# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' require 'mastodon/cli/accounts' describe Mastodon::CLI::Accounts do subject { cli.invoke(action, arguments, options) } let(:cli) { described_class.new } let(:arguments) { [] } let(:options) { {} } it_behaves_like 'CLI Command' # `parallelize_with_progress` cannot run in transactions, so instead, # stub it with an alternative implementation that runs sequentially # and can run in transactions. def stub_parallelize_with_progress! allow(cli).to receive(:parallelize_with_progress) do |scope, &block| aggregate = 0 total = 0 scope.reorder(nil).find_each do |record| value = block.call(record) aggregate += value if value.is_a?(Integer) total += 1 end [total, aggregate] end end describe '#create' do let(:action) { :create } shared_examples 'a new user with given email address and username' do it 'creates a new user with the specified email address' do subject expect(User.find_by(email: options[:email])).to be_present end it 'creates a new local account with the specified username' do subject expect(Account.find_local('tootctl_username')).to be_present end it 'returns "OK" and newly generated password' do allow(SecureRandom).to receive(:hex).and_return('test_password') expect { subject } .to output_results("OK\nNew password: test_password") end end context 'when required USERNAME and --email are provided' do let(:arguments) { ['tootctl_username'] } context 'with USERNAME and --email only' do let(:options) { { email: 'tootctl@example.com' } } it_behaves_like 'a new user with given email address and username' context 'with invalid --email value' do let(:options) { { email: 'invalid' } } it 'exits with an error message' do expect { subject } .to output_results('Failure/Error: email') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end end context 'with --confirmed option' do let(:options) { { email: 'tootctl@example.com', confirmed: true } } it_behaves_like 'a new user with given email address and username' it 'creates a new user with confirmed status' do subject user = User.find_by(email: options[:email]) expect(user.confirmed?).to be(true) end end context 'with --approve option' do let(:options) { { email: 'tootctl@example.com', approve: true } } before do Form::AdminSettings.new(registrations_mode: 'approved').save end it_behaves_like 'a new user with given email address and username' it 'creates a new user with approved status' do subject user = User.find_by(email: options[:email]) expect(user.approved?).to be(true) end end context 'with --role option' do context 'when role exists' do let(:default_role) { Fabricate(:user_role) } let(:options) { { email: 'tootctl@example.com', role: default_role.name } } it_behaves_like 'a new user with given email address and username' it 'creates a new user and assigns the specified role' do subject role = User.find_by(email: options[:email])&.role expect(role.name).to eq(default_role.name) end end context 'when role does not exist' do let(:options) { { email: 'tootctl@example.com', role: '404' } } it 'exits with an error message indicating the role name was not found' do expect { subject } .to output_results('Cannot find user role with that name') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end end context 'with --reattach option' do context "when account's user is present" do let(:options) { { email: 'tootctl_new@example.com', reattach: true } } let(:user) { Fabricate.build(:user, email: 'tootctl@example.com') } before do Fabricate(:account, username: 'tootctl_username', user: user) end it 'returns an error message indicating the username is already taken' do expect { subject } .to output_results("The chosen username is currently in use\nUse --force to reattach it anyway and delete the other user") end context 'with --force option' do let(:options) { { email: 'tootctl_new@example.com', reattach: true, force: true } } it 'reattaches the account to the new user and deletes the previous user' do subject user = Account.find_local('tootctl_username')&.user expect(user.email).to eq(options[:email]) end end end context "when account's user is not present" do let(:options) { { email: 'tootctl@example.com', reattach: true } } before do Fabricate(:account, username: 'tootctl_username', user: nil) end it_behaves_like 'a new user with given email address and username' end end end context 'when required --email option is not provided' do let(:arguments) { ['tootctl_username'] } it 'raises a required argument missing error (Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError)' do expect { subject } .to raise_error(Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError) end end end describe '#modify' do let(:action) { :modify } context 'when the given username is not found' do let(:arguments) { ['non_existent_username'] } it 'exits with an error message indicating the user was not found' do expect { subject } .to output_results('No user with such username') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when the given username is found' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:arguments) { [user.account.username] } context 'when no option is provided' do it 'returns a successful message' do expect { subject } .to output_results('OK') end it 'does not modify the user' do subject expect(user).to eq(user.reload) end end context 'with --role option' do context 'when the given role is not found' do let(:options) { { role: '404' } } it 'exits with an error message indicating the role was not found' do expect { subject } .to output_results('Cannot find user role with that name') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when the given role is found' do let(:default_role) { Fabricate(:user_role) } let(:options) { { role: default_role.name } } it "updates the user's role to the specified role" do subject