import '../vendor/raf-polyfill' import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import data from '../../data' import store from '../utils/store' import frequently from '../utils/frequently' import { deepMerge } from '../utils' import { Anchors, Category, Emoji, Preview, Search } from '.' const RECENT_CATEGORY = { name: 'Recent', emojis: null } const SEARCH_CATEGORY = { name: 'Search', emojis: null, anchor: false } const CUSTOM_CATEGORY = { name: 'Custom', emojis: [] } const I18N = { search: 'Search', notfound: 'No Emoji Found', categories: { search: 'Search Results', recent: 'Frequently Used', people: 'Smileys & People', nature: 'Animals & Nature', foods: 'Food & Drink', activity: 'Activity', places: 'Travel & Places', objects: 'Objects', symbols: 'Symbols', flags: 'Flags', custom: 'Custom', }, } export default class Picker extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.i18n = deepMerge(I18N, props.i18n) this.state = { skin: store.get('skin') ||, firstRender: true, } this.categories = [] let allCategories = [].concat(data.categories) if (props.custom.length > 0) { CUSTOM_CATEGORY.emojis = => { return { ...emoji, // `` expects emoji to have an `id`. id: emoji.short_names[0], custom: true, } }) allCategories.push(CUSTOM_CATEGORY) } this.hideRecent = false if (props.include != undefined) { data.categories.sort((a, b) => { let aName = let bName = if (props.include.indexOf(aName) > props.include.indexOf(bName)) { return 1 } return 0 }) } for (let category of allCategories) { let isIncluded = props.include && props.include.length ? props.include.indexOf( > -1 : true let isExcluded = props.exclude && props.exclude.length ? props.exclude.indexOf( > -1 : false if (!isIncluded || isExcluded) { continue } if (props.emojisToShowFilter) { let newEmojis = [] for (let emoji of category.emojis) { if (props.emojisToShowFilter(data.emojis[emoji] || emoji)) { newEmojis.push(emoji) } } if (newEmojis.length) { let newCategory = { emojis: newEmojis, name:, } this.categories.push(newCategory) } } else { this.categories.push(category) } } let includeRecent = props.include && props.include.length ? props.include.indexOf('recent') > -1 : true let excludeRecent = props.exclude && props.exclude.length ? props.exclude.indexOf('recent') > -1 : false if (!includeRecent && excludeRecent) { this.hideRecent = true this.categories.unshift(RECENT_CATEGORY) } if (this.categories[0]) { this.categories[0].first = true } this.categories.unshift(SEARCH_CATEGORY) } componentWillReceiveProps(props) { if ( && !store.get('skin')) { this.setState({ skin: }) } } componentDidMount() { if (this.state.firstRender) { this.testStickyPosition() this.firstRenderTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ firstRender: false }) }, 60) } } componentDidUpdate() { this.updateCategoriesSize() this.handleScroll() } componentWillUnmount() { SEARCH_CATEGORY.emojis = null clearTimeout(this.leaveTimeout) clearTimeout(this.firstRenderTimeout) } testStickyPosition() { var stickyTestElement = document.createElement('div') for (let prefix of ['', '-webkit-', '-ms-', '-moz-', '-o-']) { = `${prefix}sticky` } this.hasStickyPosition = !! } handleEmojiOver(emoji) { var { preview } = this.refs const emojiData = CUSTOM_CATEGORY.emojis.find(customEmoji => === preview.setState({ emoji: Object.assign(emoji, emojiData) }) clearTimeout(this.leaveTimeout) } handleEmojiLeave(emoji) { this.leaveTimeout = setTimeout(() => { var { preview } = this.refs preview.setState({ emoji: null }) }, 16) } handleEmojiClick(emoji, e) { this.props.onClick(emoji, e) if (!this.hideRecent) frequently.add(emoji) var component = this.refs['category-1'] if (component) { let maxMargin = component.maxMargin component.forceUpdate() window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { component.memoizeSize() if (maxMargin == component.maxMargin) return this.updateCategoriesSize() this.handleScrollPaint() if (SEARCH_CATEGORY.emojis) { component.updateDisplay('none') } }) } } handleScroll() { if (!this.waitingForPaint) { this.waitingForPaint = true