# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' def poll_option_json(name, votes) { type: 'Note', name: name, replies: { type: 'Collection', totalItems: votes } } end RSpec.describe ActivityPub::ProcessStatusUpdateService do subject { described_class.new } let!(:status) { Fabricate(:status, text: 'Hello world', account: Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com')) } let(:payload) do { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', id: 'foo', type: 'Note', summary: 'Show more', content: 'Hello universe', updated: '2021-09-08T22:39:25Z', tag: [ { type: 'Hashtag', name: 'hoge' }, { type: 'Mention', href: ActivityPub::TagManager.instance.uri_for(alice) }, ], } end let(:json) { Oj.load(Oj.dump(payload)) } let(:alice) { Fabricate(:account) } let(:bob) { Fabricate(:account) } let(:mentions) { [] } let(:tags) { [] } let(:media_attachments) { [] } before do mentions.each { |a| Fabricate(:mention, status: status, account: a) } tags.each { |t| status.tags << t } media_attachments.each { |m| status.media_attachments << m } end describe '#call' do it 'updates text and content warning' do subject.call(status, json, json) expect(status.reload) .to have_attributes( text: eq('Hello universe'), spoiler_text: eq('Show more') ) end context 'when the changes are only in sanitized-out HTML' do let!(:status) { Fabricate(:status, text: '

Hello world joinmastodon.org

', account: Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com')) } let(:payload) do { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', id: 'foo', type: 'Note', updated: '2021-09-08T22:39:25Z', content: '

