Currently, the default emoji-mart
category icons cannot be changed.
We propose creating a categories
object that uses the emoji-mart
category icons on default but
otherwise uses custom imgs/svgs
passed in by the user
If a user's search returns no results,
the sleuth_or_spy emoji appears. We would
instead like for a custom image to appear.
We propose creating a NotFound component
that uses the the sleuth_or_spy emoji
on default when a user's search returns
no results but otherwise uses what the
user passes through
Currently, there is no visual indication
for when the user is searching for an
emoji nor is there an easy way to clear
the input field after the user's search
Our change proposes to add a small magnifying
glass icon to the right hand side of the
search input bar which becomes an x delete
icon when the user types in the search input
The x delete icon is tabbable and will clear
the search input field with the return (enter)
key, spacebar, and mouse click. The
magnifying glass icon is not tabbable.