USB drive
(the instructions for doing so will be given later).
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ from [the Debian homepage](https://www.debian.org/), or the Devuan ISO from
[the Devuan homepage](https://www.devuan.org/).
Secondly, create a bootable USB drive using the commands in
Thirdly, boot the USB and enter these commands in the GRUB terminal
(for 64-bit Intel or AMD):
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Might want to run with --calibrate first
If powertop doesn't work, another way (reduces battery life slightly)
is to add *processor.max\_cstate=2* to the *linux* line in grub.cfg,
using [this guide](../gnulinux/grub_cbfs.md).
using [this guide](../linux/grub_cbfs.md).
High Pitched Whining Noise on Idle in Arch-based distros
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Might want to run with --calibrate first
If powertop doesn't work, another way (reduces battery life slightly)
is to add *processor.max\_cstate=2* to the *linux* line in grub.cfg,
using [this guide](../gnulinux/grub_cbfs.md).
using [this guide](../linux/grub_cbfs.md).
X60/T60: Serial port - how to use (for dock owners)
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Devuan, to enable a serial console using GeTTY:\
Note: part of the tutorial above requires changing your grub.cfg. Just
change the `linux` line to add instructions for enabling getty. See
Finetune backlight control on intel gpu's
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ behaviour.
You need to write changes in a libreboot rom image, and flash it, in order
to apply them. You can either use a pre-compiled rom image, or create an image
from the current one in your computer. See here
<https://libreboot.org/docs/gnulinux/grub_cbfs.html#get-the-rom-image> for
<https://libreboot.org/docs/linux/grub_cbfs.html#get-the-rom-image> for
more information on how to do that.
Once you have a libreboot rom image, say 'libreboot.rom', you can write
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ You can check that the parameters are set in the image with :
sudo ./nvramtool -C libreboot.rom -a
Finally, you need to flash the rom with this new image. See here
for a detailed explanation.
Get EDID: Find out the name (model) of your LCD panel
@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ boot just fine, using the bootloader (GRUB) that is in the flash chip.
This also means that even if you remove the HDD or SSD, you'll still
have a functioning bootloader installed which could be used to boot a
live distribution installer from a USB flash drive. See
[How to install Linux on a libreboot system](../docs/gnulinux/grub_boot_installer.md)
[How to install Linux on a libreboot system](../docs/linux/grub_boot_installer.md)
Nowadays, other payloads are also provided. If you're using the SeaBIOS payload,
then the normal MBR bootsector is used on your HDD or SSD, like you would
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ automatically switch to a GRUB configuration on the HDD or SSD, if it
exists. You can also load a different GRUB configuration, from any kind
of device that is supported in GRUB (such as a USB flash drive). For
more information, see
[Modifying the GRUB Configuration in libreboot Systems](../docs/gnulinux/grub_cbfs.md)
[Modifying the GRUB Configuration in libreboot Systems](../docs/linux/grub_cbfs.md)
If you're using the SeaBIOS payload, it's even easier. It works just like you
would expect. SeaBIOS implements a normal x86 BIOS interface.
@ -972,8 +972,8 @@ Can I use Linux?
Absolutely! It is well-tested in libreboot, and highly recommended. See
[installing Linux](../docs/gnulinux/grub_boot_installer.md) and
[booting Linux](../docs/gnulinux/grub_cbfs.md).
[installing Linux](../docs/linux/grub_boot_installer.md) and
[booting Linux](../docs/linux/grub_cbfs.md).
Any recent distribution should work, as long as it uses KMS (kernel mode
setting) for the graphics.
@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ Fedora won't boot? (may also be applicable to Redhat/CentOS)
On Fedora, by default the grub.cfg tries to boot linux in 16-bit mode. You
just have to modify Fedora's GRUB configuration.
Refer to [the Linux page](docs/gnulinux/).
Refer to [the Linux page](docs/linux/).
Can I use BSD?
