feat: handle no config viper

sudo pacman -Syu 2022-12-08 16:48:43 +07:00
parent 23ad9e7ea8
commit 7a8ce832e7
2 changed files with 4 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ import (
</code></pre><p>And then in <code>Makefile</code>:<pre><code class=language-Makefile>build:
go install github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
</code></pre><p>We always get the version of build tools in <code>go.mod</code> each time we install it.<br>Future contributors will not cry anymore.<h3>Don't use cli libs (<a href=https://github.com/spf13/cobra>spf13/cobra</a>, <a href=https://github.com/urfave/cli>urfave/cli</a>) just for Go service</h3><p>What is the point to pass many params (<code>do-it</code>, <code>--abc</code>, <code>--xyz</code>) when what we only need is start service?<p>In my case, service starts with only config, and config should be read from file or environment like <a href=https://12factor.net/>The Twelve Factors</a> guide.<h3>Don't use <a href=https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway>grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway</a></h3><p>Just don't.<p>Use <a href=https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf-go>protocolbuffers/protobuf-go</a>, <a href=https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go>grpc/grpc-go</a> for gRPC.<p>Write 1 for both gRPC, REST sounds good, but in the end, it is not worth it.<h3>Don't use <a href=https://github.com/uber/prototool>uber/prototool</a>, use <a href=https://github.com/bufbuild/buf>bufbuild/buf</a></h3><p>prototool is deprecated, and buf can generate, lint, format as good as prototool.<h3>Use <a href=https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin>gin-gonic/gin</a> for REST.</h3><p>Don't use <code>gin.Context</code> when pass context from handler layer to service layer, use <code>gin.Context.Request.Context()</code> instead.<h3>If you want log, just use <a href=https://github.com/uber-go/zap>uber-go/zap</a></h3><p>It is fast!<ul><li><p>Don't overuse <code>func (*Logger) With</code>. Because if log line is too long, there is a possibility that we can lost it.<li><p>Use <code>MarshalLogObject</code> when we need to hide some field of object when log (field is long or has sensitive value)<li><p>Don't use <code>Panic</code>. Use <code>Fatal</code> for errors when start service to check dependencies. If you really need panic level, use <code>DPanic</code>.<li><p>If doubt, use <code>zap.Any</code>.<li><p>Use <code>contextID</code> or <code>traceID</code> in every log lines for easily debug.</ul><h3>To read config, use <a href=https://github.com/spf13/viper>spf13/viper</a></h3><p>Only init config in main or cmd layer.<br>Do not use <code>viper.Get...</code> in business layer or inside business layer.<p>Why?<ul><li>Hard to mock and test<li>Put all config in single place for easily tracking</ul><h3>Don't overuse ORM libs, no need to handle another layer above SQL.</h3><p>Each ORM libs has each different syntax.<br>To learn and use those libs correctly is time consuming.<br>So just stick to plain SQL.<br>It is easier to debug when something is wrong.<p>But <code>database/sql</code> has its own limit.<br>For example, it is hard to get primary key after insert/update.<br>So may be you want to use ORM for those cases.<br>I hear that <a href=https://github.com/go-gorm/gorm>go-gorm/gorm</a>, <a href=https://github.com/ent/ent>ent/ent</a> is good.<h3>If you want test, just use <a href=https://github.com/stretchr/testify>stretchr/testify</a>.</h3><p>It is easy to write a suite test, thanks to testify.<br>Also, for mocking, there are many options out there.<br>Pick 1 then sleep peacefully.<h3>If need to mock, choose <a href=https://github.com/matryer/moq>matryer/moq</a> or <a href=https://github.com/golang/mock>golang/mock</a></h3><p>The first is easy to use but not powerful as the later.<br>If you want to make sure mock func is called with correct times, use the later.<p>Example with <code>matryer/moq</code>:<pre><code class=language-go>// Only gen mock if source code file is newer than mock file