Hello world joinmastodon.org

', } end before do subject.call(status, json, json) end it 'does not create any edits and does not mark status edited' do expect(status.reload.edits).to be_empty expect(status).to_not be_edited end end context 'when the status has not been explicitly edited' do let(:payload) do { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', id: 'foo', type: 'Note', content: 'Updated text', } end before do subject.call(status, json, json) end it 'does not create any edits, mark status edited, or update text' do expect(status.reload.edits).to be_empty expect(status.reload).to_not be_edited expect(status.reload.text).to eq 'Hello world' end end context 'when the status has not been explicitly edited and features a poll' do let(:account) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com') } let!(:expiration) { 10.days.from_now.utc } let!(:status) do Fabricate(:status, text: 'Hello world', account: account, poll_attributes: { options: %w(Foo Bar), account: account, multiple: false, hide_totals: false, expires_at: expiration, }) end let(:payload) do { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', id: 'https://example.com/foo', type: 'Question', content: 'Hello world', endTime: expiration.iso8601, oneOf: [ poll_option_json('Foo', 4), poll_option_json('Bar', 3), ], } end before do subject.call(status, json, json) end it 'does not create any edits, mark status edited, update text but does update tallies' do expect(status.reload.edits).to be_empty expect(status.reload).to_not be_edited expect(status.reload.text).to eq 'Hello world' expect(status.poll.reload.cached_tallies).to eq [4, 3] end end context 'when the status changes a poll despite being not explicitly marked as updated' do let(:account) { Fabricate(:account, domain: 'example.com') } let!(:expiration) { 10.days.from_now.utc } let!(:status) do Fabricate(:status, text: 'Hello world', account: account, poll_attributes: { options: %w(Foo Bar), account: account, multiple: false, hide_totals: false, expires_at: expiration, }) end let(:payload) do { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', id: 'https://example.com/foo', type: 'Question', content: 'Hello world', endTime: expiration.iso8601, oneOf: [ poll_option_json('Foo', 4), poll_option_json('Bar', 3), poll_option_json('Baz', 3), ], } end before do subject.call(status, json, json) end it 'does not create any edits, mark status edited, update text, or update tallies' do expect(status.reload.edits).to be_empty expect(status.reload).to_not be_edited expect(status.reload.text).to eq 'Hello world' expect(status.poll.reload.cached_tallies).to eq [0, 0] end end context 'when receiving an edit older than the latest processed' do before do status.snapshot!(at_time: status.created_at, rate_limit: false) status.update!(text: 'Hello newer world', edited_at: Time.now.utc) status.snapshot!(rate_limit: false) end it 'does not create any edits or update relevant attributes' do expect { subject.call(status, json, json) } .to not_change { status.reload.edits.pluck(&:id) } .and(not_change { status.reload.attributes.slice('text', 'spoiler_text', 'edited_at').values }) end end context 'with no changes at all' do let(:payload) do { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', id: 'foo', type: 'Note', content: 'Hello world', } end before do subject.call(status, json, json) end it 'does not create any edits or mark status edited' do expect(status.reload.edits).to be_empty expect(status).to_not be_edited end end context 'with no changes and originally with no ordered_media_attachment_ids' do let(:payload) do { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', id: 'foo', type: 'Note', content: 'Hello world', } end before do status.update(ordered_media_attachment_ids: nil) subject.call(status, json, json) end it 'does not create any edits or mark status edited' do expect(status.reload.edits).to be_empty expect(status).to_not be_edited end end context 'when originally without tags' do before do subject.call(status, json, json) end it 'updates tags' do expect(status.tags.reload.map(&:name)).to eq %w(hoge) end end context 'when originally with tags' do let(:tags) { [Fabricate(:tag, name: 'test'), Fabricate(:tag, name: 'foo')] } let(:payload) do { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', id: 'foo', type: 'Note', summary: 'Show more', content: 'Hello universe', updated: '2021-09-08T22:39:25Z', tag: [ { type: 'Hashtag', name: 'foo' }, ], } end before do subject.call(status, json, json) end it 'updates tags' do expect(status.tags.reload.map(&:name)).to eq %w(foo) end end context 'when originally without mentions' do before do subject.call(status, json, json) end it 'updates mentions' do expect(status.active_mentions.reload.map(&:account_id)).to eq [alice.id] end end context 'when originally with mentions' do let(:mentions) { [alice, bob] } before do subject.call(status, json, json) end it 'updates mentions' do expect(status.active_mentions.reload.map(&:account_id)).to eq [alice.id] end end context 'when originally without media attachments' do before do stub_request(:get, 'https://example.com/foo.png').to_return(body: attachment_fixture('emojo.png')) subject.call(status, json, json) end let(:payload) do { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', id: 'foo', type: 'Note', content: 'Hello universe', updated: '2021-09-08T22:39:25Z', attachment: [ { type: 'Image', mediaType: 'image/png', url: 'https://example.com/foo.png' }, ], } end it 'updates media attachments' do media_attachment = status.reload.ordered_media_attachments.first expect(media_attachment).to_not be_nil expect(media_attachment.remote_url).to eq 'https://example.com/foo.png' end it 'fetches the attachment' do expect(a_request(:get, 'https://example.com/foo.png')).to have_been_made end it 'records media change in edit' do expect(status.edits.reload.last.ordered_media_attachment_ids).to_not be_empty end end context 'when originally with media attachments' do let(:media_attachments) { [Fabricate(:media_attachment, remote_url: 'https://example.com/foo.png'), Fabricate(:media_attachment, remote_url: 'https://example.com/unused.png')] } let(:payload) do { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', id: 'foo', type: 'Note', content: 'Hello universe', updated: '2021-09-08T22:39:25Z', attachment: [ { type: 'Image', mediaType: 'image/png', url: 'https://example.com/foo.png', name: 'A picture' }, ], } end before do allow(RedownloadMediaWorker).to receive(:perform_async) subject.call(status, json, json) end it 'updates the existing media attachment in-place' do media_attachment = status.media_attachments.ordered.reload.first expect(media_attachment).to_not be_nil expect(media_attachment.remote_url).to eq 'https://example.com/foo.png' expect(media_attachment.description).to eq 'A picture' end it 'does not queue redownload for the existing media attachment' do expect(RedownloadMediaWorker).to_not have_received(:perform_async) end it 'updates media attachments' do expect(status.ordered_media_attachments.map(&:remote_url)).to eq %w(https://example.com/foo.png) end it 'records media change in edit' do expect(status.edits.reload.last.ordered_media_attachment_ids).to_not be_empty end end context 'when originally with a poll' do before do poll = Fabricate(:poll, status: status) status.update(preloadable_poll: poll) subject.call(status, json, json) end it 'removes poll and records media change in edit' do expect(status.reload.poll).to be_nil expect(status.edits.reload.last.poll_options).to be_nil end end context 'when originally without a poll' do let(:payload) do { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', id: 'foo', type: 'Question', content: 'Hello universe', updated: '2021-09-08T22:39:25Z', closed: true, oneOf: [ { type: 'Note', name: 'Foo' }, { type: 'Note', name: 'Bar' }, { type: 'Note', name: 'Baz' }, ], } end before do subject.call(status, json, json) end it 'creates a poll and records media change in edit' do poll = status.reload.poll expect(poll).to_not be_nil expect(poll.options).to eq %w(Foo Bar Baz) expect(status.edits.reload.last.poll_options).to eq %w(Foo Bar Baz) end end it 'creates edit history and sets edit timestamp' do subject.call(status, json, json) expect(status.edits.reload.map(&:text)) .to eq ['Hello world', 'Hello universe'] expect(status.reload.edited_at.to_s) .to eq '2021-09-08 22:39:25 UTC' end end end