@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ HDD або SSD під час встановлення нового дистри
Це означає, що навіть якщо ви виймете жорсткий диск або твердотільний накопичувач, у вас всеодно
буде встановлено функціонуючий завантажувач, який можна використовувати для завантаження програми
встановлення дистрибутива з флеш-пам'яті USB. Див.
[Як інсталювати Linux у системі libreboot](../docs/gnulinux/grub_boot_installer.md)
[Як інсталювати Linux у системі libreboot](../docs/linux/grub_boot_installer.md)
В даний час також передбачені інші корисні навантаження. Якщо ви використовуєте корисне навантаження SeaBIOS,
тоді на вашому HDD або SSD використовується звичайний завантажувальний сектор MBR, як і слід було
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ HDD або SSD під час встановлення нового дистри
існує. Ви також можете завантажити іншу конфігурацію GRUB з будь-якого пристрою, який підтримується
GRUB (наприклад, флеш-накопичувач USB). Для
більшої інформації див.
[Змінення конфігурації GRUB в системах libreboot](../docs/gnulinux/grub_cbfs.md)
[Змінення конфігурації GRUB в системах libreboot](../docs/linux/grub_cbfs.md)
Якщо ви використовуєте корисне навантаження SeaBIOS, це ще простіше. Це працює так, як ви
очікували. SeaBIOS реалізує звичайний інтерфейс x86 BIOS.
@ -973,8 +973,8 @@ WWAN, підключення до мережі 3g/4g (наприклад, GSM).
Абсолютно! Він добре перевірений в libreboot, та дуже рекомендований. Подивіться
[встановлення Linux](../docs/gnulinux/grub_boot_installer.md) та
[запуск Linux](../docs/gnulinux/grub_cbfs.md).
[встановлення Linux](../docs/linux/grub_boot_installer.md) та
[запуск Linux](../docs/linux/grub_cbfs.md).
Будь-який сучасний дистрибутив має працювати, допоки він використовує KMS (kernel mode
setting) для графіки.
@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ Fedora не завантажується? (також може бути заст
У Fedora типово grub.cfg намагається завантажити linux в 16-розрядному режимі.
Вам просто потрібно змінити конфігурацію GRUB Fedora.
Зверніться до [сторінки Linux](docs/gnulinux/).
Зверніться до [сторінки Linux](docs/linux/).
Чи я можу використовувати BSD?
@ -215,9 +215,3 @@ For sending patches, it is now preferred that you use *codeberg*. Technically,
pull requests are still possible via Notabug. While Notabug still exists,
Libreboot patches will continue be pushed there, mirroring what gets pushed
on Notabug.
The Notabug repository also contains some historical git repositories,
including the old Libreboot git repository from before build system, website
and images were split into separate repos. Leah Rowe has copies of these and
will push them to codeberg if Notabug ever goes down permanently. Same goes
for osboot repositories, which were merged with Libreboot in November 2022.
@ -215,9 +215,3 @@ For sending patches, it is now preferred that you use *codeberg*. Technically,
pull requests are still possible via Notabug. While Notabug still exists,
Libreboot patches will continue be pushed there, mirroring what gets pushed
on Notabug.
The Notabug repository also contains some historical git repositories,
including the old Libreboot git repository from before build system, website
and images were split into separate repos. Leah Rowe has copies of these and
will push them to codeberg if Notabug ever goes down permanently. Same goes
for osboot repositories, which were merged with Libreboot in November 2022.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ x-toc-enable: true
Libreboot est un micrologiciel de démarrage [libéré](freedom-status.md)
qui initialise le matériel (càd le contrôleur mémoire, CPU,
périphériques) sur [des ordinateurs x86/ARM spécifiques](docs/hardware/)
et lance un chargeur d'amorçage pour votre système d'exploitation. [Linux](docs/gnulinux/) et [BSD](docs/bsd/) sont bien supportés. C'est un
et lance un chargeur d'amorçage pour votre système d'exploitation. [Linux](docs/linux/) et [BSD](docs/bsd/) sont bien supportés. C'est un
remplacement pour le micrologiciel UEFI/BIOS propriétaire.