role = user.reload.role expect(role.name).to eq(default_role.name) end end end context 'with --remove-role option' do let(:options) { { remove_role: true } } let(:role) { Fabricate(:user_role) } let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, role: role) } it "removes the user's role successfully" do subject role = user.reload.role expect(role.name).to be_empty end end context 'with --email option' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, email: 'old_email@email.com') } let(:options) { { email: 'new_email@email.com' } } it "sets the user's unconfirmed email to the provided email address" do subject expect(user.reload.unconfirmed_email).to eq(options[:email]) end it "does not update the user's original email address" do subject expect(user.reload.email).to eq('old_email@email.com') end context 'with --confirm option' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, email: 'old_email@email.com', confirmed_at: nil) } let(:options) { { email: 'new_email@email.com', confirm: true } } it "updates the user's email address to the provided email" do subject expect(user.reload.email).to eq(options[:email]) end it "sets the user's email address as confirmed" do subject expect(user.reload.confirmed?).to be(true) end end end context 'with --confirm option' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, confirmed_at: nil) } let(:options) { { confirm: true } } it "confirms the user's email address" do subject expect(user.reload.confirmed?).to be(true) end end context 'with --approve option' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, approved: false) } let(:options) { { approve: true } } before do Form::AdminSettings.new(registrations_mode: 'approved').save end it 'approves the user' do expect { subject }.to change { user.reload.approved }.from(false).to(true) end end context 'with --disable option' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, disabled: false) } let(:options) { { disable: true } } it 'disables the user' do expect { subject }.to change { user.reload.disabled }.from(false).to(true) end end context 'with --enable option' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, disabled: true) } let(:options) { { enable: true } } it 'enables the user' do expect { subject }.to change { user.reload.disabled }.from(true).to(false) end end context 'with --reset-password option' do let(:options) { { reset_password: true } } it 'returns a new password for the user' do allow(SecureRandom).to receive(:hex).and_return('new_password') expect { subject } .to output_results('new_password') end end context 'with --disable-2fa option' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, otp_required_for_login: true) } let(:options) { { disable_2fa: true } } it 'disables the two-factor authentication for the user' do expect { subject }.to change { user.reload.otp_required_for_login }.from(true).to(false) end end context 'when provided data is invalid' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:options) { { email: 'invalid' } } it 'exits with an error message' do expect { subject } .to output_results('Failure/Error: email') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end end end describe '#delete' do let(:action) { :delete } let(:account) { Fabricate(:account) } let(:delete_account_service) { instance_double(DeleteAccountService) } before do allow(DeleteAccountService).to receive(:new).and_return(delete_account_service) allow(delete_account_service).to receive(:call) end context 'when both username and --email are provided' do let(:arguments) { [account.username] } let(:options) { { email: account.user.email } } it 'exits with an error message indicating that only one should be used' do expect { subject } .to output_results('Use username or --email, not both') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when neither username nor --email are provided' do it 'exits with an error message indicating that no username was provided' do expect { subject } .to output_results('No username provided') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when username is provided' do let(:arguments) { [account.username] } it 'deletes the specified user successfully' do subject expect(delete_account_service).to have_received(:call).with(account, reserve_email: false).once end context 'with --dry-run option' do let(:options) { { dry_run: true } } it 'does not delete the specified user' do subject expect(delete_account_service).to_not have_received(:call).with(account, reserve_email: false) end it 'outputs a successful message in dry run mode' do expect { subject } .to output_results('OK (DRY RUN)') end end context 'when the given username is not found' do let(:arguments) { ['non_existent_username'] } it 'exits with an error message indicating that no user was found' do expect { subject } .to output_results('No user with such username') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end end context 'when --email is provided' do let(:options) { { email: account.user.email } } it 'deletes the specified user successfully' do subject expect(delete_account_service).to have_received(:call).with(account, reserve_email: false).once end context 'with --dry-run option' do let(:options) { { email: account.user.email, dry_run: true } } it 'does not delete the user' do subject expect(delete_account_service).to_not have_received(:call).with(account, reserve_email: false) end it 'outputs a successful message in dry run mode' do expect { subject } .to output_results('OK (DRY RUN)') end end context 'when the given email address is not found' do let(:options) { { email: '404@example.com' } } it 'exits with an error message indicating that no user was found' do expect { subject } .to output_results('No user with such email') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end end end describe '#approve' do let(:action) { :approve } let(:total_users) { 4 } before do Form::AdminSettings.new(registrations_mode: 'approved').save Fabricate.times(total_users, :user) end context 'with --all option' do let(:options) { { all: true } } it 'approves all pending registrations' do subject expect(User.pluck(:approved).all?