window.requestAnimationFrame(this.handleScrollPaint.bind(this)) } } handleScrollPaint() { this.waitingForPaint = false if (!this.refs.scroll) { return } let activeCategory = null if (SEARCH_CATEGORY.emojis) { activeCategory = SEARCH_CATEGORY } else { var target = this.refs.scroll, scrollTop = target.scrollTop, scrollingDown = scrollTop > (this.scrollTop || 0), minTop = 0 for (let i = 0, l = this.categories.length; i < l; i++) { let ii = scrollingDown ? (this.categories.length - 1 - i) : i, category = this.categories[ii], component = this.refs[`category-${ii}`] if (component) { let active = component.handleScroll(scrollTop) if (!minTop || < minTop) { if ( > 0) { minTop = } } if (active && !activeCategory) { activeCategory = category } } } if (scrollTop < minTop) { for (let category of this.categories) { if (category.anchor === false) { continue } activeCategory = category break } } else if (scrollTop + this.clientHeight >= this.scrollHeight) { activeCategory = this.categories[this.categories.length - 1] } } if (activeCategory) { let { anchors } = this.refs, { name: categoryName } = activeCategory if (anchors.state.selected != categoryName) { anchors.setState({ selected: categoryName }) } } this.scrollTop = scrollTop } handleSearch(emojis) { SEARCH_CATEGORY.emojis = emojis for (let i = 0, l = this.categories.length; i < l; i++) { let component = this.refs[`category-${i}`] if (component && != 'Search') { let display = emojis ? 'none' : 'inherit' component.updateDisplay(display) } } this.forceUpdate() this.refs.scroll.scrollTop = 0 this.handleScroll() } handleAnchorClick(category, i) { var component = this.refs[`category-${i}`], { scroll, anchors } = this.refs, scrollToComponent = null scrollToComponent = () => { if (component) { let { top } = component if (category.first) { top = 0 } else { top += 1 } scroll.scrollTop = top } } if (SEARCH_CATEGORY.emojis) { this.handleSearch(null) window.requestAnimationFrame(scrollToComponent) } else { scrollToComponent() } } handleSkinChange(skin) { var newState = { skin: skin } this.setState(newState) store.update(newState) } updateCategoriesSize() { for (let i = 0, l = this.categories.length; i < l; i++) { let component = this.refs[`category-${i}`] if (component) component.memoizeSize() } if (this.refs.scroll) { let target = this.refs.scroll this.scrollHeight = target.scrollHeight this.clientHeight = target.clientHeight } } getCategories() { return this.state.firstRender ? this.categories.slice(0, 3) : this.categories } render() { var { perLine, emojiSize, set, sheetSize, style, title, emoji, color, native, backgroundImageFn, emojisToShowFilter, include, exclude, autoFocus } = this.props, { skin } = this.state, width = (perLine * (emojiSize + 12)) + 12 + 2 return
{this.getCategories().map((category, i) => { return })}
} } Picker.propTypes = { onClick: PropTypes.func, perLine: PropTypes.number, emojiSize: PropTypes.number, i18n: PropTypes.object, style: PropTypes.object, title: PropTypes.string, emoji: PropTypes.string, color: PropTypes.string, set: Emoji.propTypes.set, skin:, native: PropTypes.bool, backgroundImageFn: Emoji.propTypes.backgroundImageFn, sheetSize: Emoji.propTypes.sheetSize, emojisToShowFilter: PropTypes.func, include: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), exclude: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), autoFocus: PropTypes.bool, custom: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({ name: PropTypes.string.isRequired, short_names: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).isRequired, emoticons: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), keywords: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), imageUrl: PropTypes.string.isRequired, })), } Picker.defaultProps = { onClick: (() => {}), emojiSize: 24, perLine: 9, i18n: {}, style: {}, title: 'Emoji Martâ„¢', emoji: 'department_store', color: '#ae65c5', set: Emoji.defaultProps.set, skin:, native: Emoji.defaultProps.native, sheetSize: Emoji.defaultProps.sheetSize, backgroundImageFn: Emoji.defaultProps.backgroundImageFn, emojisToShowFilter: null, autoFocus: false, custom: [], }