Des canaux d'aide sont disponibles
dans le canal [\#libreboot](https://web.libera.chat/#libreboot) sur le serveur IRC [Libera](https://libera.chat/).
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The `libreboot` project provides
[libre](freedom-status.md) *boot
firmware* that initializes the hardware (e.g. memory controller, CPU,
peripherals) on [specific Intel/AMD x86 and ARM targets](docs/hardware/), which
then starts a bootloader for your operating system. [Linux](docs/gnulinux/)
then starts a bootloader for your operating system. [Linux](docs/linux/)
and [BSD](docs/bsd/) are well-supported. It replaces proprietary BIOS/UEFI
firmware. Help is available
via [\#libreboot](https://web.libera.chat/#libreboot)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ x-toc-enable: true
[вільну](freedom-status.md) *завантажувальну
прошивку*, яка ініціалізує апаратне забезпечення (наприклад, контролер пам'яті, ЦП,
периферію) на [конкретних цілях Intel/AMD x86 та ARM](docs/hardware/), що
потім розпочинає завантажувач для вашої операційної системи. [Linux](docs/gnulinux/)
потім розпочинає завантажувач для вашої операційної системи. [Linux](docs/linux/)
та [BSD](docs/bsd/) добре підтримуються. Це заміняє пропрієтарну BIOS/UEFI
прошивку. Допомога доступна
через [\#libreboot](https://web.libera.chat/#libreboot)
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ usa-libre-part3.md
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ Revisions for r20140711 (1st beta) (11th July 2014)
to accomodate the above.
- Documentation: added notes about cbfstool (standalone) in
- Documentation: made docs/gnulinux/grub\_cbfs.html slightly easier to
- Documentation: made docs/linux/grub\_cbfs.html slightly easier to
- Annotate the 'build\*' scripts with 'echo' commands, to help the
user understand what it actually happening during the build process.
@ -145,5 +145,5 @@ Revisions for r20140903 (6th beta) (3rd September 2014)
terminal\_output \--append gfxterm
- Play a beep on startup:\
play 480 440 1
- Documentation: updated gnulinux/grub\_cbfs.html to make it safer
- Documentation: updated linux/grub\_cbfs.html to make it safer
(and easier) to follow.
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Changes for this release (latest changes first, earliest changes last)
- Too many issues. Chromebooks are crippled (soldered
RAM/storage/wifi) and have too many usability issues for the
libreboot project.
- docs/gnulinux/grub\_cbfs.html Major cleanup. Usability improvements.
- docs/linux/grub\_cbfs.html Major cleanup. Usability improvements.
- flash (flashrom script): remove boardmismatch=force
- This was put there before for users upgrading from libreboot r5
to r6, but also allows the user to flash the wrong image. For
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Changes for this release, relative to r20150208 (earliest changes last, recent c
again in the next release)
- coreboot-libre: delete unused code (reduce size of src archive)
- Flashing guides: make them more friendly to colourblind people
- docs/gnulinux/encrypted\_\*.html: Remove mention of password
- docs/linux/encrypted\_\*.html: Remove mention of password
length - it was arbitrary and pointless.
