--- title: Build from source x-toc-enable: true ... WARNING: Flash from bin/, NOT elf/ ================================== **WARNING: When you build a ROM image from the Libreboot build system, please ensure that you flash the appropriate ROM image from `bin/`, NOT `elf/`. The `elf/` coreboot ROMs do not contain payloads. Libreboot's build system builds no-payload ROMs under `elf/`, and payloads separately under `elf/`. Then it copies from `elf/` and inserts payloads from `elf/`, and puts the final ROM images (containing payloads) in `bin/`. This design is more efficient, and permits many configurations without needless duplication of work. More info is available in the [lbmk maintenance manual](../maintain/)** Introduction ============ libreboot's build system is named `lbmk`, short for `LibreBoot MaKe`, and this document describes how to use it. With this guide, you can know how to compile libreboot from the available source code. The following document describes how `lbmk` works, and how you can make changes to it: [libreboot maintenance manual](../maintain/) Sources ======= This version, if hosted live on libreboot.org, assumes that you are using the `lbmk` git repository, which you can download using the instructions on [the code review page](../../git.md). A note about documentation (and this page) ------------------------------------------ From Libreboot 20231021 onwards, *all* releases (including 20231021) have `lbwww.git` (the website) and `lbwww-img.git` (images for the website) archived in the *src* tar archive for that release; older releases were hit or miss, from 20210522 to 20230625, as to whether they came with documentation; releases older than 20210522 generally always came with documentation. Modern Libreboot documentation is written in Markdown (pandoc variant) If you're working with *release* documentation, you don't get the full HTML files (such as the one you're viewing now, if you're reading *this* page in a web browser), so either read the Markdown files directly, or compile them to HTML using the [Untitled Static Site Generator](https://untitled.vimuser.org/) (which is what the Libreboot project uses to generate HTML from those files). NOTE: `av.libreboot.org` is hardcoded as the domain name where images are pointed to, in `lbwww.git`, so you will need to replace these references in your local version, unless you're happy to just continue using those. Git === Libreboot's build system uses Git, extensively. You should perform the steps below, *even if you're using a release archive*. Before you use the build system, please know: the build system itself uses Git extensively, when downloading software like coreboot and patching it. You should make sure to initialize your Git properly, before you begin or else the build system will not work properly. Do this: git config --global user.name "John Doe" git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com Change the name and email address to whatever you want, when doing this. You may also want to follow more of the steps here: Python ====== You should ensure that the `python` command runs python 3, on your system. Python2 is unused by lbmk or anything that it pulls down as modules. If building on Debian/Ubuntu based systems, you can achieve that via: sudo apt install python-is-python3 On Fedora, you can use the following sudo dnf install python-unversioned-command How to compile Libreboot ======================== Actual development/testing is always done using lbmk directly, and this includes when building from source. Here are some instructions to get you started: Zero..st, check time/date ------------------------- Make sure date/hwclock report the correct time and date on your system, because parts of the build process download from HTTPS servers and wrong time or date can cause connections to be dropped during negotiation. First, install build dependencies --------------------------------- Libreboot includes a script that automatically installs build dependencies according to the selected linux distro. The currently supported distros are: Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Pop!\_OS, Fedora, Arch Linux/Parabola or Void Linux. Some examples (run them as root, use use e.g. `sudo`, `doas`): ./build dependencies ubuntu or ./build dependencies debian or ./build dependencies fedora38 or ./build dependencies arch NOTE: In case of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or derived distros for that specific release, use the dedicated configuration file: ./build dependencies ubuntu2004 Check: `config/dependencies/` for list of supported distros. Technically, any Linux distribution can be used to build libreboot. However, you will have to write your own script for installing build dependencies. Next, build ROM images ---------------------- Libreboot MaKe (lbmk) automatically runs all necessary commands; for example, `./build roms` will automatically run `./build grub` if the required GRUB payload (under `elf/grub/`) does not exist. As a result, you can now (after installing the correct build dependencies) run just a single command, from a fresh Git clone, to build all ROM images: ./build roms all or even just build specific ROM images, e.g.: ./build roms x60 or get a list of supported build targets: ./build roms list Or maybe just build payloads? ----------------------------- If you wish to build payloads, you can also do that. For example: ./build