</code></pre><p>We always get the version of build tools in <code>go.mod</code> each time we install it.<br>Future contributors will not cry anymore.<h3>Don't use cli libs (<a href=https://github.com/spf13/cobra>spf13/cobra</a>, <a href=https://github.com/urfave/cli>urfave/cli</a>) just for Go service</h3><p>What is the point to pass many params (<code>do-it</code>, <code>--abc</code>, <code>--xyz</code>) when what we only need is start service?<p>In my case, service starts with only config, and config should be read from file or environment like <a href=https://12factor.net/>The Twelve Factors</a> guide.<h3>Don't use <a href=https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway>grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway</a></h3><p>Just don't.<p>Use <a href=https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf-go>protocolbuffers/protobuf-go</a>, <a href=https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go>grpc/grpc-go</a> for gRPC.<p>Write 1 for both gRPC, REST sounds good, but in the end, it is not worth it.<h3>Don't use <a href=https://github.com/uber/prototool>uber/prototool</a>, use <a href=https://github.com/bufbuild/buf>bufbuild/buf</a></h3><p>prototool is deprecated, and buf can generate, lint, format as good as prototool.<h3>Use <a href=https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin>gin-gonic/gin</a> for REST.</h3><p>Don't use <code>gin.Context</code> when pass context from handler layer to service layer, use <code>gin.Context.Request.Context()</code> instead.<h3>If you want log, just use <a href=https://github.com/uber-go/zap>uber-go/zap</a></h3><p>It is fast!<ul><li>Don't overuse <code>func (*Logger) With</code>. Because if log line is too long, there is a possibility that we can lost it.<li>Use <code>MarshalLogObject</code> when we need to hide some field of object when log (field is long or has sensitive value)<li>Don't use <code>Panic</code>. Use <code>Fatal</code> for errors when start service to check dependencies. If you really need panic level, use <code>DPanic</code>.<li>If doubt, use <code>zap.Any</code>.<li>Use <code>contextID</code> or <code>traceID</code> in every log lines for easily debug.</ul><h3>To read config, use <a href=https://github.com/spf13/viper>spf13/viper</a></h3><p>Only init config in main or cmd layer.<br>Do not use <code>viper.Get...</code> in business layer or inside business layer.<p>Why?<ul><li>Hard to mock and test<li>Put all config in single place for easily tracking</ul><p>Also, be careful if config value is empty.<br>You should decide to continue or stop the service if there is no config.<h3>Don't overuse ORM libs, no need to handle another layer above SQL.</h3><p>Each ORM libs has each different syntax.<br>To learn and use those libs correctly is time consuming.<br>So just stick to plain SQL.<br>It is easier to debug when something is wrong.<p>But <code>database/sql</code> has its own limit.<br>For example, it is hard to get primary key after insert/update.<br>So may be you want to use ORM for those cases.<br>I hear that <a href=https://github.com/go-gorm/gorm>go-gorm/gorm</a>, <a href=https://github.com/ent/ent>ent/ent</a> is good.<h3>If you want test, just use <a href=https://github.com/stretchr/testify>stretchr/testify</a>.</h3><p>It is easy to write a suite test, thanks to testify.<br>Also, for mocking, there are many options out there.<br>Pick 1 then sleep peacefully.<h3>If need to mock, choose <a href=https://github.com/matryer/moq>matryer/moq</a> or <a href=https://github.com/golang/mock>golang/mock</a></h3><p>The first is easy to use but not powerful as the later.<br>If you want to make sure mock func is called with correct times, use the later.<p>Example with <code>matryer/moq</code>:<pre><code class=language-go>// Only gen mock if source code file is newer than mock file
// https://jonwillia.ms/2019/12/22/conditional-gomock-mockgen
//go:generate sh -c &quot;test service_mock_generated.go -nt $GOFILE &amp;&amp; exit 0; moq -rm -out service_mock_generated.go . Service&quot;
</code></pre><h3>Be careful with <a href=https://github.com/spf13/cast>spf13/cast</a></h3><p>Don't cast proto enum:<pre><code class=language-go>// Bad

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@ -206,13 +206,9 @@ Don't use `gin.Context` when pass context from handler layer to service layer, u
It is fast!
- Don't overuse `func (*Logger) With`. Because if log line is too long, there is a possibility that we can lost it.
- Use `MarshalLogObject` when we need to hide some field of object when log (field is long or has sensitive value)
- Don't use `Panic`. Use `Fatal` for errors when start service to check dependencies. If you really need panic level, use `DPanic`.
- If doubt, use `zap.Any`.
- Use `contextID` or `traceID` in every log lines for easily debug.
### To read config, use [spf13/viper](https://github.com/spf13/viper)
@ -225,6 +221,9 @@ Why?
- Hard to mock and test
- Put all config in single place for easily tracking
Also, be careful if config value is empty.
You should decide to continue or stop the service if there is no config.
### Don't overuse ORM libs, no need to handle another layer above SQL.
Each ORM libs has each different syntax.