(true)).to be(true) end end context 'with --number option' do context 'when the number is positive' do let(:options) { { number: 2 } } it 'approves the earliest n pending registrations' do subject n_earliest_pending_registrations = User.order(created_at: :asc).first(options[:number]) expect(n_earliest_pending_registrations.all?(&:approved?)).to be(true) end it 'does not approve the remaining pending registrations' do subject pending_registrations = User.order(created_at: :asc).last(total_users - options[:number]) expect(pending_registrations.all?(&:approved?)).to be(false) end end context 'when the number is negative' do let(:options) { { number: -1 } } it 'exits with an error message indicating that the number must be positive' do expect { subject } .to output_results('Number must be positive') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when the given number is greater than the number of users' do let(:options) { { number: total_users * 2 } } it 'approves all users' do subject expect(User.pluck(:approved).all?(true)).to be(true) end it 'does not raise any error' do expect { subject } .to_not raise_error end end end context 'with username argument' do context 'when the given username is found' do let(:user) { User.last } let(:arguments) { [user.account.username] } it 'approves the specified user successfully' do subject expect(user.reload.approved?).to be(true) end end context 'when the given username is not found' do let(:arguments) { ['non_existent_username'] } it 'exits with an error message indicating that no such account was found' do expect { subject } .to output_results('No such account') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end end end describe '#follow' do let(:action) { :follow } context 'when the given username is not found' do let(:arguments) { ['non_existent_username'] } it 'exits with an error message indicating that no account with the given username was found' do expect { subject } .to output_results('No such account') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when the given username is found' do let!(:target_account) { Fabricate(:account) } let!(:follower_bob) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'bob') } let!(:follower_rony) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'rony') } let!(:follower_charles) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'charles') } let(:follow_service) { instance_double(FollowService, call: nil) } let(:arguments) { [target_account.username] } before do allow(FollowService).to receive(:new).and_return(follow_service) stub_parallelize_with_progress! end it 'makes all local accounts follow the target account' do subject expect(follow_service).to have_received(:call).with(follower_bob, target_account, any_args).once expect(follow_service).to have_received(:call).with(follower_rony, target_account, any_args).once expect(follow_service).to have_received(:call).with(follower_charles, target_account, any_args).once end it 'displays a successful message' do expect { subject } .to output_results("OK, followed target from #{Account.local.count} accounts") end end end describe '#unfollow' do let(:action) { :unfollow } context 'when the given username is not found' do let(:arguments) { ['non_existent_username'] } it 'exits with an error message indicating that no account with the given username was found' do expect { subject } .to output_results('No such account') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when the given username is found' do let!(:target_account) { Fabricate(:account) } let!(:follower_chris) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'chris', domain: nil) } let!(:follower_rambo) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'rambo', domain: nil) } let!(:follower_ana) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'ana', domain: nil) } let(:unfollow_service) { instance_double(UnfollowService, call: nil) } let(:arguments) { [target_account.username] } before do accounts = [follower_chris, follower_rambo, follower_ana] accounts.each { |account| account.follow!(target_account) } allow(UnfollowService).to receive(:new).and_return(unfollow_service) stub_parallelize_with_progress! end it 'makes all local accounts unfollow the target account' do subject expect(unfollow_service).to have_received(:call).with(follower_chris, target_account).once expect(unfollow_service).to have_received(:call).with(follower_rambo, target_account).once expect(unfollow_service).to have_received(:call).with(follower_ana, target_account).once end it 'displays a successful message' do expect { subject } .to output_results('OK, unfollowed target from 3 accounts') end end end describe '#backup' do let(:action) { :backup } context 'when the given username is not found' do let(:arguments) { ['non_existent_username'] } it 'exits with an error message indicating that there is no such account' do expect { subject } .to output_results('No user with such username') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when the given username is found' do let(:account) { Fabricate(:account) } let(:user) { account.user } let(:arguments) { [account.username] } it 'creates a new backup for the specified user' do expect { subject }.to change { user.backups.count }.by(1) end it 'creates a backup job' do allow(BackupWorker).to receive(:perform_async) subject latest_backup = user.backups.last expect(BackupWorker).to have_received(:perform_async).with(latest_backup.id).once end it 'displays a successful message' do expect { subject } .to output_results('OK') end end end describe '#refresh' do context 'with --all option' do let!