# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' require 'mastodon/cli/domains' describe Mastodon::CLI::Domains do subject { cli.invoke(action, arguments, options) } let(:cli) { described_class.new } let(:arguments) { [] } let(:options) { {} } it_behaves_like 'CLI Command' describe '#purge' do let(:action) { :purge } context 'with invalid limited federation mode argument' do let(:arguments) { ['example.host'] } let(:options) { { limited_federation_mode: true } } it 'warns about usage and exits' do expect { subject } .to raise_error(Thor::Error, /DOMAIN parameter not supported/) end end context 'without a domains argument' do it 'warns about usage and exits' do expect { subject } .to raise_error(Thor::Error, 'No domain(s) given') end end context 'with accounts from the domain' do let(:domain) { 'host.example' } let!(:account) { Fabricate(:account, domain: domain) } let(:arguments) { [domain] } it 'removes the account' do expect { subject } .to output_results('Removed 1 accounts') expect { account.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end end describe '#crawl' do let(:action) { :crawl } context 'with accounts from the domain' do let(:domain) { 'host.example' } before do Fabricate(:account, domain: domain) stub_request(:get, 'https://host.example/api/v1/instance').to_return(status: 200, body: {}.to_json) stub_request(:get, 'https://host.example/api/v1/instance/peers').to_return(status: 200, body: {}.to_json) stub_request(:get, 'https://host.example/api/v1/instance/activity').to_return(status: 200, body: {}.to_json) stub_const('Mastodon::CLI::Domains::CRAWL_SLEEP_TIME', 0) end context 'with --format of summary' do let(:options) { { format: 'summary' } } it 'crawls the domains and summarizes results' do expect { subject } .to output_results('Visited 1 domains, 0 failed') end end context 'with --format of domains' do let(:options) { { format: 'domains' } } it 'crawls the domains and summarizes results' do expect { subject } .to output_results(domain) end end context 'with --format of json' do let(:options) { { format: 'json' } } it 'crawls the domains and summarizes results' do expect { subject } .to output_results(json_summary) end def json_summary Oj.dump('host.example': { activity: {} }) end end end end end