- docs/maintain/: Finish the guide
- scripts/download/coreboot: use diffs included in libreboot, not
@ -92,11 +92,11 @@ Changes for this release, relative to r20150208 (earliest changes last, recent c
- demefactory (new utility): create GM45 factory.rom without the ME
- ich9deblob: re-factor descriptor.c functions
- docs/hardware/t500.html: add hardware logs
- docs/gnulinux/encrypted\_\*.html: No password for default entry
- docs/linux/encrypted\_\*.html: No password for default entry
- docs/git/: Add more details about BUC.TS
- grub.cfg: Also scan for grub2/grub.cfg, not just grub/grub.cfg
- docs/maintain/ (new section. WIP!): Maintaining libreboot
- docs/gnulinux/grub\_boot\_installer.html: Fix hazardous instruction
- docs/linux/grub\_boot\_installer.html: Fix hazardous instruction
- docs/tasks.html: Better categorization between intel/amd/arm
- docs/install/bbb\_setup.html: notes about SPI flashing stability
- docs/install/bbb\_setup.html: more names for the 0.1" cables
@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ Changes for this release, relative to r20150208 (earliest changes last, recent c
- grub-assemble: Disable verbose output
- Add documentation on how to unlock root encrypted fs with key in
initramfs in Parabola Linux
- docs/gnulinux/grub\_cbfs.html: Improve structure (easier to use)
- docs/linux/grub\_cbfs.html: Improve structure (easier to use)
- grub.cfg: Disable the beep on startup
- docs/install/bbb\_setup.html: Make the guide easier to use
- docs/gnulinux/grub\_cbfs.html: Remove redundant instructions
- docs/linux/grub\_cbfs.html: Remove redundant instructions
- docs/install/x200\_external.html: Mark pins in the images
- docs/install/bbb\_setup.html: Replace 3.3V PSU photo with ATX PSU
- docs/hardware/x200.html: Add dumps from 4-MiB X200 with Lenovo BIOS 3.22
@ -136,19 +136,7 @@ I scrapped the re-write in December 2020, and continued with my development on
the Libreboot 20160907 build system.
Fundamental design flaws were fixed, and it is much more configurable these
days. It first started as an experimental fork named *osboot*, which you can
see here: <https://osboot.org/> (I, Leah Rowe, am the founder and lead developer
of both libreboot *and* osboot. osboot is the younger sibling of libreboot)
**NOTE: As of November 2022,
[osboot has merged with and become part of Libreboot](merge.md), but
the old repos at <https://notabug.org/osboot/> still exist and shall be
The osboot Git repository was then forked into osboot-libre, available in the
branch named `libre`. *That* branch was then forked to create this Libreboot
release. The osboot build system is named osbmk (osboot-make) and the one in
the libre branch is named osboot-libre.
Moving forward, ideas/features that were implemented (whether on not they were
completed) in the re-write will be implemented in lbmk. The design of lbmk is
@ -191,12 +179,12 @@ compared to the Libreboot 20160907 build system:
few commits. There were more revisions used, but they were closer together.
In *this* release, coreboot 4.11 and 4.14 are the versions used, and these
revisions are quite far apart from each other.
* You no longer have to manually run individual commands within lbmk (in osboot
it's called osbmk. osboot-make): each command checks if previous commands
* You no longer have to manually run individual commands within lbmk:
each command checks if previous commands
required were run, and runs them if not. **This means you can just type a
single command to build a ROM image if you wish!**
* Makefile included, making the build system even easier to use. The Makefile
contains no logic, it just runs osbmk (osboot-make) commands
contains no logic, it just runs lbmk commands.
* The GRUB payload is now handled by a completely separate command. The
command `./build payload grub` generates the GRUB payload executables, and
puts them in `payload/grub/`, in a completely modular way.
