chore(draw): big changes

sudo pacman -Syu 2023-08-10 14:04:24 +07:00
parent eac19764e6
commit 2e4536c5cc
7 changed files with 556 additions and 492 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
.PHONY: all format clean go draw qmk_upstream qmk_init qmk_clean dztech_dz60rgb_wkl
.PHONY: all format clean go draw_qmkasciigen format_draw_caksoylar_keymap_drawer draw_caksoylar_keymap_drawer draw qmk_upstream qmk_init qmk_clean dztech_dz60rgb_wkl
@echo Please read Makefile to understand!!!
@ -21,14 +21,16 @@ go:
gofimports -w --company, .
gofumpt -w -extra .
$(MAKE) go
go run ./cmd/qmkasciigen/*.go -qmk-keyboard dztech/dz60rgb_wkl/v2_1 -qmk-keymap-file dztech_dz60rgb_wkl/keymaps_json/haunt98/keymap.json -out dztech_dz60rgb_wkl/asciiart/haunt98.txt
bun upgrade
bun install --global prettier
prettier --write ./dztech_dz60rgb_wkl/caksoylar_keymap_drawer/*.yaml
$(MAKE) go
go run ./cmd/qmkasciigen/*.go -qmk-keyboard dztech/dz60rgb_wkl/v2_1 -qmk-keymap-file dztech_dz60rgb_wkl/keymaps_json/haunt98/keymap.json -out dztech_dz60rgb_wkl/asciiart/haunt98.txt
pipx install keymap-drawer
keymap -c dztech_dz60rgb_wkl/caksoylar_keymap_drawer/config.yaml \
@ -37,7 +39,11 @@ draw:
keymap -c dztech_dz60rgb_wkl/caksoylar_keymap_drawer/config.yaml \
draw dztech_dz60rgb_wkl/caksoylar_keymap_drawer/keymap.yaml > \
$(MAKE) format_draw
$(MAKE) draw_qmkasciigen
$(MAKE) draw_caksoylar_keymap_drawer
$(MAKE) format_draw_caksoylar_keymap_drawer
curl --output .clang-format

View File

@ -163,4 +163,3 @@ Thanks:
- [x] Use flag
- [x] Add docs
- [x] Get data directly from qmk
- [ ] Use backspace/back depends on space allow

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const (
var mapFromTo = []map[string]string{
// My custom
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ var mapFromTo = []map[string]string{
"KC_COMM": ",",
"KC_DOT": ".",
"KC_SLSH": "/",
@ -58,20 +57,14 @@ var mapFromTo = []map[string]string{
// Advance
// Grave Escape
// Space cadet
"SC_LCPO": "CTRL (",
"SC_RCPC": "CTRL )",
"SC_LAPO": "OPT (",
"SC_RAPC": "OPT )",
// Prefix
"KC_": "",
"QK_": "",

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
| ESC | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | - | = | \ | ` |
| GESC | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | - | = | \ | ` |
| TAB | Q | W | E | R | T | Y | U | I | O | P | [ | ] | BACKSPACE |
| CTRL ESC | A | S | D | F | G | H | J | K | L | ; | ' | ENTER |
| ESC CTRL | A | S | D | F | G | H | J | K | L | ; | ' | ENTER |
| SHIFT ( | Z | X | C | V | B | N | M | , | . | / | SHIFT ) | MO(1) |
| ( SHIFT | Z | X | C | V | B | N | M | , | . | / | ) SHIFT | MO(1) |
| | OPT | CMD | SPACE | CMD | OPT | |
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
| | BRMD | BRMU | | | | | | | | | | | |
| CAPSLOCK | VOLD | VOLU | MUTE | | | | | HOME | PGUP | | | |
| CAPS | VOLD | VOLU | MUTE | | | | | HOME | PGUP | | | |
| | RGBH | RGBS | RGBV | | | | | END | PGDN | | | MO(3) |

View File

@ -1,2 +1,78 @@
# Sync with draw.go as much as possible
key_h: 60
glyph_tap_size: 18
glyph_hold_size: 16
append_colon_to_layer_header: false
svg_style: |
/* Colors */
svg path {
fill: inherit;
svg.keymap {
font-family: JetBrains Mono, monospace;
font-size: 14px;
font-kerning: normal;
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
fill: rgb(44, 62, 80);
rect.key {
fill: rgb(250, 250, 250);
stroke: rgb(176, 190, 197);
stroke-width: 1;
text {
font-weight: bold;
text-anchor: middle;
dominant-baseline: middle;
text.label {
font-size: 14px;
text-anchor: start;
stroke: white;
stroke-width: 2;
paint-order: stroke;
text.hold {
font-size: 12px;
text.hold {
text-anchor: middle;
dominant-baseline: text-after-edge;
rect.held, rect.enter, {
fill: rgb(255, 205, 210);
rect.esc, rect.vim {
fill: rgb(200, 230, 201);
raw_binding_map: { "TD(TD_SAFE_BOOT)": "SAFE BOOT" }
tap: $$mdi:transfer$$
type: trans
raw_binding_map: {
{ "t": "ESC", "h": "$$mdi:apple-keyboard-control$$", "type": "esc" },
"KC_H": { "t": "H", "type": "vim" },
"KC_J": { "t": "J", "type": "vim" },
"KC_K": { "t": "K", "type": "vim" },
"KC_L": { "t": "L", "type": "vim" },
"KC_ENT": { "t": "$$mdi:keyboard-return$$", "type": "enter" },
"KC_BSPC": "$$mdi:keyboard-backspace$$",
"KC_TAB": "$$mdi:keyboard-tab$$",
"KC_SPC": { "t": "$$mdi:keyboard-space$$", "type": "space" },
"KC_UP": "$$mdi:arrow-up$$",
"KC_DOWN": "$$mdi:arrow-down$$",
"KC_LEFT": "$$mdi:arrow-left$$",
"KC_RGHT": "$$mdi:arrow-right$$",
"KC_CAPS": "$$mdi:apple-keyboard-caps$$",
"KC_LOPT": "$$mdi:apple-keyboard-option$$",
"KC_ROPT": "$$mdi:apple-keyboard-option$$",
"KC_LCMD": "$$mdi:apple-keyboard-command$$",
"KC_RCMD": "$$mdi:apple-keyboard-command$$",
# Advance
"QK_GESC": { "t": "GESC", "type": "esc" },
"SC_LSPO": { "t": "(", "h": "$$mdi:apple-keyboard-shift$$" },
"SC_RSPC": { "t": ")", "h": "$$mdi:apple-keyboard-shift$$" },

