Go to file
Etienne Lemay a7e37edcde
Merge pull request #205 from Rena-Ryumae/rena/updatesearchfield
Adding search icon in search input field
2018-07-30 16:21:25 -04:00
.storybook Remove unused dependency 2017-10-07 00:00:25 -04:00
css Merge pull request #205 from Rena-Ryumae/rena/updatesearchfield 2018-07-30 16:21:25 -04:00
data Update emoji-datasource 2018-04-29 22:40:42 -04:00
docs Added font stack to support native emojis in IE11/Edge 2018-07-10 21:53:24 +02:00
scripts Restructure data and components 2018-04-29 21:06:32 -04:00
spec Fix specs 2018-04-29 21:57:52 -04:00
src Adding search icon in search input field 2018-07-13 13:18:06 -04:00
stories Add keyboard selection with enter 2018-03-15 18:42:16 -04:00
.babelrc Build as ES module as well as CommonJS 2017-10-01 08:05:18 -07:00
.gitignore Restructure data and components 2018-04-29 21:06:32 -04:00
.npmignore Add /docs 2017-11-08 23:58:41 -08:00
LICENSE BSD Simplified license 2016-07-28 15:24:33 -04:00
README.md Update README 2018-04-29 23:05:55 -04:00
karma.conf.js Move spec out of src 2017-11-08 22:41:57 -08:00
package.json Release v2.6.1 2018-05-11 13:19:10 -04:00
prettier.config.js 💄 Add prettier.config.js 2018-03-27 14:52:31 -04:00
yarn.lock Update emoji-datasource 2018-04-29 22:40:42 -04:00


Emoji Mart is a Slack-like customizable
emoji picker component for React


Missive | Team email, team chat, team tasks, one app
Brought to you by the Missive team


npm install --save emoji-mart



import 'emoji-mart/css/emoji-mart.css'
import { Picker } from 'emoji-mart'

<Picker set='emojione' />
<Picker onSelect={this.addEmoji} />
<Picker title='Pick your emoji…' emoji='point_up' />
<Picker style={{ position: 'absolute', bottom: '20px', right: '20px' }} />
<Picker i18n={{ search: 'Recherche', categories: { search: 'Résultats de recherche', recent: 'Récents' } }} />
Prop Required Default Description
autoFocus false Auto focus the search input when mounted
color #ae65c5 The top bar anchors select and hover color
emoji department_store The emoji shown when no emojis are hovered, set to an empty string to show nothing
include [] Only load included categories. Accepts I18n categories keys. Order will be respected, except for the recent category which will always be the first.
exclude [] Don't load excluded categories. Accepts I18n categories keys.
custom [] Custom emojis
recent Pass your own frequently used emojis as array of string IDs
emojiSize 24 The emoji width and height
onClick Params: (emoji, event) => {}. Not called when emoji is selected with enter
onSelect Params: (emoji) => {}
onSkinChange Params: (skin) => {}
perLine 9 Number of emojis per line. While theres no minimum or maximum, this will affect the pickers width. This will set Frequently Used length as well (perLine * 4)
i18n {…} An object containing localized strings
native false Renders the native unicode emoji
set apple The emoji set: 'apple', 'google', 'twitter', 'emojione', 'messenger', 'facebook'
sheetSize 64 The emoji sheet size: 16, 20, 32, 64
backgroundImageFn ((set, sheetSize) => …) A Fn that returns that image sheet to use for emojis. Useful for avoiding a request if you have the sheet locally.
emojisToShowFilter ((emoji) => true) A Fn to choose whether an emoji should be displayed or not
showPreview true Display preview section
showSkinTones true Display skin tones picker
emojiTooltip false Show emojis short name when hovering (title)
skin Forces skin color: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
defaultSkin 1 Default skin color: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
style Inline styles applied to the root element. Useful for positioning
title Emoji Mart™ The title shown when no emojis are hovered


search: 'Search',
notfound: 'No Emoji Found',
categories: {
  search: 'Search Results',
  recent: 'Frequently Used',
  people: 'Smileys & People',
  nature: 'Animals & Nature',
  foods: 'Food & Drink',
  activity: 'Activity',
  places: 'Travel & Places',
  objects: 'Objects',
  symbols: 'Symbols',
  flags: 'Flags',
  custom: 'Custom',

Sheet sizes

Sheets are served from unpkg, a global CDN that serves files published to npm.

Set Size (sheetSize: 16) Size (sheetSize: 20) Size (sheetSize: 32) Size (sheetSize: 64)
apple 334 KB 459 KB 1.08 MB 2.94 MB
emojione 315 KB 435 KB 1020 KB 2.33 MB
facebook 322 KB 439 KB 1020 KB 2.50 MB
google 301 KB 409 KB 907 KB 2.17 MB
messenger 325 KB 449 MB 1.05 MB 2.69 MB
twitter 288 KB 389 KB 839 KB 1.82 MB


While all sets are available by default, you may want to include only a single set data to reduce the size of your bundle.

