module Treehouse module Automod COMMENT_HEADER = <<~EOS Tracking Report - automatically created by TreehouseAutomod EOS WARNING_TEXT = <<~EOS Tracking Infraction - automatically created by TreehouseAutomod EOS def self.silence_with_tracking_report!(account, status_ids: [], explanation: "")! self.file_tracking_report!(account, status_ids: status_ids, type: 'silence') unless account.suspension_origin == "local" end def self.suspend_with_tracking_report!(account, status_ids: [], explanation: "")! self.file_tracking_report!(account, status_ids: status_ids, type: 'suspend') unless account.suspension_origin == "local" end def self.file_tracking_report!(target_account, status_ids: [], explanation: "", type: 'suspend') reporter = self.staff_account return if reporter.nil? # status_ids is broken because of validation report = reporter, target_account, { status_ids: status_ids, comment: explanation.blank? ? COMMENT_HEADER : "#{COMMENT_HEADER}\n\n#{EXPLANATION}", th_skip_notify_staff: true, th_skip_forward: true, } )! report.assign_to_self!(reporter) account_action = type: type, report_id:, target_account: target_account, current_account: reporter, send_email_notification: false, text: WARNING_TEXT, )! Admin::ActionLog.create( account: reporter, action: account_action, target: target_account, ) report.resolve!(reporter) end def self.staff_account username = Rails.configuration.x.th_automod.automod_account_username Account.find_local(username) unless username.blank? end def self.process_status!(status) ActivityPubActivityCreateExt.process!(status) end def self.process_account!(account) AccountServiceExt.process!(account) end module ActivityPubActivityCreateExt EXPLANATION = <<~EOS This account was automatically suspended by TreehouseAutomod, an unsupported feature. Currently, the account-only heuristic should only automatically suspend accounts with one specific username and display name. If this action is unexpected, please unset TH_MENTION_SPAM_HEURISTIC_AUTO_LIMIT_ACTIVE. EOS def self.is_spam?(status) return false unless Rails.configuration.x.th_automod.mention_spam_heuristic_auto_limit_active account = status.account minimal_effort = account.note.blank? && account.avatar_remote_url.blank? && account.header_remote_url.blank? return false if (account.local? || account.local_followers_count > 0 || !minimal_effort) # minimal effort account, check mentions and account-known age has_mention_spam = status.mentions.size >= Rails.configuration.x.th_automod.mention_spam_threshold is_new_account = account.created_at > ( - Rails.configuration.x.th_automod.min_account_age_threshold) has_mention_spam && is_new_account end # check if the status should be considered spam # @return true if the status was reported and the account was infracted def self.process!(status) return false unless self.is_spam?(status) return true if status.account.silenced? Automod.silence_with_tracking_report!(status.account, explanation: EXPLANATION) true end end module AccountServiceExt # hardcoded for now # md5 because they don't deserve more mentions HEURISTIC_NAMES = { "0116a9deace3289b7092e945ef5ca0a5" => Set["57d3d0b932cc9cd01be6b2f4e82c1a4a"], } # probably mathematically impossible to collide, but just in case... HEURISTIC_MAX_LEN = 16 EXPLANATION = <<~EOS This account was automatically suspended by TreehouseAutomod, an unsupported feature. Currently, the account-only heuristic should only automatically suspend accounts with one specific username and display name. If this action is unexpected, please unset TH_HEURISTIC_AUTO_SUSPEND. EOS # @return true if the account was infracted def self.process!(account) return false unless heuristic_auto_suspend?(account) Automod.suspend_with_tracking_report!(account, explanation: EXPLANATION) unless account.suspension_origin == "local" true end def self.matches_evil_hash?(account) username_md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(account.username) display_name_md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(account.display_name) HEURISTIC_NAMES[username_md5].include?(display_name_md5) end def self.heuristic_auto_suspend?(account) return false unless Rails.configuration.x.th_automod.account_service_heuristic_auto_suspend_active return unless account.username.length < HEURISTIC_MAX_LEN && account.display_name.length < HEURISTIC_MAX_LEN self.matches_evil_hash?(account) end end end end