(:local_account) { Fabricate(:account, domain: nil) } let!(:remote_account_example_com) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com') } let!(:account_example_net) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.net') } let(:scope) { Account.remote } before do # TODO: we should be using `stub_parallelize_with_progress!` but # this makes the assertions harder to write allow(cli).to receive(:parallelize_with_progress).and_yield(remote_account_example_com) .and_yield(account_example_net) .and_return([2, nil]) cli.options = { all: true } end it 'refreshes the avatar for all remote accounts' do allow(remote_account_example_com).to receive(:reset_avatar!) allow(account_example_net).to receive(:reset_avatar!) cli.refresh expect(cli).to have_received(:parallelize_with_progress).with(scope).once expect(remote_account_example_com).to have_received(:reset_avatar!).once expect(account_example_net).to have_received(:reset_avatar!).once end it 'does not refresh avatar for local accounts' do allow(local_account).to receive(:reset_avatar!) cli.refresh expect(cli).to have_received(:parallelize_with_progress).with(scope).once expect(local_account).to_not have_received(:reset_avatar!) end it 'refreshes the header for all remote accounts' do allow(remote_account_example_com).to receive(:reset_header!) allow(account_example_net).to receive(:reset_header!) cli.refresh expect(cli).to have_received(:parallelize_with_progress).with(scope).once expect(remote_account_example_com).to have_received(:reset_header!).once expect(account_example_net).to have_received(:reset_header!).once end it 'does not refresh the header for local accounts' do allow(local_account).to receive(:reset_header!) cli.refresh expect(cli).to have_received(:parallelize_with_progress).with(scope).once expect(local_account).to_not have_received(:reset_header!) end it 'displays a successful message' do expect { cli.refresh } .to output_results('Refreshed 2 accounts') end context 'with --dry-run option' do before do cli.options = { all: true, dry_run: true } end it 'does not refresh the avatar for any account' do allow(local_account).to receive(:reset_avatar!) allow(remote_account_example_com).to receive(:reset_avatar!) allow(account_example_net).to receive(:reset_avatar!) cli.refresh expect(cli).to have_received(:parallelize_with_progress).with(scope).once expect(local_account).to_not have_received(:reset_avatar!) expect(remote_account_example_com).to_not have_received(:reset_avatar!) expect(account_example_net).to_not have_received(:reset_avatar!) end it 'does not refresh the header for any account' do allow(local_account).to receive(:reset_header!) allow(remote_account_example_com).to receive(:reset_header!) allow(account_example_net).to receive(:reset_header!) cli.refresh expect(cli).to have_received(:parallelize_with_progress).with(scope).once expect(local_account).to_not have_received(:reset_header!) expect(remote_account_example_com).to_not have_received(:reset_header!) expect(account_example_net).to_not have_received(:reset_header!) end it 'displays a successful message with (DRY RUN)' do expect { cli.refresh } .to output_results('Refreshed 2 accounts (DRY RUN)') end end end context 'with a list of accts' do let!(:account_example_com_a) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com') } let!(:account_example_com_b) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com') } let!(:account_example_net) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.net') } let(:arguments) { [account_example_com_a.acct, account_example_com_b.acct] } before do # NOTE: `Account.find_remote` is stubbed so that `Account#reset_avatar!` # can be stubbed on the individual accounts. allow(Account).to receive(:find_remote).with(account_example_com_a.username, account_example_com_a.domain).and_return(account_example_com_a) allow(Account).to receive(:find_remote).with(account_example_com_b.username, account_example_com_b.domain).and_return(account_example_com_b) allow(Account).to receive(:find_remote).with(account_example_net.username, account_example_net.domain).and_return(account_example_net) end it 'resets the avatar for the specified accounts' do allow(account_example_com_a).to receive(:reset_avatar!) allow(account_example_com_b).to receive(:reset_avatar!) cli.refresh(*arguments) expect(account_example_com_a).to have_received(:reset_avatar!).once expect(account_example_com_b).to have_received(:reset_avatar!).once end it 'does not reset the avatar for unspecified accounts' do allow(account_example_net).to receive(:reset_avatar!) cli.refresh(*arguments) expect(account_example_net).to_not have_received(:reset_avatar!) end it 'resets the header for the specified accounts' do allow(account_example_com_a).to receive(:reset_header!) allow(account_example_com_b).to receive(:reset_header!) cli.refresh(*arguments) expect(account_example_com_a).to have_received(:reset_header!).once expect(account_example_com_b).to have_received(:reset_header!).once end it 'does not reset the header for unspecified accounts' do allow(account_example_net).to receive(:reset_header!) cli.refresh(*arguments) expect(account_example_net).to_not have_received(:reset_header!) end context 'when an UnexpectedResponseError is raised' do it 'displays a failure message' do allow(account_example_com_a).to receive(:reset_avatar!).and_raise(Mastodon::UnexpectedResponseError) expect { cli.refresh(*arguments) } .to output_results("Account failed: #{account_example_com_a.username}@#{account_example_com_a.domain}") end end context 'when a specified account is not found' do it 'exits with an error message' do allow(Account).to