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package cli
import (
2021-12-11 03:38:24 +00:00
const (
name = "changeloguru"
usage = "generate changelog from conventional commits"
flagVerbose = "verbose"
flagFrom = "from"
flagTo = "to"
flagVersion = "version"
flagScope = "scope"
flagRepository = "repository"
flagOutput = "output"
flagFilename = "filename"
flagFiletype = "filetype"
flagDryRun = "dry-run"
commandGenerate = "generate"
usageGenerate = "generate changelog"
usageVerbose = "show what is going on"
usageFrom = "from `COMMIT`, which is kinda new commit"
usageTo = "to `COMMIT`, which is kinda old commit"
usageVersion = "`VERSION` to generate, follow Semantic Versioning"
usageScope = "scope to generate"
usageRepository = "`REPOSITORY` directory path"
usageOutput = "`OUTPUT` directory path"
usageFilename = "output `FILENAME`"
usageFiletype = "output `FILETYPE`"
usageDryRun = "demo run without actually changing anything"
var (
2022-02-07 14:00:53 +00:00
aliasGenerate = []string{"gen"}
aliasVerbose = []string{"v"}
type App struct {
cliApp *cli.App
func NewApp() *App {
a := &action{}
cliApp := &cli.App{
Name: name,
Usage: usage,
Commands: []*cli.Command{
Name: commandGenerate,
2022-02-07 14:00:53 +00:00
Aliases: aliasGenerate,
Usage: usageGenerate,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: flagVerbose,
2022-02-07 14:00:53 +00:00
Aliases: aliasVerbose,
Usage: usageVerbose,
Name: flagFrom,
Usage: usageFrom,
Name: flagTo,
Usage: usageTo,
Name: flagVersion,
Usage: usageVersion,
Name: flagScope,
Usage: usageScope,
Name: flagRepository,
Usage: usageRepository,
DefaultText: defaultRepository,
Name: flagOutput,
Usage: usageOutput,
DefaultText: defaultOutput,
Name: flagFilename,
Usage: usageFilename,
DefaultText: defaultFilename,
Name: flagFiletype,
Usage: usageFiletype,
DefaultText: defaultFiletype,
Name: flagDryRun,
Usage: usageDryRun,
Action: a.RunGenerate,
Action: a.RunHelp,
return &App{
cliApp: cliApp,
func (a *App) Run() {
if err := a.cliApp.Run(os.Args); err != nil {
color.PrintAppError(name, err.Error())