
Real World Crypto 101

My notes when reading Real-World Cryptography

Hash function convert from input to digest

MAC aka Message Authentication Code produce from key, message to authentication tag.

    participant alice
    participant bob

    alice ->> bob: send alice, mac(secret_key_alice, alice)
    bob ->> bob: compare mac(secret_key_alice, alice) with mac(secret_key_bob, alice)

Constant time comparision:

for i := 0; i < len(x); i++ {
    // Use XOR instead of compare x[i] == y[i]
    // If x[i] == y[i] -> XOR is 1
    // Otherwise XOR is 0
    v |= x[i] ^ y[i]

// v == 1 means all XOR is 1 means x == y

Use for:

    participant alice
    participant bob

    alice ->> bob: send username, password
    bob -->> alice: return alice|mac(secret_key, alice)
    alice ->> bob: send alice|mac(secret_key, alice)
    bob -->> alice: return OK
    alice ->> bob: send bob|mac(secret_key, alice)
    bob -->> alice: return ERROR

HMAC is MAC using hash


Currently (2023) the world using AES-128 which take a key 128 bits == 16 bytes/

AES is kind of cipher, handle fixed-size plaintext so we called block cipher.

Feel free to ask me via email or Mastodon.
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