# Fonts I always want the best fonts for my terminal, my text editor, my ... But I'm not satisfied easily, so I keep trying new fonts. Prefer free fonts of course :D TLDR: On macOS, use [San Francisco](https://developer.apple.com/fonts/) for everything. Remember each time macOS release new version/new update, you should download again to get (maybe) latest version. Otherwise: - Use [JetBrains Mono](https://github.com/JetBrains/JetBrainsMono) for code. - Use [Inter](https://github.com/rsms/inter) for everything else. Always choose **OTF** over **TTF** format. ## [JetBrains Mono](https://github.com/JetBrains/JetBrainsMono) JetBrains branding font. - Support Vietnamese - Support bold, italic - Support ligatures - Has dotted zero Ligatures I prefer: `ss02`, `cv04`, `cv16`, `cv18`, `cv19`, `cv20`. ## [Iosevka](https://github.com/be5invis/Iosevka) I often choose SS08 variant because I also love PragmataPro too. - Support Vietnamese - Support bold, italic - Support ligatures - Has dotted zero - Has display font Font is narrow, can display much more on small screen. But too much config/variant for ligatures scares me. ## [Recursive](https://github.com/arrowtype/recursive) I often choose Casual variant. - Support Vietnamese - Support bold, italic - Support ligatures - Has dotted zero - Has display font Ligatures I prefer: `ss10`, `ss12`. Looks good on my phone. - [Designing Recursive](https://www.recursive.design/process/) ## [agave](https://github.com/blobject/agave) - No Vietnamese - Support bold - No italic - No ligatures - Has dotted zero Font is small, can display much more on small screen. I like its curved look. ## [Sudo](https://github.com/jenskutilek/sudo-font) Small fonts, saving space. - Support Vietnamese - Support bold, italic - No ligatures - Has dotted zero - Has display font Unique to me. Strange `#`, looks same as `4` (I don't like it for now). ## [Fantasque Sans Mono](https://github.com/belluzj/fantasque-sans) Comic vibe. Look smoothly and too much curve. - No Vietnamese - Support bold, italic - Support ligatures ## [APL-385](https://apl385.com/fonts/index.htm) and [APL386](https://github.com/abrudz/APL386) - No Vietnamese - No bold, italic - No ligatures (APL-385 not APL386) - Has display font (APL333) I love its wide look, also it's feel nostalgic. ## [IBM Plex](https://github.com/IBM/plex) IBM branding font, good alternative for Inter, has both monospace and display variant. - Support Vietnamese - Support bold, italic - No ligatures - Has dotted zero - Has display font Looks fancy. Strange `#`. ## [Hermit](https://github.com/pcaro90/hermit) - No Vietnamese - Support bold, italic - No ligatures Looks unique to me, with some sharp look. ## [Nerd Fonts](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts) For fancy terminal, only need `NerdFontsSymbolsOnly` ## Murr fonts, but I don't use much now (some fonts I already try in the past) - [Fira Code](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode): best ligatures. - [Cascadia Code](https://github.com/microsoft/cascadia-code): Microsoft branding font. - [Input](https://input.djr.com/) - [Monoid](https://github.com/larsenwork/monoid) - [mononoki](https://github.com/madmalik/mononoki): share same vibe with agave. - [Ubuntu Monospace](https://design.ubuntu.com/font): nostalogic to me since first Linux distro I use is Ubuntu. - [M+](https://github.com/coz-m/MPLUS_FONTS): Japanese aesthetic. - [iA-Fonts](https://github.com/iaolo/iA-Fonts): Notion mono font. - [Martian Mono](https://github.com/evilmartians/mono): wide font with bold, strong look. ### Bitmap/Oldschool - [Terminus](https://terminus-font.sourceforge.net/): super old, super legend font. - [3270font](https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font): nostalogic. - [Cozette](https://github.com/slavfox/Cozette): feel 8-bit vibe, mono to death. But sometimes it's hard to read. Bitmap fonts is hard to install too. - [The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack](https://int10h.org/oldschool-pc-fonts/) with [Flexi IBM VGA](https://int10h.org/blog/2020/12/more-font-updates-oldschool-pack-flexi-vga/): old school. - [C64](https://style64.org/c64-truetype): Commodore 64 font. ### Only display - [Clear Sans](https://github.com/intel/clear-sans): used to be Intel branding font. - [Atkinson Hyperlegible](https://brailleinstitute.org/freefont): for reading ebook. - [Shantell Sans](https://github.com/arrowtype/shantell-sans): another Comit vibe. - [The Story of Shantell Sans](https://shantellsans.com/process) ### Trendy - [Intel One Mono](https://github.com/intel/intel-one-mono): latest Intel branding font. - [0xProto](https://github.com/0xType/0xProto): found it on Instagram. - [Commit Mono](https://github.com/eigilnikolajsen/commit-mono): claim to be true netral font. Also I love the website. - [Monaspace](https://github.com/githubnext/monaspace): new GitHub fonts **Costing money** fonts, but I like them too much, will probably buy it if I have money: - [PragmataPro](https://fsd.it/shop/fonts/pragmatapro/) - [Berkeley Mono Typeface](https://berkeleygraphics.com/typefaces/berkeley-mono/)