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<!doctype html><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><link rel=preconnect href=><link rel=preconnect href= crossorigin><link href=",CASL,MONO@300..800,0..1,0..1&display=swap" rel=stylesheet><link href= rel=stylesheet><link rel=stylesheet href=styles.css><a href=index>Index</a><h1>Backup my way</h1><p>First thing first, I want to list my own devices, which I have through the years:<ul><li>Laptop Samsung NP300E4Z-S06VN (Old laptop which I give to my mom)<li><a href=>Laptop Dell Inspiron 15 3567</a> (My mom bought it for me when I go to college, I give it to my sister afterward)<li><a href=>Laptop Acer Nitro AN515-45</a> (Gaming laptop which I buy for gaming, of course)<li>MacBook Pro M1 2020 (My company laptop)<li>Phone Xiaomi Poco X3 NFC (Primary phone which I use daily)</ul><p>App/Service I use daily:<ul><li><a href=>Bitwarden</a><li><a href=>Aegis Authenticator</a><li><a href=>Rclone</a><li><a href=>restic</a><li><a href=>Tailscale</a><li>GitHub / GitLab<li>Google Keep / Notion<li>Google Drive (I use 200GB plan)</ul><p>The purpose is that I want my data to be safe, secure, and can be easily recovered if I lost some devices;<br>or in the worst situation, I lost all.<br>Because you know, it is hard to guess what is waiting for us in the future.<p>There are 2 sections which I want to share, the first is <strong>How to backup</strong>, the second is <strong>Recover strategy</strong>.<h2>How to backup</h2><p>Before I talk about backup, I want to talk about data.<br>In specifically, which data should I backup?<p>I use Arch Linux and macOS, primarily work in the terminal so I have too many dotfiles, for example, <code>~/.config/nvim/init.lua</code>.<br>Each time I reinstall Arch Linux (I like it a lot), I need to reconfigure all the settings, and it is time-consuming.<p>So for the DE and UI settings, I keep it as default as possible, unless it's getting in my way, I leave the default setting there and forget about it.<br>The others are dotfiles, which I write my own <a href=>dotfiles tool</a> to backup and reconfigure easily and quickly.<br>Also, I know that installing Arch Linux is not easy, despite I install it too many times (Like thousand times since I was in high school).<br>Not because it is hard, but as life goes on, the <a href=>official install guide</a> keeps getting new update and covering too many cases for my own personal use, so I write my own <a href=>guide</a> to quickly capture what I need to do.<br>I back up all my dotfiles inside my dotfiles tool in GitHub and GitLab as I trust them both.<br>Also as I travel the Internet, I discover <a href=>Codeberg</a> and <a href=>Treehouse</a> and use them as another backup for git repo.<p>So that is my dotfiles, for my regular data, like Wallpaper or Books, Images, I use Google Drive (Actually I pay for it).<br>But the step: open the webpage, click the upload button and choose files seems boring and time-consuming.<br>So I use Rclone, it supports Google Drive, One Drive and many providers but I only use Google Drive for now.<br>The commands are simple:<pre><code class=language-sh># Sync from local to remote
rclone sync MyBooks remote:MyBooks -P --exclude .DS_Store
# Sync from remote to local
rclone sync remote:MyBooks MyBooks -P --exclude .DS_Store
</code></pre><p>Before you use Rclone to sync to Google Drive, you should read <a href=>Google Drive rclone configuration</a> first.<p>For private data, I use restic which can be used with Rclone:<pre><code class=language-sh># Init
restic -r rclone:remote:PrivateData init
# Backup
restic -r rclone:remote:PrivateData backup PrivateData
</code></pre><p>The next data is my passwords and my OTPs.<br>These are the things which I'm scare to lose the most.<br>First thing first, I enable 2-Step Verification for all of my important accounts, should use both OTP and phone method.<p>I use Bitwarden for passwords (That is a long story, coming from Google Password manager to Firefox Lockwise and then settle down with Bitwarden) and Aegis for OTPs.<br>The reason I choose Aegis, not Authy (I use Authy for so long but Aegis is definitely better) is because Aegis allows me to extract all the OTPs to a single file (Can be encrypted), which I use to transfer or backup easily.<p>As long as Bitwarden provides free passwords stored, I use all of its apps, extensions so that I can easily sync passwords between laptops and phones.<br>The thing I need to remember is the master password of Bitwarden in my head.<p>With Aegis, I export the data, then sync it to Google Drive, also store it locally in my phone.<br>For safety, I also store Aegis data locally on all of my laptops (Encrypted of course).<p>The main problem here is the OTP, I can not store all of my OTPs in the cloud completely.<br>Because if I want to access my OTPs in the cloud, I should log in, and then input my OTP, this is a circle, my friends.<h2>Recovery strategy</h2><p>There are many strategies that I process to react as if something strange is happening to my devices.<p>If I lost my laptops, single laptop or all, do not panic as long as I have my phones.<br>The OTPs are in there, the passwords are in Bitwarden cloud, other data is in Google Drive so nothing is lost here.<p>If I lost my phone, but not my laptops, I use the OTPs which are stored locally in my laptops.<p>In the worst situation, I lost everything, my laptops, my phone.<br>The first step is to recover my SIM, then log in to Google account using the password and SMS OTP.<br>After that, log in to Bitwarden account using the master password and OTP from Gmail, which I open previously.<h2>The end</h2><p>This guide will be updated regularly I promise.</p><a>Feel free to ask me via email</a>