@ -214,23 +202,6 @@ compared to the Libreboot 20160907 build system:
* Vastly improved `grub.cfg`: un-hardcodes a lot of functionality, improved
usability on i945 targets such as X60/T60/macbook21, USB HDD support out of
the box
* Tianocore payload supported, for UEFI. NOTE: this is inherited from osboot,
but Tianocore itself doesn't work well or is otherwise untested on currently
supported platforms in Libreboot. The build system is capable of building it,
and what it builds *does* work on some sandybridge and ivybridge laptops that
were tested in osboot (the non-libre version, in the master branch). However,
Tianocore is a very large and complex codebase (it's actually bigger than the
Linux kernel!). It is untested on everything in Libreboot except i945 and GM45,
and on those it completely stalls (it gets to the logo screen, but crashes,
so it never reaches the UEFI shell program). Getting Tianocore to work is
a priority for the *next* Libreboot release; Tianocore is free software, and
can work quite well but it does need some maintenance first. Linux distros
expect it nowadays (on x86), though the linux kernel can still run on bare
metal and that is unlikely to change (so, GRUB payload will always be
possible on x86). lbmk doesn't actually build tianocore. Instead, it modifies
the *coreboot* build system, and uses the coreboot build system with a dummy
board config, selecting Tianocore as the payload, and then it copies the
Tianocore ELF into `payload/tianocore/`
* SeaBIOS now included as standard, on all ROM images; on images with the GRUB
payload, SeaBIOS is an option in the boot menu.
* The build system is *much* easier to use when adding new board configs
@ -690,24 +661,6 @@ coreboot 4.12
SMMSTORE is basically UEFI's answer to CMOS "NVRAM". it is a way to store
configurations, in SPI flash. it's handled via SMM interrupts (SMIs). NOTE:
SMMSTOREv2 is also becoming a thing now
* relocatable ramstage, postcar stage and C\_ENVIRONMENTAL\_BOOTBLOCK (as
opposed to romcc) are now mandatory features for all boards. This means that
fam15h/10h boards were dropped from coreboot, which didn't implement those
features yet (in other words, ASUS KCMA-D8 and KGPE-D16, not to mention
KFSN4-DRE, are currently stuck on coreboot 4.11 in libreboot) - it would be
too much work to get these boards working again in coreboot master, and the
code for these boards already work well, so a fork of coreboot 4.11 for
libreboot and osboot is planned, to backport newer coreboot features whenever
necessary, and in general keeping the boards building properly (newer GCC
toolchains will be used, over time). D8/D16 uses AMD AGESA codebase which
is AMD's own thing, not written at all with coreboot's coding style in mind,
to the point where the whole thing would have to be re-written to integrate it
into coreboot again. this is largely a waste of time, so maintaining coreboot
4.11 is a much better decision (again, AMD's code works very well. it's from
the time when AMD was actually sharing AGESA source code with coreboot. AGESA
was AMD's codebase for hardware initialization, and for a time, coreboot was
bolting it on in its own build system. You can find it under `src/vendorcode/`
in coreboot 4.11 source code
coreboot 4.11
@ -77,12 +77,6 @@ available in the Libreboot 20220710 release:
* ditto KCMA-D8
* ditto GA-G41M-ES2L
GA-G41M-ES2L works *for me* but jxself on FSF IRC reported video init issues.
If you have this board, and the 2021 releases don't work either, you might
consider using upstream coreboot or the September 2016 Libreboot release.
I will investigate this, and re-include ROMs for this board on the next
release of Libreboot.
The boards listed above can still be compiled, from the source code archive
in this release and from the Libreboot git repository; additionally, ROM images
are provided for these in the previous release. D8/D16 continue to have raminit
@ -6,21 +6,8 @@ The last Libreboot release, version 20220710, was released on 10 July
in 2022. *This* new release, Libreboot 20221214, is released today on December
14th, 2022. This is intended to be a *testing* release.
This release is based on the osboot merger that happened last month. Many
new boards are now supported!
Many ARM-based chromebooks have also been added, and they were added just
before the osboot merge.
Both the osboot merge and ARM chromebooks (with u-boot payload) were
mentioned in the [osboot/libreboot merge news post](merge.md) back in
November 2022.
This is marked as a *testing* release, but most/all boards should be fairly
stable. Prior to the osboot/libreboot merge, a separate osboot release was
planned, but the merger was decided upon instead. This release is essentially
what osboot would have been, had it gone for a separate release. New releases
conform to osboot standard, for all boards.