Set Size (on disk)
all 570 KB
apple 484 KB
emojione 485 KB
facebook 421 KB
google 483 KB
messenger 197 KB
twitter 484 KB

To use these data files (or any other custom data), use the NimblePicker component:

import data from 'emoji-mart/data/messenger.json'
import { NimblePicker } from 'emoji-mart'

<NimblePicker set='messenger' data={data} />

Examples of emoji object:

  id: 'smiley',
  name: 'Smiling Face with Open Mouth',
  colons: ':smiley:',
  text: ':)',
  emoticons: [
  skin: null,
  native: '😃'

  id: 'santa',
  name: 'Father Christmas',
  colons: ':santa::skin-tone-3:',
  text: '',
  emoticons: [],
  skin: 3,
  native: '🎅🏼'

  id: 'octocat',
  name: 'Octocat',
  colons: ':octocat',
  text: '',
  emoticons: [],
  custom: true,
  imageUrl: 'https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/icons/emoji/octocat.png?v7'


import { Emoji } from 'emoji-mart'

<Emoji emoji={{ id: 'santa', skin: 3 }} size={16} />
<Emoji emoji=':santa::skin-tone-3:' size={16} />
<Emoji emoji='santa' set='emojione' size={16} />
Prop Required Default Description
emoji Either a string or an emoji object
size The emoji width and height.
native false Renders the native unicode emoji
onClick Params: (emoji, event) => {}
onLeave Params: (emoji, event) => {}
onOver Params: (emoji, event) => {}
fallback Params: (emoji) => {}
set apple The emoji set: 'apple', 'google', 'twitter', 'emojione'
sheetSize 64 The emoji sheet size: 16, 20, 32, 64
backgroundImageFn ((set, sheetSize) => `https://unpkg.com/emoji-datasource@3.0.0/sheet_${set}_${sheetSize}.png`) A Fn that returns that image sheet to use for emojis. Useful for avoiding a request if you have the sheet locally.
skin 1 Skin color: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
tooltip false Show emoji short name when hovering (title)
html false Returns an HTML string to use with dangerouslySetInnerHTML

Unsupported emojis fallback

Certain sets dont support all emojis (i.e. Messenger & Facebook dont support :shrug:). By default the Emoji component will not render anything so that the emojis dont take space in the picker when not available. When using the standalone Emoji component, you can however render anything you want by providing the fallback props.

To have the component render :shrug: you would need to:

  fallback={(emoji) => {
    return `:${emoji.short_names[0]}:`

Using with dangerouslySetInnerHTML

The Emoji component being a functional component, you can call it as you would call any function instead of using JSX. Make sure you pass html: true for it to return an HTML string.

<span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{
  __html: Emoji({
    html: true
    set: 'apple'
    emoji: '+1'
    size: 24

Using with contentEditable

Following the dangerouslySetInnerHTML example above, make sure the wrapping span sets contenteditable="false".

<div contentEditable={true}>
  Looks good to me

  <span contentEditable={false} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{
    __html: Emoji({
      html: true
      set: 'apple'
      emoji: '+1'
      size: 24

Custom emojis

You can provide custom emojis which will show up in their own category.

import { Picker } from 'emoji-mart'

const customEmojis = [
    name: 'Octocat',
    short_names: ['octocat'],
    text: '',
    emoticons: [],
    keywords: ['github'],
    imageUrl: 'https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/icons/emoji/octocat.png?v7'

<Picker custom={customEmojis} />

The Picker doesnt have to be mounted for you to take advantage of the advanced search results.

import { emojiIndex } from 'emoji-mart'

emojiIndex.search('christmas').map((o) => o.native)
// => [🎄, 🎅🏼, 🔔, 🎁, ⛄️, ❄️]

With custom data

import data from 'emoji-mart/datasets/messenger'
import { NimbleEmojiIndex } from 'emoji-mart'

let emojiIndex = new NimbleEmojiIndex(data)


By default EmojiMart will store user chosen skin and frequently used emojis in localStorage. That can however be overwritten should you want to store these in your own storage.

import { store } from 'emoji-mart'

  getter: (key) => {
    // Get from your own storage (sync)

  setter: (key, value) => {
    // Persist in your own storage (can be async)

Possible keys are:

Key Value Description
skin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
frequently { 'astonished': 11, '+1': 22 } An object where the key is the emoji name and the value is the usage count
last 'astonished' (Optional) Used by frequently to be sure the latest clicked emoji will always appear in the “Recent” category


Short name, name and keywords

Not only does Emoji Mart return more results than most emoji picker, theyre more accurate and sorted by relevance.



The only emoji picker that returns emojis when searching for emoticons.


Results intersection

For better results, Emoji Mart split search into words and only returns results matching both terms.


Fully customizable

Anchors color, title and default emoji


Emojis sizes and length


Default skin color

As the developer, you have control over which skin color is used by default.


It can however be overwritten as per user preference.


Multiple sets supported

Apple / Google / Twitter / EmojiOne / Messenger / Facebook


Not opinionated

Emoji Mart doesnt automatically insert anything into a text input, nor does it show or hide itself. It simply returns an emoji object. Its up to the developer to mount/unmount (its fast!) and position the picker. You can use the returned object as props for the EmojiMart.Emoji component. You could also use emoji.colons to insert text into a textarea or emoji.native to use the emoji.


$ yarn build
$ yarn start
$ yarn storybook

🎩 Hat tips!

Powered by iamcal/emoji-data and inspired by iamcal/js-emoji.
🙌🏼  Cal Henderson.

Missive | Team email, team chat, team tasks, one app
Missive mixes team email and threaded group chat for productive teams.
A single app for all your internal and external communication and a full work management solution.