kouhai dev a1c7ba38b7
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful Details
th: Merge remote-tracking branch 'glitch/main' (486e4bc7d3)
2024-02-14 09:59:05 -08:00
400-24px th: Merge remote-tracking branch 'glitch/main' (486e4bc7d3) 2024-02-14 09:59:05 -08:00
LICENSE Switch from 48px weight 600 material symbol icons to 24px weight 400 icons (#28064) 2024-01-12 20:16:48 +00:00 Switch from 48px weight 600 material symbol icons to 24px weight 400 icons (#28064) 2024-01-12 20:16:48 +00:00

Files in this directory are Material Symbols icons fetched using the icons:download task.