# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' describe Rack::Attack, type: :request do def app Rails.application end shared_examples 'throttled endpoint' do before do # Rack::Attack periods are not rolling, so avoid flaky tests by setting the time in a way # to avoid crossing period boundaries. # The code Rack::Attack uses to set periods is the following: # https://github.com/rack/rack-attack/blob/v6.6.1/lib/rack/attack/cache.rb#L64-L66 # So we want to minimize `Time.now.to_i % period` travel_to Time.zone.at((Time.now.to_i / period.seconds).to_i * period.seconds) end context 'when the number of requests is lower than the limit' do it 'does not change the request status' do limit.times do request.call expect(response).to_not have_http_status(429) end end end context 'when the number of requests is higher than the limit' do it 'returns http too many requests after limit and returns to normal status after period' do (limit * 2).times do |i| request.call expect(response).to have_http_status(429) if i > limit end travel period request.call expect(response).to_not have_http_status(429) end end end let(:remote_ip) { '' } describe 'throttle excessive sign-up requests by IP address' do context 'through the website' do let(:limit) { 25 } let(:period) { 5.minutes } let(:request) { -> { post path, headers: { 'REMOTE_ADDR' => remote_ip } } } context 'for exact path' do let(:path) { '/auth' } it_behaves_like 'throttled endpoint' end context 'for path with format' do let(:path) { '/auth.html' } it_behaves_like 'throttled endpoint' end end context 'through the API' do let(:limit) { 5 } let(:period) { 30.minutes } let(:request) { -> { post path, headers: { 'REMOTE_ADDR' => remote_ip } } } context 'for exact path' do let(:path) { '/api/v1/accounts' } it_behaves_like 'throttled endpoint' end context 'for path with format' do let(:path) { '/api/v1/accounts.json' } it 'returns http not found' do request.call expect(response).to have_http_status(404) end end end end describe 'throttle excessive sign-in requests by IP address' do let(:limit) { 25 } let(:period) { 5.minutes } let(:request) { -> { post path, headers: { 'REMOTE_ADDR' => remote_ip } } } context 'for exact path' do let(:path) { '/auth/sign_in' } it_behaves_like 'throttled endpoint' end context 'for path with format' do let(:path) { '/auth/sign_in.html' } it_behaves_like 'throttled endpoint' end end end