Build from source
@ -278,9 +265,6 @@ These are takes from the git log of `lbmk.git`:
osbmk Git changes
Osboot merged with the Libreboot project in November 2022, and the osboot
website shut down, redirecting to the Libreboot one.
It's important to show the osboot changes aswell. Osboot only became part of
Libreboot last month, but the "reboot" of the osboot project happened around
the start of 2022, when it was put back in sync with Libreboot at the time,
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
% Osboot is now part of Libreboot
% Leah Rowe
% 15 November 2022
Long live Libreboot!
The former `osboot` project, started by the same founder as Libreboot, Leah
Rowe, has today shut down; the osboot website now automatically redirects, via
HTTP 301, to the libreboot website. Everything osboot had, has now been added
to Libreboot, and development will now occur exclusively in Libreboot from now
The result of this decision is that Libreboot does (and can) now support newer
hardware, such as the ThinkPad X230 or T440p.
Such was alluded to in the previous Libreboot release announcement:
The exact method proposed in that previous announcement has not been adopted.
Instead, Libreboot essentially now *is* osboot, under the Libreboot name.
The *binary blob reduction* policy of osboot has replaced the previous
policy used by Libreboot. It is a pragmatic policy revolved around providing
as much freedom as possible per platform, while no longer sticking only to
those *"pure"* platforms; all platforms from coreboot can now be supported, if
someone wishes to maintain the board in `lbmk`. The new policy is here:
<https://libreboot.org/news/policy.html> (same URL as the old one, but the
text has been updated in line with osboot policy)
To understand the full nature of this merge, you should read the policy
document linked above. Both osboot and Libreboot were largely identical, and
basically the same project. In order to make management of the projects much
easier, they were simply merged into one.
How the merge was conducted
Since 2020, Libreboot (and osboot) have both been through several reboots,
forking off each other other to keep in sync. It was starting to become too
much of a burden, which is the main reason the merger took place.
On November 14th, I (Leah Rowe) literally diffed all of Libreboot since the
last reboot (of the Libreboot repository) and checked each one against osboot,
adding whatever was missing from that *in osboot*. This then put the osboot
project in sync with Libreboot, but in line with osboot and with the additional
boards (plus scripts and so on) in osboot, compared to Libreboot pre-merge.
The same was *then* applied *in reverse*: differences in osboot were ported
back to Libreboot, carefully and methodically. All of this took place in a the
period of 1 day, because the overall structure of both projects was largely the
same and the build systems in both projects are extremely modular, making this
sort of work very easy indeed.
A similar process was performed with the Libreboot website and the osboot
website, but osboot already contained all the same documentation as Libreboot,
plus extra. The differences were therefore ported over to Libreboot.
Porting of documentation (from osboot over to Libreboot) was done by
Caleb La Grange (IRC nick `shmalebx9`), and reviewed by myself prior to going
As of writing this post, one utility from osboot (for changing MAC addresses
inside Gbe regions on Intel machines that have an IFD) hasn't been moved over
yet, but I'm considering merging all outside utilities maintained by us (bucts,
ich9gen and nvmutil) into lbmk, making lbmk a BSD-like *monorepo* of sorts. We
shall see.
That's it really. Osboot and Libreboot are now operating as a single, unified
project, the way it should have been from the beginning. Quite boring news,
New Libreboot release coming soon!!!
CrOS devices re-added to Libreboot
Documentation needs to be updated, to reflect this and many other things, but
ARM-based chromebooks are now once again supported in Libreboot, using the
u-boot payload inside coreboot.
This work is courtesy of Alper Nebi Yasak (`alpernebbi` on libera IRC) and it's
also part of the merge.
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
% Osboot тепер є частиною Libreboot
% Лія Роу
% 15 листопада 2022 року
Довго живе Libreboot!