grub ./update trees -b seabios ./update trees -b u-boot Previous steps will be performed automatically. However, you can *still* run individual parts of the build system manually, if you choose. This may be beneficial when you're making changes, and you wish to test a specific part of lbmk. Want to modify Libreboot? ------------------------- Check the [lbmk maintenance manual](../maintain/) for guidance. You may for example want to modify a config, e.g.: ./update trees -m coreboot x200_8mb Or perhaps add a new board! The maintenance manual will teach you how the Libreboot build system (lbmk) works! Post-compilation steps ====================== So you compiled your Libreboot image? Congratulations! Before you flash, please make sure that you *dumped* two copies of the original firmware just in case (verifying the hashes of each dump, to ensure that they match), using the `-r` option in flashprog. NOTE: Libreboot standardises on [flashprog](https://flashprog.org/wiki/Flashprog) now, as of 27 January 2024, which is a fork of flashrom. There are some additional considerations: Regarding binary blobs ---------------------- Firstly, you should read the Libreboot *Binary Blob Reduction Policy*: A lot of mainboards in Libreboot will boot entirely with free software, but there are certain newer mainboards supported in Libreboot that need binary blobs added to them, mostly for minor initialisation tasks. They are *automatically* inserted during the build process, but then deleted during the *release* process; images built directly from lbmk can be flashed without further modification, but release images need to have these files re-inserted (e.g. KBC1126 EC firmware on HP EliteBooks). Please read this page for context: The scripts under directory `script/vendor/` are the ones that do this. Specifically, `script/vendor/download`. The benefit of this is that you do not need to extract anything from the original vendor image (e.g. Lenovo UEFI image). To know if this was performed on your board, you can read the Freedom Status page which documents which files are used (if any), on which boards: There are specific files that you must know about, so they will be covered next: ### Regarding CPU microcode Libreboot release archives provide ROMs with or without CPU microcode updates, but the newest revisions of lbmk (from `lbmk.git`) *only* build ROM images that contain microcode updates, by default. Libreboot's build system contains a script that will generate release archives, and this is used to provide Libreboot releases; this script is what provides the images with microcode removed, alongside the default ones generated by lbmk during the build. Please read: The linked page has info, and includes instructions about how to manually remove them, if you wish to do so. Removal of CPU microcode updates (on Intel/AMD processors) will result in unpredictable security/stability issues, so beware. Further context is provided in the Libreboot *Binary Blob Reduction Policy*: We *recommend* that you do not delete these updates, but you have the freedom to choose. Additionally: we have only tested certain mainboards under this configuration. To know which ones they are, do this in `lbmk.git`: cd config/coreboot/ git grep microcode_required Example entry: e6400_4mb/target.cfg:microcode_required="n" If it says `="n"`, that means it has been tested. That *does not* mean it will be stable, it's just that we're reasonably sure it will at least *boot* most of the time, but you should expect random instability e.g. kernel panics. If a given mainboard *excludes* `microcode_required` in `target.cfg`, or if it says `microcode_required="y"`, then the release ROMs will only contain microcode updates. Manual removal (as above) is still possible, but it has not been tested and is not recommended. NOTE: ARM-based chromebooks (that Libreboot supports) don't use microcode at all. This section is only revelant for x86 (Intel/AMD). ### Regarding Nvidia GPU ROM (Dell Latitude E6400) Dell Latitude E6400 comes in two variants: Nvidia graphics, or Intel graphics. More information is available on the page: The intel graphics model can boot with coreboot's native video initialisation, which is free software. The *Nvidia* model (comes with Nvidia GPU) requires proprietary code called a *VGA Option ROM* to initialise the video display in early boot. Libreboot automatically fetches this during the build process, inserting it into the very same ROM image that can be flashed on either model, but the VGA ROM will only be *executed* if you actually have the Nvidia *GPU* on your board. **ALSO: Libreboot 20230625 did not support Nvidia models at all (only Intel). In releases, only Libreboot 20231021 and newer will support it.** Pre-built ROM images from release archives since 20231021 will *not* contain this file by default, but it will be present if you compiled directly from lbmk. To remove it, do this: ./cbutils/default/cbfstool libreboot.rom remove -n pci10de,06eb.rom The cbfstool binary was compiled when your image (target `e6400_4mb`) was compiled, which can alter the file system within your coreboot image. Obviously, removing this VGA ROM will mean that the ROM image will only work correctly on Intel GPU variants of E6400, but you probably knew that already! (If you're using a release archive instead, you can re-insert the VGA ROM by following [these instructions](../install/ivy_has_common.md))