todo page: even more things

Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
Leah Rowe 2023-12-25 21:10:58 +00:00
parent 62faae9acd
commit 869342fd50
1 changed files with 173 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -92,6 +92,24 @@ Libreboot can support any board from coreboot, in principle. It would also be
feasible to integrate other (libre) boot firmware, if desirable. The list below feasible to integrate other (libre) boot firmware, if desirable. The list below
is not exhaustive, it just lists boards that are interesting to us at this time: is not exhaustive, it just lists boards that are interesting to us at this time:
Autoport is not available for all boards, but is available under the coreboot
repository. When you run it, the program provides you with instructions for
how to run it and how to handle the results, what to check
for manually for tweaking later, while providing general advice to the budding
coreboot developer.
Well, it's not available for some newer Intel platforms. There are patches
on coreboot gerrit, that enable it for these platforms. Namely:
* Haswell-lynxpoint: <>
* Broadwell: <>
These patches for the newer platforms are not yet merged in coreboot main. You
can just cherry-pick these as desired.
Boards Boards
------ ------
@ -859,3 +877,158 @@ mentality; their package manager is highly advanced, but written with a very
minimalist and efficient design. Libreboot's handling of packages and minimalist and efficient design. Libreboot's handling of packages and
dependencies could be re-modelled dependencies could be re-modelled
using [apk-tools]( as inspiration. using [apk-tools]( as inspiration.
Detect module changes
When a given package is already downloaded and built in some way, lbmk
currently works on the assumption that it doesn't change. During development,
it is necessary to manually delete certain build artifacts, and know what to
For example, you have to delete `src/grub` after updating the GRUb revision in
lbmk. Lbmk does not, for example, detect when you updated the revision and
automatically adjust to the new revision+patches by: 1) undoing all patches
and 2) running git pull 3) resetting again to the new revision and applying
new patches and 4) cleaning the previous builds
In practise, revisions don't change very often in Libreboot, and they're
normally updated all at once, when they are updated.
Normal/fallback scheme
Libreboot currently does not handle the normal/fallback payload scheme at all.
Instead, it is assumed that the user will always be booting from the fallback
payload, with no normal payload provided. One single payload. This assumption
is hardcoded into certain logic, in the build system.
Coreboot supports configuring which scheme to use, at boot time, but we don't
use it. Coreboot's default is to always load the fallback, so we use that.
Delete of /tmp files
Libreboot resets `TMPDIR` to a subdirectory inside `/tmp`, so that further
calls to `mktemp` will create all further files and directories under a single
subdirectory, which can then be deleted all at once, when Libreboot's build
system exits. This is exported to child processes of lbmk, so that it's
universal at all times, on each run of lbmk.
It's designed this way, specifically to avoid leaving temporary files on the
file system, after lbmk exits. If lbmk is interrupted, they will remain, but
that's the same as with any other program.
They are only deleted once lbmk exits, so if there are a lot of files, that
means `/tmp` can fill up fast. This can be a problem, especially if the user
has `/tmp` inside a tmpfs (file system mounted in memory).
Therefore, an audit should be done, ensuring that tmpfiles are deleted as soon
as possible, while lbmk runs. This is especially needed in the script
at `script/build/roms`.
Improved payload documentation
The actual payload documentation is quite sparse in Libreboot, especially SeaBIOS
but also GRUB. We don't need to repeat what is said by upstream docs, but we
also don't link to them or cross reference them in any way.
We should start writing about the payloads in more detail, referencing upstream
documentation whenever possible.
Re-add vendorfile extract
We have scripts that auto-download firmware from the vendor when required,
and a script that removes/adds them after the fact, if done on release ROMs.
We used to have a fallback script that would extract such files from a factory
ROM image, but it was poorly maintained and then removed from Libreboot. We
still recommend using the internet-based script instead, but having such a
fallback option is still desirable. By having this, we could then reliably
always have access to such firmwares.
Last time the extract script existed in master, it lacked support for certain
files, such as SCH5545EC firmware or extracting MRC firmware(which probably
isn't possible anyway).
Static compiled utils in releases
We curerntly only provide binaries of the firmware itself, for each mainboard,
but we do not provide utilities compiled. We provide only source code, and the
user is expected to compile utilities from source.
This can be inconvenient, especially if the user is running the vendorfile
download scripts. This should be done alongside providing musl-cross-make for
the linuxboot builds.
Download repositories in bulk
At present, lbmk does what it needs to do, and downloads repositories only as
required, upon each stage of the boot process. For example, it may download
gnulib when downloading GRUb, after having maybe built 5 mainboards all with
only SeaBIOS, having built SeaBIOS before those 5 - it doesn't build SeaBIOS
and GRUB before the 5.
What this means is that the internet may work at one stage during a build,
but for very long builds (ones that take hours, which some do), it may be that
the user's internet goes down, and a latter part of the build fails, where it
might have succeeded if packages were downloaded much earlier and in bulk.
So, TODO: Make lbmk determine precisely what packages would later be downloaded
through various parts of a build, for a given command, and do it all at once,
and then build. This is also better because, for very large amounts of modules,
that take a long time to install, existing downloaded modules could be built
while the download is in progress, to save on overall build time. This would
be especially beneficial on slow internet connections, where a larger amount
of time is spent downloading that building.
In this context, slow internet means 20Mbps or less. Libreboot downloads a *lot*
of code during the build process. For reasonable build times, it is currently
recommended that you run lbmk an on internet connection that is at least 100Mbps.
You can still use slower connections, it'll just take longer.
Don't copy src trees
For multi-tree projects, lbmk currently copies the source code per tree,
e.g. `coreboot/default`, `coreboot/dell`. What could be done instead is to
use the existing Git history as-is, and just make a new branch, with whatever
patches, at the given revision.
At release time, to save space, the given repository would have its history
re-initialised, with the code branches reset per tree, and the source code
copied, then committed - *this* would actually create *more* copies than lbmk
currently does, thus using the disk more heavily, but only during release time.
For normal builds (from Git, or from released archives), less disk space would
be used, and there would be less disk I/O. This would especially reduce wear
and tear on SSDs, where Libreboot is used.
This may have some complications, where submodules are used. A solution to this
would be to define those submodule repositories under lbmk's `config/git/`
instead, and from there, define them as dependencies for a given project. Where
a multi-tree project defines them, those dependencies could themselves be
treated as multi-tree in the ame way as described above, even if they don't
have a configuration for that in lbmk, because they are already used as
dependencies in the multi-tree projects - in this case, if no custom config is
provided, they would just use whatever revision is used in the defined submodule
for the main target project that lbmk is downloading for.
Vendor scripts
Check hashes of resulting files
Libreboot extracts the files from vendor updates, and those updates are checked
against known hashes, but lbmk only defines such hashes for the larger updates
themselves. hashes for the files extracted could also be defined, mostly as a
way to ensure that they were correctly extracted, though it could default back
to current behaviour (only check the main file) if individual checksums for
inside files are not defined.