require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe ImportService, type: :service do include RoutingHelper let!(:account) { Fabricate(:account, locked: false) } let!(:bob) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'bob', locked: false) } let!(:eve) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'eve', domain: '', locked: false, protocol: :activitypub, inbox_url: '') } before do stub_request(:post, '').to_return(status: 200) end context 'import old-style list of muted users' do subject { } let(:csv) { attachment_fixture('mute-imports.txt') } describe 'when no accounts are muted' do let(:import) { Import.create(account: account, type: 'muting', data: csv) } it 'mutes the listed accounts, including notifications' do expect(account.muting.count).to eq 2 expect(Mute.find_by(account: account, target_account: bob).hide_notifications).to be true end end describe 'when some accounts are muted and overwrite is not set' do let(:import) { Import.create(account: account, type: 'muting', data: csv) } it 'mutes the listed accounts, including notifications' do account.mute!(bob, notifications: false) expect(account.muting.count).to eq 2 expect(Mute.find_by(account: account, target_account: bob).hide_notifications).to be true end end describe 'when some accounts are muted and overwrite is set' do let(:import) { Import.create(account: account, type: 'muting', data: csv, overwrite: true) } it 'mutes the listed accounts, including notifications' do account.mute!(bob, notifications: false) expect(account.muting.count).to eq 2 expect(Mute.find_by(account: account, target_account: bob).hide_notifications).to be true end end end context 'import new-style list of muted users' do subject { } let(:csv) { attachment_fixture('new-mute-imports.txt') } describe 'when no accounts are muted' do let(:import) { Import.create(account: account, type: 'muting', data: csv) } it 'mutes the listed accounts, respecting notifications' do expect(account.muting.count).to eq 2 expect(Mute.find_by(account: account, target_account: bob).hide_notifications).to be true expect(Mute.find_by(account: account, target_account: eve).hide_notifications).to be false end end describe 'when some accounts are muted and overwrite is not set' do let(:import) { Import.create(account: account, type: 'muting', data: csv) } it 'mutes the listed accounts, respecting notifications' do account.mute!(bob, notifications: true) expect(account.muting.count).to eq 2 expect(Mute.find_by(account: account, target_account: bob).hide_notifications).to be true expect(Mute.find_by(account: account, target_account: eve).hide_notifications).to be false end end describe 'when some accounts are muted and overwrite is set' do let(:import) { Import.create(account: account, type: 'muting', data: csv, overwrite: true) } it 'mutes the listed accounts, respecting notifications' do account.mute!(bob, notifications: true) expect(account.muting.count).to eq 2 expect(Mute.find_by(account: account, target_account: bob).hide_notifications).to be true expect(Mute.find_by(account: account, target_account: eve).hide_notifications).to be false end end end context 'import old-style list of followed users' do subject { } let(:csv) { attachment_fixture('mute-imports.txt') } describe 'when no accounts are followed' do let(:import) { Import.create(account: account, type: 'following', data: csv) } it 'follows the listed accounts, including boosts' do expect(account.following.count).to eq 1 expect(account.follow_requests.count).to eq 1 expect(Follow.find_by(account: account, target_account: bob).show_reblogs).to be true end end describe 'when some accounts are already followed and overwrite is not set' do let(:import) { Import.create(account: account, type: 'following', data: csv) } it 'follows the listed accounts, including notifications' do account.follow!(bob, reblogs: false) expect(account.following.count).to eq 1 expect(account.follow_requests.count).to eq 1 expect(Follow.find_by(account: account, target_account: bob).show_reblogs).to be true end end describe 'when some accounts are already followed and overwrite is set' do let(:import) { Import.create(account: account, type: 'following', data: csv, overwrite: true) } it 'mutes the listed accounts, including notifications' do account.follow!(bob, reblogs: false) expect(account.following.count).to eq 1 expect(account.follow_requests.count).to eq 1 expect(Follow.find_by(account: account, target_account: bob).show_reblogs).to be true end end end context 'import new-style list of followed users' do subject { } let(:csv) { attachment_fixture('new-following-imports.txt') } describe 'when no accounts are followed' do let(:import) { Import.create(account: account, type: 'following', data: csv) } it 'follows the listed accounts, respecting boosts' do expect(account.following.count).to eq 1 expect(account.follow_requests.count).to eq 1 expect(Follow.find_by(account: account, target_account: bob).show_reblogs).to be true expect(FollowRequest.find_by(account: account, target_account: eve).show_reblogs).to be false end end describe 'when some accounts are already followed and overwrite is not set' do let(:import) { Import.create(account: account, type: 'following', data: csv) } it 'mutes the listed accounts, respecting notifications' do account.follow!(bob, reblogs: true) expect(account.following.count).to eq 1 expect(account.follow_requests.count).to eq 1 expect(Follow.find_by(account: account, target_account: bob).show_reblogs).to be true expect(FollowRequest.find_by(account: account, target_account: eve).show_reblogs).to be false end end describe 'when some accounts are already followed and overwrite is set' do let(:import) { Import.create(account: account, type: 'following', data: csv, overwrite: true) } it 'mutes the listed accounts, respecting notifications' do account.follow!(bob, reblogs: true) expect(account.following.count).to eq 1 expect(account.follow_requests.count).to eq 1 expect(Follow.find_by(account: account, target_account: bob).show_reblogs).to be true expect(FollowRequest.find_by(account: account, target_account: eve).show_reblogs).to be false end end end # Based on the bug report 20571 where UTF-8 encoded domains were rejecting import of their users # # context 'utf-8 encoded domains' do subject { } let!(:nare) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'nare', domain: 'թութ.հայ', locked: false, protocol: :activitypub, inbox_url: 'https://թութ.հայ/inbox') } # Make sure to not actually go to the remote server before do stub_request(:post, 'https://թութ.հայ/inbox').to_return(status: 200) end let(:csv) { attachment_fixture('utf8-followers.txt') } let(:import) { Import.create(account: account, type: 'following', data: csv) } it 'follows the listed account' do expect(account.follow_requests.count).to eq 0 expect(account.follow_requests.count).to eq 1 end end context 'import bookmarks' do subject { } let(:csv) { attachment_fixture('bookmark-imports.txt') } around(:each) do |example| local_before = Rails.configuration.x.local_domain web_before = Rails.configuration.x.web_domain Rails.configuration.x.local_domain = '' Rails.configuration.x.web_domain = '' Rails.configuration.x.web_domain = web_before Rails.configuration.x.local_domain = local_before end let(:local_account) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'foo', domain: '') } let!(:remote_status) { Fabricate(:status, uri: '') } let!(:direct_status) { Fabricate(:status, uri: '', visibility: :direct) } before do service = double allow(ActivityPub::FetchRemoteStatusService).to receive(:new).and_return(service) allow(service).to receive(:call).with('') do Fabricate(:status, uri: '') end end describe 'when no bookmarks are set' do let(:import) { Import.create(account: account, type: 'bookmarks', data: csv) } it 'adds the toots the user has access to to bookmarks' do local_status = Fabricate(:status, account: local_account, uri: '', id: 42, local: true) expect( include( expect( include( expect( include( expect(account.bookmarks.count).to eq 3 end end end end