feat: add my mail
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ rclone sync MyBooks remote:MyBooks -P --exclude .DS_Store
# Sync from remote to local
rclone sync remote:MyBooks MyBooks -P --exclude .DS_Store
</code></pre><p>Before you use Rclone to sync to Google Drive, you should read <a href=https://rclone.org/drive/>Google Drive rclone configuration</a> first.<p>The next data is my passwords and my OTPs.<br>These are the things which I'm scare to lose the most.<br>First thing first, I enable 2-Step Verification for all of my important accounts, should use both OTP and phone method.<p>I use Bitwarden for passwords (That is a long story, coming from Google Password manager to Firefox Lockwise and then settle down with Bitwarden) and Aegis for OTPs.<br>The reason I choose Aegis, not Authy (I use Authy for so long but Aegis is definitely better) is because Aegis allows me to extract all the OTPs to a single file (Can be encrypted), which I use to transfer or backup easily.<p>As long as Bitwarden provides free passwords stored, I use all of its apps, extensions so that I can easily sync passwords between laptops and phones.<br>The thing I need to remember is the master password of Bitwarden in my head.<p>With Aegis, I export the data, then sync it to Google Drive, also store it locally in my phone.<br>For safety, I also store Aegis data locally on all of my laptops (Encrypted of course).<p>The main problem here is the OTP, I can not store all of my OTPs in the cloud completely.<br>Because if I want to access my OTPs in the cloud, I should log in, and then input my OTP, this is a circle, my friends.<h2>Recovery strategy</h2><p>There are many strategies that I process to react as if something strange is happening to my devices.<p>If I lost my laptops, single laptop or all, do not panic as long as I have my phones.<br>The OTPs are in there, the passwords are in Bitwarden cloud, other data is in Google Drive so nothing is lost here.<p>If I lost my phone, but not my laptops, I use the OTPs which are stored locally in my laptops.<p>In the worst situation, I lost everything, my laptops, my phone.<br>The first step is to recover my SIM, then log in to Google account using the password and SMS OTP.<br>After that, log in to Bitwarden account using the master password and OTP from Gmail, which I open previously.<h2>The end</h2><p>This guide will be updated regularly I promise.
</code></pre><p>Before you use Rclone to sync to Google Drive, you should read <a href=https://rclone.org/drive/>Google Drive rclone configuration</a> first.<p>The next data is my passwords and my OTPs.<br>These are the things which I'm scare to lose the most.<br>First thing first, I enable 2-Step Verification for all of my important accounts, should use both OTP and phone method.<p>I use Bitwarden for passwords (That is a long story, coming from Google Password manager to Firefox Lockwise and then settle down with Bitwarden) and Aegis for OTPs.<br>The reason I choose Aegis, not Authy (I use Authy for so long but Aegis is definitely better) is because Aegis allows me to extract all the OTPs to a single file (Can be encrypted), which I use to transfer or backup easily.<p>As long as Bitwarden provides free passwords stored, I use all of its apps, extensions so that I can easily sync passwords between laptops and phones.<br>The thing I need to remember is the master password of Bitwarden in my head.<p>With Aegis, I export the data, then sync it to Google Drive, also store it locally in my phone.<br>For safety, I also store Aegis data locally on all of my laptops (Encrypted of course).<p>The main problem here is the OTP, I can not store all of my OTPs in the cloud completely.<br>Because if I want to access my OTPs in the cloud, I should log in, and then input my OTP, this is a circle, my friends.<h2>Recovery strategy</h2><p>There are many strategies that I process to react as if something strange is happening to my devices.<p>If I lost my laptops, single laptop or all, do not panic as long as I have my phones.<br>The OTPs are in there, the passwords are in Bitwarden cloud, other data is in Google Drive so nothing is lost here.<p>If I lost my phone, but not my laptops, I use the OTPs which are stored locally in my laptops.<p>In the worst situation, I lost everything, my laptops, my phone.<br>The first step is to recover my SIM, then log in to Google account using the password and SMS OTP.<br>After that, log in to Bitwarden account using the master password and OTP from Gmail, which I open previously.<h2>The end</h2><p>This guide will be updated regularly I promise.</p><a href=mailto:hauvipapro+posts@gmail.com>Feel free to ask me via email</a>
@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ COPY . .
