i'm told that many of the page titles are too short
i went through them systematically and changed a bunch
of page titles, so that they more closely reflect the
given subject matter
Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <leah@libreboot.org>
mistakes made during osbwww->lbmk merge have been corrected
mostly a few search/replace errors, and deleted pages that have since
been restored, or pages that were incorrectly scrubbed are now full; for
example, pages that said there are no releases yet (from osboot) have
been replaced with the version from libreboot that links to release archives,
which *do* exist in libreboot
i generally fixed all other minor issues with paragraphs that i found, where
the paragraphs made sense in osboot.org but did not so on libreboot.org
this is all of my fixes, after auditing the recent merge. no point splitting
them up. just patch it up and go!