config: hermit

sudo pacman -Syu 2023-03-15 13:16:48 +07:00
parent 28492c34b1
commit a6a3c0daae
1 changed files with 12 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
local wezterm = require("wezterm")
return {
font = wezterm.font({
family = "mononoki",
harfbuzz_features = { "ss01" },
font = wezterm.font_with_fallback({
-- {
-- family = "mononoki",
-- harfbuzz_features = { "ss01" },
-- },
"JetBrains Mono",
font_size = 16.0,
line_height = 1.4,
font_size = 14.0,
line_height = 1.2,
-- font_size = 16.0,
-- line_height = 1.4,
use_cap_height_to_scale_fallback_fonts = true,
color_scheme = "Catppuccin Mocha",
keys = {