COPY --from=builder /build/app /app
</code></pre><p>Finally, I copy <code>app</code> to Distroless base image.
</code></pre><p>Finally, I copy <code>app</code> to Distroless base image.</p><a href=mailto:hauvipapro+posts@gmail.com>Feel free to ask me via email</a>
@ -51,4 +51,4 @@ func NewS(opts ...OptionS) *S {
return s
</code></pre><p>In above example, I construct <code>s</code> with <code>WithA</code> and <code>WithB</code> option.<br>No need to pass direct field inside <code>s</code>.<h2>External libs</h2><h3>No need <code>vendor</code></h3><p>Only need if you need something from <code>vendor</code>, to generate mock or something else.<h3>Don't use cli libs (<a href=https://github.com/spf13/cobra>spf13/cobra</a>, <a href=https://github.com/urfave/cli>urfave/cli</a>) just for Go service</h3><p>What is the point to pass many params (<code>--abc</code>, <code>--xyz</code>) when what we only need is start service?<p>In my case, service starts with only config, and config should be read from file or environment like <a href=https://12factor.net/>The Twelve Factors</a> guide.<h3>Don't use <a href=https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway>grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway</a></h3><p>Just don't.<p>Use <a href=https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf-go>protocolbuffers/protobuf-go</a>, <a href=https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go>grpc/grpc-go</a> for gRPC.<p>Write 1 for both gRPC, REST sounds good, but in the end, it is not worth it.<h3>Don't use <a href=https://github.com/uber/prototool>uber/prototool</a>, use <a href=https://github.com/bufbuild/buf>bufbuild/buf</a></h3><p>prototool is deprecated, and buf can generate, lint, format as good as prototool.<h3>Use <a href=https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin>gin-gonic/gin</a> for REST.</h3><p>Don't use <code>gin.Context</code> when pass context from handler layer to service layer, use <code>gin.Context.Request.Context()</code> instead.<h3>If you want log, just use <a href=https://github.com/uber-go/zap>uber-go/zap</a></h3><p>It is fast!<ul><li><p>Don't overuse <code>func (*Logger) With</code>. Because if log line is too long, there is a possibility that we can lost it.<li><p>Use <code>MarshalLogObject</code> when we need to hide some field of object when log (field has long or sensitive value)<li><p>Don't use <code>Panic</code>. Use <code>Fatal</code> for errors when start service to check dependencies. If you really need panic level, use <code>DPanic</code>.<li><p>Use <code>contextID</code> or <code>traceID</code> in every log lines for easily debug.</ul><h3>Don't overuse ORM libs, no need to handle another layer above SQL.</h3><p>Each ORM libs has each different syntax.<br>To learn and use those libs correctly is time consuming.<br>So just stick to plain SQL.<br>It is easier to debug when something is wrong.<p>But <code>database/sql</code> has its own limit.<br>For example, it is hard to get primary key after insert/update.<br>So may be you want to use ORM for those cases.<h3>If you want test, just use <a href=https://github.com/stretchr/testify>stretchr/testify</a>.</h3><p>It is easy to write a suite test, thanks to testify.<br>Also, for mocking, there are many options out there.<br>Pick 1 then sleep peacefully.<h3>Replace <code>go fmt</code>, <code>goimports</code> with <a href=https://github.com/mvdan/gofumpt>mvdan/gofumpt</a>.</h3><p><code>gofumpt</code> provides more rules when format Go codes.<h3>Use <a href=https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint>golangci/golangci-lint</a>.</h3><p>No need to say more.<br>Lint or get the f out!<h2>Thanks</h2><ul><li><a href=https://github.com/uber-go/guide/blob/master/style.md>Uber Go Style Guide</a><li><a href=https://dave.cheney.net/2014/10/17/functional-options-for-friendly-apis>Functional options for friendly APIs</a></ul>
