

I always want the best fonts for my terminal, my text editor, my ... But I'm not satisfied easily, so I keep trying new fonts. Prefer free fonts of course :D


On macOS, use San Francisco for everything. Remember each time macOS release new version/new update, you should download again to get (maybe) latest version.


All images belows is either official images I got from fonts website or my own screenshots. I'm too lazy to screenshot anw :D

JetBrains Mono

JetBrains branding font.


Ligatures I prefer: ss02, cv04, cv16, cv18, cv19, cv20.


I often choose SS08 variant because I also love PragmataPro too.

Font is narrow, can display much more on small screen. But too much config/variant for ligatures scares me.



I often choose Casual variant.

Ligatures I prefer: ss10, ss12.

Looks good on my phone.




Font is small, can display much more on small screen. I like its curved look.

APL-385 and APL386

I love its wide look, also it's feel nostalgic.


Small fonts, saving space.

Unique to me. Strange #, looks same as 4 (I don't like it for now).

IBM Plex

IBM branding font, good alternative for Inter, has both monospace and display variant.

Looks fancy. Strange #.


Looks unique to me, with some sharp look.

Martian Mono

Font is wide, remember to edit line height to make it looks good. I like its bold, strong look.

Murr fonts, but I don't use much now (some fonts I already try in the past)


Only display


Costing money fonts, but I like them too much, will probably buy it if I have money:

Feel free to ask me via email or Mastodon.
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