receive(:find_remote).with(account_example_com_b.username, account_example_com_b.domain).and_return(nil) expect { cli.refresh(*arguments) } .to output_results('No such account') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'with --dry-run option' do before do cli.options = { dry_run: true } end it 'does not refresh the avatar for any account' do allow(account_example_com_a).to receive(:reset_avatar!) allow(account_example_com_b).to receive(:reset_avatar!) cli.refresh(*arguments) expect(account_example_com_a).to_not have_received(:reset_avatar!) expect(account_example_com_b).to_not have_received(:reset_avatar!) end it 'does not refresh the header for any account' do allow(account_example_com_a).to receive(:reset_header!) allow(account_example_com_b).to receive(:reset_header!) cli.refresh(*arguments) expect(account_example_com_a).to_not have_received(:reset_header!) expect(account_example_com_b).to_not have_received(:reset_header!) end end end context 'with --domain option' do let!(:account_example_com_a) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com') } let!(:account_example_com_b) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com') } let!(:account_example_net) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.net') } let(:domain) { 'example.com' } let(:scope) { Account.remote.where(domain: domain) } before do allow(cli).to receive(:parallelize_with_progress).and_yield(account_example_com_a) .and_yield(account_example_com_b) .and_return([2, nil]) cli.options = { domain: domain } end it 'refreshes the avatar for all accounts on specified domain' do allow(account_example_com_a).to receive(:reset_avatar!) allow(account_example_com_b).to receive(:reset_avatar!) cli.refresh expect(cli).to have_received(:parallelize_with_progress).with(scope).once expect(account_example_com_a).to have_received(:reset_avatar!).once expect(account_example_com_b).to have_received(:reset_avatar!).once end it 'does not refresh the avatar for accounts outside specified domain' do allow(account_example_net).to receive(:reset_avatar!) cli.refresh expect(cli).to have_received(:parallelize_with_progress).with(scope).once expect(account_example_net).to_not have_received(:reset_avatar!) end it 'refreshes the header for all accounts on specified domain' do allow(account_example_com_a).to receive(:reset_header!) allow(account_example_com_b).to receive(:reset_header!) cli.refresh expect(cli).to have_received(:parallelize_with_progress).with(scope) expect(account_example_com_a).to have_received(:reset_header!).once expect(account_example_com_b).to have_received(:reset_header!).once end it 'does not refresh the header for accounts outside specified domain' do allow(account_example_net).to receive(:reset_header!) cli.refresh expect(cli).to have_received(:parallelize_with_progress).with(scope).once expect(account_example_net).to_not have_received(:reset_header!) end end context 'when neither a list of accts nor options are provided' do it 'exits with an error message' do expect { cli.refresh } .to output_results('No account(s) given') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end end describe '#rotate' do let(:action) { :rotate } context 'when neither username nor --all option are given' do it 'exits with an error message' do expect { subject } .to output_results('No account(s) given') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when a username is given' do let(:account) { Fabricate(:account) } let(:arguments) { [account.username] } it 'correctly rotates keys for the specified account' do old_private_key = account.private_key old_public_key = account.public_key subject account.reload expect(account.private_key).to_not eq(old_private_key) expect(account.public_key).to_not eq(old_public_key) end it 'broadcasts the new keys for the specified account' do allow(ActivityPub::UpdateDistributionWorker).to receive(:perform_in) subject expect(ActivityPub::UpdateDistributionWorker).to have_received(:perform_in).with(anything, account.id, anything).once end context 'when the given username is not found' do let(:arguments) { ['non_existent_username'] } it 'exits with an error message when the specified username is not found' do expect { subject } .to output_results('No such account') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end end context 'when --all option is provided' do let!(:accounts) { Fabricate.times(2, :account) } let(:options) { { all: true } } it 'correctly rotates keys for all local accounts' do old_private_keys = accounts.map(&:private_key) old_public_keys = accounts.map(&:public_key) subject accounts.each(&:reload) expect(accounts.map(&:private_key)).to_not eq(old_private_keys) expect(accounts.map(&:public_key)).to_not eq(old_public_keys) end it 'broadcasts the new keys for each account' do allow(ActivityPub::UpdateDistributionWorker).to receive(:perform_in) subject accounts.each do |account| expect(ActivityPub::UpdateDistributionWorker).to have_received(:perform_in).with(anything, account.id, anything).once end end end end describe '#merge' do let(:action) { :merge } shared_examples 'an account not found' do |acct| it 'exits with an error message indicating that there is no such account' do expect { subject } .to output_results("No such account (#{acct})") .