Минулий проект `osboot`, розпочатий тим же самим засновником, що й Libreboot, Лією
Роу, сьогодні було вимкнено; веб-сайт osboot тепер автоматично перенаправляє, через
HTTP 301, на веб-сайт libreboot. Все, що мав osboot, тепер було додано
до Libreboot, і розробка тепер буде проходити виключно в Libreboot з цього
Результатом цього рішення є те, що Libreboot тепер підтримує (і може підтримувати) новіше
апаратне забезпечення, таке як ThinkPad X230 або T440p.
Про це згадувалося в попередньому оголошенні про випуск Libreboot:
Точний метод, запропонований у тому попередньому повідомленні, не був прийнятий.
Натомість, Libreboot, по суті, зараз *є* osboot, під іменем Libreboot.
*Політика зменшення бінарних блобів* osboot замінила попередню
політику, яку використовував Libreboot. Це прагматична політика, спрямована на надання
якомога більшої свободи кожній платформі, але більше не дотримається лише
тих *"чистих"* платформ; тепер можна підтримувати всі платформи з coreboot, якщо
хтось бажає підтримувати плату в `lbmk`. Нова політика тут:
<https://libreboot.org/news/policy.html> (той самий URL, що і старий, але
текст було оновлено, відповідно до політики osboot)
Щоб зрозуміти всю природу цього злиття, вам слід прочитати документ про політику,
посилання на який наведено вище. І osboot, і Libreboot були багато в чому ідентичними, і
в основному той самий проект. Щоб значно полегшити управління проектами,
їх просто об'єднали в один.
Як було проведено злиття
З 2020 року Libreboot (і osboot) пройшли кілька перезавантажень,
відгалуджуючи один одного для підтримки синхронізації. Це почало ставати занадто
великим тягарем, що стало основною причиною злиття.
14 листопада, я (Лія Роу) буквально зробила diff всього Libreboot, з моменту
останнього перезавантаження (репозиторія Libreboot) і перевірила кожну з osboot,
додавши те, чого не вистачає в цьому *в osboot*. Тоді проект osboot
синхронізується з Libreboot, але відповідно до osboot і з додатковими
платами (плюс сценарії і так далі) в osboot, порівняно з Libreboot до злиття.
Те саме *потім* було застосовано *у зворотному порядку*: відмінності в osboot були перенесені
назад до Libreboot, обережно та методично. Все це відбулося
протягом 1 дня, оскільки загальна структура обох проектів була в основному
однаковою, а системи збірки в обох проектах надзвичайно модульні, що робить
таку роботу справді дуже легкою.
Подібний процес було виконано з веб-сайтами Libreboot і osboot,
але osboot уже містив ту саму документацію, що й Libreboot,
а також додаткові. Тому відмінності було перенесено на Libreboot.
Перенесення документації (від osboot до Libreboot) виконав
Калеб Ла Грейндж (IRC нік `shmalebx9`), і я переглянула її самостійно перед тим, як
На момент написання цього допису, одна утиліта з osboot (для зміни MAC-адрес
у регіонах Gbe на машинах Intel, які мають IFD) ще не була перенесена,
але я розглядаю можливість об'єднання всіх зовнішніх утиліт, які ми підтримуємо (bucts,
ich9gen та nvmutil) в lbmk, роблячи lbmk свого роду *монорепозиторієм*, схожим на BSD. Ми
Ось і все справді. Osboot і Libreboot тепер працюють як єдиний, об'єднаний
проект, як і мало бути з самого початку. Досить нудна новина,
Незабаром з'явиться новий випуск Libreboot!!!
CrOS пристрої знову додано до Libreboot
Документація має бути оновлена, для відображення цього і багатьох інших речей, але
засновані на ARM chromebook тепер знову підтримуються в Libreboot, використовуючи
корисне навантаження u-boot всередині coreboot.
Цю роботу люб'язно надав Альпер Небі Ясак (`alpernebbi` на libera IRC) і це також
є частиною злиття.
Reference in New Issue