Add UCM configuration for mb/google/brya/var/kano

Signed-off-by: Alicja Michalska <>
Alicja Michalska 2023-07-09 11:30:44 +02:00
parent ca65130f21
commit ae15c23874
2 changed files with 148 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
SectionVerb {
Value {
FullySpecifiedUCM "1"
EnableSequence [
cset "name='Frontend PGA Volume' 12"
cset "name='Mic Volume' 255"
cset "name='Left DAI Sel Mux' Right"
cset "name='Right DAI Sel Mux' Left"
cset "name='Left Digital Volume' 127"
cset "name='Right Digital Volume' 127"
cset "name='Left FS Max Volume' 6"
cset "name='Right FS Max Volume' 6"
DisableSequence [
# Split 4ch dmic into 2 virtual 2ch mics
Include.pcm_split.File "/conf.d/dmic-common/split.conf"
Macro [
SplitPCM {
Name "adl_stereo_in"
Direction Capture
Format S32_LE
Channels 2
HWChannels 4
HWChannelPos0 FL
HWChannelPos1 FR
HWChannelPos2 FL
HWChannelPos3 FR
Include.ctl_remap.File "/conf.d/dmic-common/remap.conf"
Macro [
CtlRemapStereoVolSw {
Dst "Mic 1 Capture"
Index0 0
Index1 1
CtlRemapStereoVolSw {
Dst "Mic 2 Capture"
Index0 2
Index1 3
SectionDevice."Speaker" {
Comment "Internal Speakers"
Value {
PlaybackPriority 100
PlaybackPCM "hw:${CardId},0"
DspName "speaker_eq"
EnableSequence [
cset "name='Spk Switch' on"
cset "name='Left Spk Switch' on"
cset "name='Right Spk Switch' on"
cset "name='Left VI Sense Switch' on"
cset "name='Right VI Sense Switch' on"
DisableSequence [
cset "name='Spk Switch' off"
cset "name='Left Spk Switch' off"
cset "name='Right Spk Switch' off"
cset "name='Left VI Sense Switch' off"
cset "name='Right VI Sense Switch' off"
SectionDevice."Headphones" {
Comment "Headphones"
Value {
PlaybackPriority 200
PlaybackPCM "hw:${CardId},1"
JackControl "Headphone Jack"
DspName "headphone_eq"
EnableSequence [
cset "name='Headphone Jack Switch' on"
DisableSequence [
cset "name='Headphone Jack Switch' off"
SectionDevice."Mic" {
Comment "Internal Microphone"
Value {
CapturePriority 100
CapturePCM "hw:${CardId},99"
CaptureChannels 4
Macro.pcm_split.SplitPCMDevice {
Name "adl_stereo_in"
Direction Capture
Device 99
HWChannels 4
Channels 2
Channel0 0
Channel1 1
ChannelPos0 FL
ChannelPos1 FR
SectionDevice."Headset" {
Comment "Headset Microphone"
Value {
CapturePriority 200
CapturePCM "hw:${CardId},1"
CaptureMixerElem "Headset Mic"
JackControl "Headset Mic Jack"
EnableSequence [
cset "name='Headset Mic Switch' on"
DisableSequence [
cset "name='Headset Mic Switch' off"
Include.hdmi.File "/conf.d/hdmi-common/hdmi2345.conf"

View File

@ -11,3 +11,15 @@ If.osiris {
Comment "Default"
If.kano {
Condition {
Type String
Haystack "${sys:devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name}"
Needle "Kano"
True.SectionUseCase."HiFi" {
File "HiFi.kano.conf"
Comment "Default"