</code></pre><p>In above example, I construct <code>s</code> with <code>WithA</code> and <code>WithB</code> option.<br>No need to pass direct field inside <code>s</code>.<h2>External libs</h2><h3>No need <code>vendor</code></h3><p>Only need if you need something from <code>vendor</code>, to generate mock or something else.<h3>Don't use cli libs (<a href=https://github.com/spf13/cobra>spf13/cobra</a>, <a href=https://github.com/urfave/cli>urfave/cli</a>) just for Go service</h3><p>What is the point to pass many params (<code>--abc</code>, <code>--xyz</code>) when what we only need is start service?<p>In my case, service starts with only config, and config should be read from file or environment like <a href=https://12factor.net/>The Twelve Factors</a> guide.<h3>Don't use <a href=https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway>grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway</a></h3><p>Just don't.<p>Use <a href=https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf-go>protocolbuffers/protobuf-go</a>, <a href=https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go>grpc/grpc-go</a> for gRPC.<p>Write 1 for both gRPC, REST sounds good, but in the end, it is not worth it.<h3>Don't use <a href=https://github.com/uber/prototool>uber/prototool</a>, use <a href=https://github.com/bufbuild/buf>bufbuild/buf</a></h3><p>prototool is deprecated, and buf can generate, lint, format as good as prototool.<h3>Use <a href=https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin>gin-gonic/gin</a> for REST.</h3><p>Don't use <code>gin.Context</code> when pass context from handler layer to service layer, use <code>gin.Context.Request.Context()</code> instead.<h3>If you want log, just use <a href=https://github.com/uber-go/zap>uber-go/zap</a></h3><p>It is fast!<ul><li><p>Don't overuse <code>func (*Logger) With</code>. Because if log line is too long, there is a possibility that we can lost it.<li><p>Use <code>MarshalLogObject</code> when we need to hide some field of object when log (field has long or sensitive value)<li><p>Don't use <code>Panic</code>. Use <code>Fatal</code> for errors when start service to check dependencies. If you really need panic level, use <code>DPanic</code>.<li><p>Use <code>contextID</code> or <code>traceID</code> in every log lines for easily debug.</ul><h3>Don't overuse ORM libs, no need to handle another layer above SQL.</h3><p>Each ORM libs has each different syntax.<br>To learn and use those libs correctly is time consuming.<br>So just stick to plain SQL.<br>It is easier to debug when something is wrong.<p>But <code>database/sql</code> has its own limit.<br>For example, it is hard to get primary key after insert/update.<br>So may be you want to use ORM for those cases.<h3>If you want test, just use <a href=https://github.com/stretchr/testify>stretchr/testify</a>.</h3><p>It is easy to write a suite test, thanks to testify.<br>Also, for mocking, there are many options out there.<br>Pick 1 then sleep peacefully.<h3>Replace <code>go fmt</code>, <code>goimports</code> with <a href=https://github.com/mvdan/gofumpt>mvdan/gofumpt</a>.</h3><p><code>gofumpt</code> provides more rules when format Go codes.<h3>Use <a href=https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint>golangci/golangci-lint</a>.</h3><p>No need to say more.<br>Lint or get the f out!<h2>Thanks</h2><ul><li><a href=https://github.com/uber-go/guide/blob/master/style.md>Uber Go Style Guide</a><li><a href=https://dave.cheney.net/2014/10/17/functional-options-for-friendly-apis>Functional options for friendly APIs</a></ul><a href=mailto:hauvipapro+posts@gmail.com>Feel free to ask me via email</a>
@ -1 +1 @@
