config(delta): remove catppuccin

sudo pacman -Syu 2024-03-10 00:11:19 +07:00
parent b9d682da0e
commit 9731614c2e
3 changed files with 0 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -54,14 +54,6 @@ external = "~/.config/bat"
internal = "data/ripgrep"
external = "~/.config/ripgrep"
internal = "data/delta/mocha.gitconfig"
url = ""
internal = "data/delta/mocha.gitconfig"
external = "~/.config/delta/mocha.gitconfig"
internal = "data/tmux"
external = "~/.config/tmux"

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
[delta "catppuccin-mocha"]
blame-palette = "#1e1e2e #181825 #11111b #313244 #45475a"
commit-decoration-style = "box ul"
dark = true
file-decoration-style = "#cdd6f4"
file-style = "#cdd6f4"
hunk-header-decoration-style = "box ul"
hunk-header-file-style = "bold"
hunk-header-line-number-style = "bold #a6adc8"
hunk-header-style = "file line-number syntax"
line-numbers = true
line-numbers-left-style = "#6c7086"
line-numbers-minus-style = "bold #f38ba8"
line-numbers-plus-style = "bold #a6e3a1"
line-numbers-right-style = "#6c7086"
line-numbers-zero-style = "#6c7086"
# 25% red 75% base
minus-emph-style = "bold syntax #53394c"
# 10% red 90% base
minus-style = "syntax #35293b"
# 25% green 75% base
plus-emph-style = "bold syntax #40504b"
# 10% green 90% base
plus-style = "syntax #2c333a"
# Should match the name of the bat theme
syntax-theme = "Catppuccin-mocha"

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@ -45,11 +45,9 @@ git config --global submodule.recurse true
git config --global core.pager delta
git config --global delta.features catppuccin-mocha
git config --global delta.file-decoration-style none
git config --global delta.hunk-header-decoration-style none
git config --global delta.navigate true
git config --global include.path "~/.config/delta/mocha.gitconfig"
git config --global alias.dfct "difftool --cached"