import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { getData, getSanitizedData, unifiedToNative } from '../../utils' import { uncompress } from '../../utils/data' import { EmojiPropTypes } from '../../utils/shared-props' import { EmojiDefaultProps } from '../../utils/shared-default-props' const _getData = (props) => { var { emoji, skin, set, data } = props return getData(emoji, skin, set, data) } const _getPosition = (props) => { var { sheet_x, sheet_y } = _getData(props), multiplyX = 100 / (props.sheetColumns - 1), multiplyY = 100 / (props.sheetRows - 1) return `${multiplyX * sheet_x}% ${multiplyY * sheet_y}%` } const _getSanitizedData = (props) => { var { emoji, skin, set, data } = props return getSanitizedData(emoji, skin, set, data) } const _handleClick = (e, props) => { if (!props.onClick) { return } var { onClick } = props, emoji = _getSanitizedData(props) onClick(emoji, e) } const _handleOver = (e, props) => { if (!props.onOver) { return } var { onOver } = props, emoji = _getSanitizedData(props) onOver(emoji, e) } const _handleLeave = (e, props) => { if (!props.onLeave) { return } var { onLeave } = props, emoji = _getSanitizedData(props) onLeave(emoji, e) } const _isNumeric = (value) => { return !isNaN(value - parseFloat(value)) } const _convertStyleToCSS = (style) => { let div = document.createElement('div') for (let key in style) { let value = style[key] if (_isNumeric(value)) { value += 'px' }[key] = value } return div.getAttribute('style') } const NimbleEmoji = (props) => { if ( { uncompress( } for (let k in NimbleEmoji.defaultProps) { if (props[k] == undefined && NimbleEmoji.defaultProps[k] != undefined) { props[k] = NimbleEmoji.defaultProps[k] } } let data = _getData(props) if (!data) { if (props.fallback) { return props.fallback(null, props) } else { return null } } let { unified, custom, short_names, imageUrl } = data, style = {}, children = props.children, className = 'emoji-mart-emoji', nativeEmoji = unified && unifiedToNative(unified), // combine the emoji itself and all shortcodes into an accessible label label = [nativeEmoji] .concat(short_names) .filter(Boolean) .join(', '), title = null if (!unified && !custom) { if (props.fallback) { return props.fallback(data, props) } else { return null } } if (props.tooltip) { title = short_names[0] } if (props.native && unified) { className += ' emoji-mart-emoji-native' style = { fontSize: props.size } children = nativeEmoji if (props.forceSize) { style.display = 'inline-block' style.width = props.size style.height = props.size style.wordBreak = 'keep-all' } } else if (custom) { className += ' emoji-mart-emoji-custom' style = { width: props.size, height: props.size, display: 'inline-block', } if (data.spriteUrl) { style = {, backgroundImage: `url(${data.spriteUrl})`, backgroundSize: `${100 * props.sheetColumns}% ${100 * props.sheetRows}%`, backgroundPosition: _getPosition(props), } } else { style = {, backgroundImage: `url(${imageUrl})`, backgroundSize: 'contain', } } } else { let setHasEmoji = data[`has_img_${props.set}`] == undefined || data[`has_img_${props.set}`] if (!setHasEmoji) { if (props.fallback) { return props.fallback(data, props) } else { return null } } else { style = { width: props.size, height: props.size, display: 'inline-block', backgroundImage: `url(${props.backgroundImageFn( props.set, props.sheetSize, )})`, backgroundSize: `${100 * props.sheetColumns}% ${100 * props.sheetRows}%`, backgroundPosition: _getPosition(props), } } } if (props.html) { style = _convertStyleToCSS(style) return `` } else { return ( ) } } NimbleEmoji.propTypes /* remove-proptypes */ = { ...EmojiPropTypes, data: PropTypes.object.isRequired, } NimbleEmoji.defaultProps = EmojiDefaultProps export default NimbleEmoji