<!doctype html><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><link rel=preconnect href=https://fonts.googleapis.com><link rel=preconnect href=https://fonts.gstatic.com crossorigin><link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Recursive:wght,CASL,MONO@300..800,0..1,0..1&display=swap" rel=stylesheet><link rel=stylesheet href=styles.css><a href=index>Index</a><h1>UUID or else</h1><p>There are many use cases where we need to use a unique ID.<br>In my experience, I only encouter 2 cases:<ul><li>ID to trace request from client to server, from service to service (microservice architecture or nanoservice I don't know).<li>Primary key for database.</ul><p>In my Go universe, there are some libs to help us with this:<ul><li><a href=https://github.com/google/uuid>google/uuid</a><li><a href=https://github.com/rs/xid>rs/xid</a><li><a href=https://github.com/segmentio/ksuid>segmentio/ksuid</a><li><a href=https://github.com/oklog/ulid>oklog/ulid</a></ul><h2>First use case is trace ID, or context aware ID</h2><p>The ID is used only for trace and log.<br>If same ID is generated twice (because maybe the possibilty is too small but not 0), honestly I don't care.<br>When I use that ID to search log , if it pops more than things I care for, it is still no harm to me.<p>My choice for this use case is <strong>rs/xid</strong>.<br>Because it is small (not span too much on log line) and copy friendly.<h2>Second use case is primary key, also hard choice</h2><p>Why I don't use auto increment key for primary key?<br>The answer is simple, I don't want to write database specific SQL.<br>SQLite has some different syntax from MySQL, and PostgreSQL and so on.<br>Every logic I can move to application layer from database layer, I will.<p>In the past and present, I use <strong>google/uuid</strong>, specificially I use UUID v4.<br>In the future I will look to use <strong>segmentio/ksuid</strong> and <strong>oklog/ulid</strong> (trial and error of course).<br>Both are sortable, but <strong>google/uuid</strong> is not.<br>The reason I'm afraid because the database is sensitive subject, and I need more testing and battle test proof to trust those libs.<h2>What else?</h2><p>I think about adding prefix to ID to identify which resource that ID represents.<h2>Thanks</h2><ul><li><a href=https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com/en/uuid-serial-or-identity-columns-for-postgresql-auto-generated-primary-keys/>UUID, SERIAL OR IDENTITY COLUMNS FOR POSTGRESQL AUTO-GENERATED PRIMARY KEYS?</a><li><a href=https://brandur.org/nanoglyphs/026-ids>Identity Crisis: Sequence v. UUID as Primary Key</a><li><a href=https://blog.kowalczyk.info/article/JyRZ/generating-good-unique-ids-in-go.html>Generating good unique ids in Go</a><li><a href=https://encore.dev/blog/go-1.18-generic-identifiers>How we used Go 1.18 when designing our Identifiers</a><li><a href=https://blog.daveallie.com/ulid-primary-keys>ULIDs and Primary Keys</a><li><a href=https://0pointer.net/blog/projects/ids.html>On IDs</a></ul>
<!doctype html><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><link rel=preconnect href=https://fonts.googleapis.com><link rel=preconnect href=https://fonts.gstatic.com crossorigin><link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Recursive:wght,CASL,MONO@300..800,0..1,0..1&display=swap" rel=stylesheet><link rel=stylesheet href=styles.css><a href=index>Index</a><h1>UUID or else</h1><p>There are many use cases where we need to use a unique ID.<br>In my experience, I only encouter 2 cases:<ul><li>ID to trace request from client to server, from service to service (microservice architecture or nanoservice I don't know).<li>Primary key for database.