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when "from_account" is not found' do let(:to_account) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com') } let(:arguments) { ['non_existent_username@domain.com', "#{to_account.username}@#{to_account.domain}"] } it_behaves_like 'an account not found', 'non_existent_username@domain.com' end context 'when "from_account" is a local account' do let(:from_account) { Fabricate(:account, domain: nil, username: 'bob') } let(:to_account) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com') } let(:arguments) { [from_account.username, "#{to_account.username}@#{to_account.domain}"] } it_behaves_like 'an account not found', 'bob' end context 'when "to_account" is not found' do let(:from_account) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com') } let(:arguments) { ["#{from_account.username}@#{from_account.domain}", 'non_existent_username'] } it_behaves_like 'an account not found', 'non_existent_username' end context 'when "to_account" is local' do let(:from_account) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com') } let(:to_account) { Fabricate(:account, domain: nil, username: 'bob') } let(:arguments) do ["#{from_account.username}@#{from_account.domain}", "#{to_account.username}@#{to_account.domain}"] end it_behaves_like 'an account not found', 'bob@' end context 'when "from_account" and "to_account" public keys do not match' do let(:from_account) { instance_double(Account, username: 'bob', domain: 'example1.com', local?: false, public_key: 'from_account') } let(:to_account) { instance_double(Account, username: 'bob', domain: 'example2.com', local?: false, public_key: 'to_account') } let(:arguments) do ["#{from_account.username}@#{from_account.domain}", "#{to_account.username}@#{to_account.domain}"] end before do allow(Account).to receive(:find_remote).with(from_account.username, from_account.domain).and_return(from_account) allow(Account).to receive(:find_remote).with(to_account.username, to_account.domain).and_return(to_account) end it 'exits with an error message indicating that the accounts do not have the same pub key' do expect { subject } .to output_results("Accounts don't have the same public key, might not be duplicates!\nOverride with --force") .and raise_error(SystemExit) end context 'with --force option' do let(:options) { { force: true } } before do allow(to_account).to receive(:merge_with!) allow(from_account).to receive(:destroy) end it 'merges "from_account" into "to_account"' do subject expect(to_account).to have_received(:merge_with!).with(from_account).once end it 'deletes "from_account"' do subject expect(from_account).to have_received(:destroy).once end end end context 'when "from_account" and "to_account" public keys match' do let(:from_account) { instance_double(Account, username: 'bob', domain: 'example1.com', local?: false, public_key: 'pub_key') } let(:to_account) { instance_double(Account, username: 'bob', domain: 'example2.com', local?: false, public_key: 'pub_key') } let(:arguments) do ["#{from_account.username}@#{from_account.domain}", "#{to_account.username}@#{to_account.domain}"] end before do allow(Account).to receive(:find_remote).with(from_account.username, from_account.domain).and_return(from_account) allow(Account).to receive(:find_remote).with(to_account.username, to_account.domain).and_return(to_account) allow(to_account).to receive(:merge_with!) allow(from_account).to receive(:destroy) end it 'merges "from_account" into "to_account"' do subject expect(to_account).to have_received(:merge_with!).with(from_account).once end it 'deletes "from_account"' do subject expect(from_account).to have_received(:destroy) end end end describe '#cull' do let(:action) { :cull } let(:delete_account_service) { instance_double(DeleteAccountService, call: nil) } let!(:tom) { Fabricate(:account, updated_at: 30.days.ago, username: 'tom', uri: 'https://example.com/users/tom', domain: 'example.com', protocol: :activitypub) } let!(:bob) { Fabricate(:account, updated_at: 30.days.ago, last_webfingered_at: nil, username: 'bob', uri: 'https://example.org/users/bob', domain: 'example.org', protocol: :activitypub) } let!(:gon) { Fabricate(:account, updated_at: 15.days.ago, last_webfingered_at: 15.days.ago, username: 'gon', uri: 'https://example.net/users/gon', domain: 'example.net', protocol: :activitypub) } let!(:ana) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'ana', uri: 'https://example.com/users/ana', domain: 'example.com', protocol: :activitypub) } let!(:tales) { Fabricate(:account, updated_at: 10.days.ago, last_webfingered_at: nil, username: 'tales', uri: 'https://example.net/users/tales', domain: 'example.net', protocol: :activitypub) } before do allow(DeleteAccountService).to receive(:new).and_return(delete_account_service) end context 'when no domain is specified' do before do stub_parallelize_with_progress! stub_request(:head, 'https://example.org/users/bob').to_return(status: 404) stub_request(:head, 'https://example.net/users/gon').to_return(status: 410) stub_request(:head, 'https://example.net/users/tales').to_return(status: 200) end it 'deletes all inactive remote accounts that longer exist in the origin server' do subject expect(delete_account_service).to have_received(:call).with(bob, reserve_username: false).once expect(delete_account_service).to have_received(:call).with(gon, reserve_username: false).once end it 'does not delete any active remote account that still exists in the origin server' do subject expect(delete_account_service).to_not have_received(:call).with(tom, reserve_username: false) expect(delete_account_service).to_not have_received(:call).with(ana, reserve_username: false) expect(delete_account_service).to_not have_received(:call).with(tales, reserve_username: false) end it 'touches inactive remote accounts that have not been deleted' do expect { subject }.to(change { tales.reload.updated_at }) end it 'displays the summary correctly' do expect { subject } .to output_results('Visited 5 accounts, removed 2') end end context 'when a domain is specified' do let(:arguments) { ['example.net'] } before do stub_parallelize_with_progress! stub_request(:head, 'https://example.net/users/gon').to_return(status: 410) stub_request(:head, 'https://example.net/users/tales').to_return(status: 404) end it 'deletes inactive remote accounts that longer exist in the specified domain' do subject expect(delete_account_service).to