
235 lines
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import { useState, useCallback } from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import type { List, Record } from 'immutable';
import { groupBy, minBy } from 'lodash';
import { getStatusContent } from './status_content';
// Fit on a single line on desktop
// Those types are not correct, they need to be replaced once this part of the state is typed
export type TagLike = Record<{ name: string }>;
export type StatusLike = Record<{
tags: List<TagLike>;
contentHTML: string;
media_attachments: List<unknown>;
spoiler_text?: string;
function normalizeHashtag(hashtag: string) {
return (
!!hashtag && hashtag.startsWith('#') ? hashtag.slice(1) : hashtag
function isNodeLinkHashtag(element: Node): element is HTMLLinkElement {
return (
element instanceof HTMLAnchorElement &&
// it may be a <a> starting with a hashtag
(element.textContent?.[0] === '#' ||
// or a #<a>
element.previousSibling.textContent.length - 1
] === '#')
* Removes duplicates from an hashtag list, case-insensitive, keeping only the best one
* "Best" here is defined by the one with the more casing difference (ie, the most camel-cased one)
* @param hashtags The list of hashtags
* @returns The input hashtags, but with only 1 occurence of each (case-insensitive)
function uniqueHashtagsWithCaseHandling(hashtags: string[]) {
const groups = groupBy(hashtags, (tag) =>
return Object.values(groups).map((tags) => {
if (tags.length === 1) return tags[0];
// The best match is the one where we have the less difference between upper and lower case letter count
const best = minBy(tags, (tag) => {
const upperCase = Array.from(tag).reduce(
(acc, char) => (acc += char.toUpperCase() === char ? 1 : 0),
const lowerCase = tag.length - upperCase;
return Math.abs(lowerCase - upperCase);
return best ?? tags[0];
// Create the collator once, this is much more efficient
const collator = new Intl.Collator(undefined, {
sensitivity: 'base', // we use this to emulate the ASCII folding done on the server-side, hopefuly more efficiently
function localeAwareInclude(collection: string[], value: string) {
const normalizedValue = value.normalize('NFKC');
return !!collection.find(
(item) =>'NFKC'), normalizedValue) === 0,
// We use an intermediate function here to make it easier to test
export function computeHashtagBarForStatus(status: StatusLike): {
statusContentProps: { statusContent: string };
hashtagsInBar: string[];
} {
let statusContent = getStatusContent(status);
const tagNames = status
.map((tag) => tag.get('name'))
// this is returned if we stop the processing early, it does not change what is displayed
const defaultResult = {
statusContentProps: { statusContent },
hashtagsInBar: [],
// return early if this status does not have any tags
if (tagNames.length === 0) return defaultResult;
const template = document.createElement('template');
template.innerHTML = statusContent.trim();
const lastChild = template.content.lastChild;
if (!lastChild || lastChild.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) return defaultResult;
const contentWithoutLastLine = template;
// First, try to parse
const contentHashtags = Array.from(
).reduce<string[]>((result, link) => {
if (isNodeLinkHashtag(link)) {
if (link.textContent) result.push(normalizeHashtag(link.textContent));
return result;
}, []);
// Now we parse the last line, and try to see if it only contains hashtags
const lastLineHashtags: string[] = [];
// try to see if the last line is only hashtags
let onlyHashtags = true;
const normalizedTagNames = => tag.normalize('NFKC'));
Array.from(lastChild.childNodes).forEach((node) => {
if (isNodeLinkHashtag(node) && node.textContent) {
const normalized = normalizeHashtag(node.textContent);
if (!localeAwareInclude(normalizedTagNames, normalized)) {
// stop here, this is not a real hashtag, so consider it as text
onlyHashtags = false;
if (!localeAwareInclude(contentHashtags, normalized))
// only add it if it does not appear in the rest of the content
} else if (node.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE || node.nodeValue?.trim()) {
// not a space
onlyHashtags = false;
const hashtagsInBar = tagNames.filter((tag) => {
const normalizedTag = tag.normalize('NFKC');
// the tag does not appear at all in the status content, it is an out-of-band tag
return (
!localeAwareInclude(contentHashtags, normalizedTag) &&
!localeAwareInclude(lastLineHashtags, normalizedTag)
const isOnlyOneLine = contentWithoutLastLine.content.childElementCount === 0;
const hasMedia = status.get('media_attachments').size > 0;
const hasSpoiler = !!status.get('spoiler_text');
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition -- due to
if (onlyHashtags && ((hasMedia && !hasSpoiler) || !isOnlyOneLine)) {
// if the last line only contains hashtags, and we either:
// - have other content in the status
// - dont have other content, but a media and no CW. If it has a CW, then we do not remove the content to avoid having an empty content behind the CW button
statusContent = contentWithoutLastLine.innerHTML;
// and add the tags to the bar
return {
statusContentProps: { statusContent },
hashtagsInBar: uniqueHashtagsWithCaseHandling(hashtagsInBar),
* This function will process a status to, at the same time (avoiding parsing it twice):
* - build the HashtagBar for this status
* - remove the last-line hashtags from the status content
* @param status The status to process
* @returns Props to be passed to the <StatusContent> component, and the hashtagBar to render
export function getHashtagBarForStatus(status: StatusLike) {
const { statusContentProps, hashtagsInBar } =
return {
hashtagBar: <HashtagBar hashtags={hashtagsInBar} />,
const HashtagBar: React.FC<{
hashtags: string[];
}> = ({ hashtags }) => {
const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false);
const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
}, []);
if (hashtags.length === 0) {
return null;
const revealedHashtags = expanded
? hashtags
: hashtags.slice(0, VISIBLE_HASHTAGS);
return (
<div className='hashtag-bar'>
{ => (
<Link key={hashtag} to={`/tags/${hashtag}`}>
{!expanded && hashtags.length > VISIBLE_HASHTAGS && (
<button className='link-button' onClick={handleClick}>
defaultMessage='…and {count, plural, other {# more}}'
values={{ count: hashtags.length - VISIBLE_HASHTAGS }}