</ul><p>In my Go universe, there are some libs to help us with this:<ul><li><a href=https://github.com/google/uuid>google/uuid</a><li><a href=https://github.com/rs/xid>rs/xid</a><li><a href=https://github.com/segmentio/ksuid>segmentio/ksuid</a><li><a href=https://github.com/oklog/ulid>oklog/ulid</a></ul><h2>First use case is trace ID, or context aware ID</h2><p>The ID is used only for trace and log.<br>If same ID is generated twice (because maybe the possibilty is too small but not 0), honestly I don't care.<br>When I use that ID to search log , if it pops more than things I care for, it is still no harm to me.<p>My choice for this use case is <strong>rs/xid</strong>.<br>Because it is small (not span too much on log line) and copy friendly.<h2>Second use case is primary key, also hard choice</h2><p>Why I don't use auto increment key for primary key?<br>The answer is simple, I don't want to write database specific SQL.<br>SQLite has some different syntax from MySQL, and PostgreSQL and so on.<br>Every logic I can move to application layer from database layer, I will.<p>In the past and present, I use <strong>google/uuid</strong>, specificially I use UUID v4.<br>In the future I will look to use <strong>segmentio/ksuid</strong> and <strong>oklog/ulid</strong> (trial and error of course).<br>Both are sortable, but <strong>google/uuid</strong> is not.<br>The reason I'm afraid because the database is sensitive subject, and I need more testing and battle test proof to trust those libs.<h2>What else?</h2><p>I think about adding prefix to ID to identify which resource that ID represents.<h2>Thanks</h2><ul><li><a href=https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com/en/uuid-serial-or-identity-columns-for-postgresql-auto-generated-primary-keys/>UUID, SERIAL OR IDENTITY COLUMNS FOR POSTGRESQL AUTO-GENERATED PRIMARY KEYS?</a><li><a href=https://brandur.org/nanoglyphs/026-ids>Identity Crisis: Sequence v. UUID as Primary Key</a><li><a href=https://blog.kowalczyk.info/article/JyRZ/generating-good-unique-ids-in-go.html>Generating good unique ids in Go</a><li><a href=https://encore.dev/blog/go-1.18-generic-identifiers>How we used Go 1.18 when designing our Identifiers</a><li><a href=https://blog.daveallie.com/ulid-primary-keys>ULIDs and Primary Keys</a><li><a href=https://0pointer.net/blog/projects/ids.html>On IDs</a></ul><a href=mailto:hauvipapro+posts@gmail.com>Feel free to ask me via email</a>
@ -1 +1 @@
<!doctype html><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><link rel=preconnect href=https://fonts.googleapis.com><link rel=preconnect href=https://fonts.gstatic.com crossorigin><link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Recursive:wght,CASL,MONO@300..800,0..1,0..1&display=swap" rel=stylesheet><link rel=stylesheet href=styles.css><a href=index>Index</a><h1>Index</h1><p>This is where I dump my thoughts.<ul><li><a href=2022-06-08-backup>Backup my way</a><li><a href=2022-06-08-dockerfile-go>Dockerfile for Go</a><li><a href=2022-07-10-bootstrap-go>Bootstrap Go</a><li><a href=2022-07-12-uuid-or-else>UUID or else</a></ul>
<!doctype html><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><link rel=preconnect href=https://fonts.googleapis.com><link rel=preconnect href=https://fonts.gstatic.com crossorigin><link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Recursive:wght,CASL,MONO@300..800,0..1,0..1&display=swap" rel=stylesheet><link rel=stylesheet href=styles.css><a href=index>Index</a><h1>Index</h1><p>This is where I dump my thoughts.<ul><li><a href=2022-06-08-backup>Backup my way</a><li><a href=2022-06-08-dockerfile-go>Dockerfile for Go</a><li><a href=2022-07-10-bootstrap-go>Bootstrap Go</a><li><a href=2022-07-12-uuid-or-else>UUID or else</a></ul><a href=mailto:hauvipapro+posts@gmail.com>Feel free to ask me via email</a>
@ -14,5 +14,6 @@
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<a href="mailto:hauvipapro+posts@gmail.com">Feel free to ask me via email</a>
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