have_received(:call).with(gon, reserve_username: false).once expect(delete_account_service).to have_received(:call).with(tales, reserve_username: false).once end it 'displays the summary correctly' do expect { subject } .to output_results('Visited 2 accounts, removed 2') end end context 'when a domain is unavailable' do shared_examples 'an unavailable domain' do before do stub_parallelize_with_progress! stub_request(:head, 'https://example.org/users/bob').to_return(status: 200) stub_request(:head, 'https://example.net/users/gon').to_return(status: 200) end it 'skips accounts from the unavailable domain' do subject expect(delete_account_service).to_not have_received(:call).with(tales, reserve_username: false) end it 'displays the summary correctly' do expect { subject } .to output_results("Visited 5 accounts, removed 0\nThe following domains were not available during the check:\n example.net") end end context 'when a connection timeout occurs' do before do stub_request(:head, 'https://example.net/users/tales').to_timeout end it_behaves_like 'an unavailable domain' end context 'when a connection error occurs' do before do stub_request(:head, 'https://example.net/users/tales').to_raise(HTTP::ConnectionError) end it_behaves_like 'an unavailable domain' end context 'when an ssl error occurs' do before do stub_request(:head, 'https://example.net/users/tales').to_raise(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) end it_behaves_like 'an unavailable domain' end context 'when a private network address error occurs' do before do stub_request(:head, 'https://example.net/users/tales').to_raise(Mastodon::PrivateNetworkAddressError) end it_behaves_like 'an unavailable domain' end end end describe '#reset_relationships' do let(:action) { :reset_relationships } let(:target_account) { Fabricate(:account) } let(:arguments) { [target_account.username] } context 'when no option is given' do it 'exits with an error message indicating that at least one option is required' do expect { subject } .to output_results('Please specify either --follows or --followers, or both') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when the given username is not found' do let(:arguments) { ['non_existent_username'] } let(:options) { { follows: true } } it 'exits with an error message indicating that there is no such account' do expect { subject } .to output_results('No such account') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when the given username is found' do let(:total_relationships) { 3 } let!(:accounts) { Fabricate.times(total_relationships, :account) } context 'with --follows option' do let(:options) { { follows: true } } before do accounts.each { |account| target_account.follow!(account) } end it 'resets all "following" relationships from the target account' do subject expect(target_account.reload.following).to be_empty end it 'calls BootstrapTimelineWorker once to rebuild the timeline' do allow(BootstrapTimelineWorker).to receive(:perform_async) subject expect(BootstrapTimelineWorker).to have_received(:perform_async).with(target_account.id).once end it 'displays a successful message' do expect { subject } .to output_results("Processed #{total_relationships} relationships") end end context 'with --followers option' do let(:options) { { followers: true } } before do accounts.each { |account| account.follow!(target_account) } end it 'resets all "followers" relationships from the target account' do subject expect(target_account.reload.followers).to be_empty end it 'displays a successful message' do expect { subject } .to output_results("Processed #{total_relationships} relationships") end end context 'with --follows and --followers options' do let(:options) { { followers: true, follows: true } } before do accounts.first(2).each { |account| account.follow!(target_account) } accounts.last(1).each { |account| target_account.follow!(account) } end it 'resets all "followers" relationships from the target account' do subject expect(target_account.reload.followers).to be_empty end it 'resets all "following" relationships from the target account' do subject expect(target_account.reload.following).to be_empty end it 'calls BootstrapTimelineWorker once to rebuild the timeline' do allow(BootstrapTimelineWorker).to receive(:perform_async) subject expect(BootstrapTimelineWorker).to have_received(:perform_async).with(target_account.id).once end it 'displays a successful message' do expect { subject } .to output_results("Processed #{total_relationships} relationships") end end end end describe '#prune' do let(:action) { :prune } let!(:local_account) { Fabricate(:account) } let!(:bot_account) { Fabricate(:account, bot: true, domain: 'example.com') } let!(:group_account) { Fabricate(:account, actor_type: 'Group', domain: 'example.com') } let!(:mentioned_account) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com') } let!(:prunable_accounts) do Fabricate.times(2, :account, domain: 'example.com', bot: false, suspended_at: nil, silenced_at: nil) end before do Fabricate(:mention, account: mentioned_account, status: Fabricate(:status, account: Fabricate(:account))) stub_parallelize_with_progress! end it 'prunes all remote accounts with no interactions with local users' do subject prunable_account_ids = prunable_accounts.pluck(:id) expect(Account.where(id: prunable_account_ids).count).to eq(0) end it 'displays a successful message' do expect { subject } .to output_results("OK, pruned #{prunable_accounts.size} accounts") end it 'does not prune local accounts' do subject expect(Account.exists?(id: local_account.id)).to be(true) end it 'does not prune bot accounts' do subject expect(Account.exists?(id: bot_account.id)).to be(true) end it 'does not prune group accounts' do subject expect(Account.exists?