forked from ariadne/pkgconf
![]() man -Tlint pkgconf skipping no-space macro (mdoc) An input line begins with an Ns macro, or the next argument after an Ns macro is an isolated closing delimiter. The macro is ignored. unusual Xr order (mdoc) In the SEE ALSO section, an Xr macro with a lower section number follows one with a higher number, or two Xr macros referring to the same section are out of alphabetical order. man: pkgconf.1:114:16: WARNING: skipping no-space macro man: pkgconf.1:114:39: WARNING: skipping no-space macro man: pkgconf.1:119:14: WARNING: skipping no-space macro man: pkgconf.1:119:35: WARNING: skipping no-space macro man: pkgconf.1:119:56: WARNING: skipping no-space macro man: pkgconf.1:128:28: WARNING: skipping no-space macro man: pkgconf.1:147:24: WARNING: skipping no-space macro man: pkgconf.1:217:2: WARNING: unusual Xr order: pc(5) after pkg.m4(7) man -Tlint pc whitespace at end of input line (mdoc, man, roff) Whitespace at the end of input lines is almost never semantically significant -- but in the odd case where it might be, it is extremely confusing when reviewing and maintaining documents. new sentence, new line (mdoc) A new sentence starts in the middle of a text line. Start it on a new input line to help formatters produce correct spacing. missing -width in -tag list, using 8n (mdoc) Every Bl macro having the -tag argument requires -width, too. man: pc.5:17:76: STYLE: whitespace at end of input line man: pc.5:18:50: WARNING: new sentence, new line man: pc.5:49:67: WARNING: new sentence, new line man: pc.5:87:38: WARNING: new sentence, new line man: pc.5:90:27: WARNING: new sentence, new line man: pc.5:113:66: WARNING: new sentence, new line man: pc.5:117:61: WARNING: new sentence, new line man: pc.5:123:49: WARNING: new sentence, new line man: pc.5:56:2: WARNING: missing -width in -tag list, using 6n: Bl -tag man: pc.5:80:2: WARNING: missing -width in -tag list, using 6n: Bl -tag |
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pc.5 | ||
pkg.m4.7 | ||
pkgconf.1 |