(id: group_account.id)).to be(true) end it 'does not prune accounts that have been mentioned' do subject expect(Account.exists?(id: mentioned_account.id)).to be true end context 'with --dry-run option' do let(:options) { { dry_run: true } } it 'does not prune any account' do subject prunable_account_ids = prunable_accounts.pluck(:id) expect(Account.where(id: prunable_account_ids).count).to eq(prunable_accounts.size) end it 'displays a successful message with (DRY RUN)' do expect { subject } .to output_results("OK, pruned #{prunable_accounts.size} accounts (DRY RUN)") end end end describe '#migrate' do let(:action) { :migrate } let!(:source_account) { Fabricate(:account) } let!(:target_account) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com') } let(:arguments) { [source_account.username] } let(:resolve_account_service) { instance_double(ResolveAccountService, call: nil) } let(:move_service) { instance_double(MoveService, call: nil) } before do allow(ResolveAccountService).to receive(:new).and_return(resolve_account_service) allow(MoveService).to receive(:new).and_return(move_service) end shared_examples 'a successful migration' do it 'calls the MoveService for the last migration' do subject last_migration = source_account.migrations.last expect(move_service).to have_received(:call).with(last_migration).once end it 'displays a successful message' do expect { subject } .to output_results("OK, migrated #{source_account.acct} to #{target_account.acct}") end end context 'when both --replay and --target options are given' do let(:options) { { replay: true, target: "#{target_account.username}@example.com" } } it 'exits with an error message indicating that using both options is not possible' do expect { subject } .to output_results('Use --replay or --target, not both') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when no option is given' do it 'exits with an error message indicating that at least one option must be used' do expect { subject } .to output_results('Use either --replay or --target') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when the given username is not found' do let(:arguments) { ['non_existent_username'] } let(:options) { { replay: true } } it 'exits with an error message indicating that there is no such account' do expect { subject } .to output_results("No such account: #{arguments.first}") .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'with --replay option' do let(:options) { { replay: true } } context 'when the specified account has no previous migrations' do it 'exits with an error message indicating that the given account has no previous migrations' do expect { subject } .to output_results('The specified account has not performed any migration') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when the specified account has a previous migration' do before do allow(resolve_account_service).to receive(:call).with(source_account.acct, any_args).and_return(source_account) allow(resolve_account_service).to receive(:call).with(target_account.acct, any_args).and_return(target_account) target_account.aliases.create!(acct: source_account.acct) source_account.migrations.create!(acct: target_account.acct) source_account.update!(moved_to_account: target_account) end it_behaves_like 'a successful migration' context 'when the specified account is redirecting to a different target account' do before do source_account.update!(moved_to_account: nil) end it 'exits with an error message' do expect { subject } .to output_results('The specified account is not redirecting to its last migration target. Use --force if you want to replay the migration anyway') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'with --force option' do let(:options) { { replay: true, force: true } } it_behaves_like 'a successful migration' end end end context 'with --target option' do let(:options) { { target: target_account.acct } } before do allow(resolve_account_service).to receive(:call).with(source_account.acct, any_args).and_return(source_account) allow(resolve_account_service).to receive(:call).with(target_account.acct, any_args).and_return(target_account) end context 'when the specified target account is not found' do before do allow(resolve_account_service).to receive(:call).with(target_account.acct).and_return(nil) end it 'exits with an error message indicating that there is no such account' do expect { subject } .to output_results("The specified target account could not be found: #{options[:target]}") .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when the specified target account exists' do before do target_account.aliases.create!(acct: source_account.acct) end it 'creates a migration for the specified account with the target account' do subject last_migration = source_account.migrations.last expect(last_migration.acct).to eq(target_account.acct) end it_behaves_like 'a successful migration' end context 'when the migration record is invalid' do it 'exits with an error indicating that the validation failed' do expect { subject } .to output_results('Error: Validation failed') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'when the specified account is redirecting to a different target account' do before do source_account.update(moved_to_account: Fabricate(:account)) end it 'exits with an error message' do expect { subject } .to output_results('The specified account is redirecting to a different target account. Use --force if you want to change the migration target') .and raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'with --target and --force options' do let(:options) { { target: target_account.acct, force: true } } before do source_account.update(moved_to_account: Fabricate(:account)) target_account.aliases.create!(acct: source_account.acct) end it_behaves_like 'a successful migration' end end end end