View File

@ -1,468 +1,458 @@
<svg width="900.0" height="1400.0" viewBox="0 0 900.0 1400.0" class="keymap" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<style>/* inherit to force styles through use tags*/
<svg width="960.0" height="1480.0" viewBox="0 0 960.0 1480.0" class="keymap" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<defs>/* start glyphs */
<svg id="mdi:arrow-up">
<svg xmlns="" id="mdi-arrow-up" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M13,20H11V8L5.5,13.5L4.08,12.08L12,4.16L19.92,12.08L18.5,13.5L13,8V20Z" /></svg>
<svg id="mdi:apple-keyboard-control">
<svg xmlns="" id="mdi-apple-keyboard-control" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19.78,11.78L18.36,13.19L12,6.83L5.64,13.19L4.22,11.78L12,4L19.78,11.78Z" /></svg>
<svg id="mdi:arrow-left">
<svg xmlns="" id="mdi-arrow-left" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M20,11V13H8L13.5,18.5L12.08,19.92L4.16,12L12.08,4.08L13.5,5.5L8,11H20Z" /></svg>
<svg id="mdi:keyboard-backspace">
<svg xmlns="" id="mdi-keyboard-backspace" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M21,11H6.83L10.41,7.41L9,6L3,12L9,18L10.41,16.58L6.83,13H21V11Z" /></svg>
<svg id="mdi:keyboard-tab">
<svg xmlns="" id="mdi-keyboard-tab" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M20,18H22V6H20M11.59,7.41L15.17,11H1V13H15.17L11.59,16.58L13,18L19,12L13,6L11.59,7.41Z" /></svg>
<svg id="mdi:apple-keyboard-caps">
<svg xmlns="" id="mdi-apple-keyboard-caps" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M15,14V8H17.17L12,2.83L6.83,8H9V14H15M12,0L22,10H17V16H7V10H2L12,0M7,18H17V24H7V18M15,20H9V22H15V20Z" /></svg>
<svg id="mdi:arrow-down">
<svg xmlns="" id="mdi-arrow-down" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M11,4H13V16L18.5,10.5L19.92,11.92L12,19.84L4.08,11.92L5.5,10.5L11,16V4Z" /></svg>
<svg id="mdi:transfer">
<svg xmlns="" id="mdi-transfer" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M8 4A2 2 0 0 0 6 6V10H8V6H16V9H13.5L17 12.5L20.5 9H18V6A2 2 0 0 0 16 4H8M3 12V14H11V12H3M3 15V17H11V15H3M13 15V17H21V15H13M3 18V20H11V18H3M13 18V20H21V18H13Z" /></svg>
<svg id="mdi:keyboard-return">
<svg xmlns="" id="mdi-keyboard-return" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19,7V11H5.83L9.41,7.41L8,6L2,12L8,18L9.41,16.58L5.83,13H21V7H19Z" /></svg>
<svg id="mdi:apple-keyboard-shift">
<svg xmlns="" id="mdi-apple-keyboard-shift" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M15,18V12H17.17L12,6.83L6.83,12H9V18H15M12,4L22,14H17V20H7V14H2L12,4Z" /></svg>
<svg id="mdi:keyboard-space">
<svg xmlns="" id="mdi-keyboard-space" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M3 15H5V19H19V15H21V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V15Z" /></svg>
<svg id="mdi:apple-keyboard-option">
<svg xmlns="" id="mdi-apple-keyboard-option" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M3,4H9.11L16.15,18H21V20H14.88L7.84,6H3V4M14,4H21V6H14V4Z" /></svg>
<svg id="mdi:arrow-right">
<svg xmlns="" id="mdi-arrow-right" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M4,11V13H16L10.5,18.5L11.92,19.92L19.84,12L11.92,4.08L10.5,5.5L16,11H4Z" /></svg>
<svg id="mdi:apple-keyboard-command">
<svg xmlns="" id="mdi-apple-keyboard-command" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M6,2A4,4 0 0,1 10,6V8H14V6A4,4 0 0,1 18,2A4,4 0 0,1 22,6A4,4 0 0,1 18,10H16V14H18A4,4 0 0,1 22,18A4,4 0 0,1 18,22A4,4 0 0,1 14,18V16H10V18A4,4 0 0,1 6,22A4,4 0 0,1 2,18A4,4 0 0,1 6,14H8V10H6A4,4 0 0,1 2,6A4,4 0 0,1 6,2M16,18A2,2 0 0,0 18,20A2,2 0 0,0 20,18A2,2 0 0,0 18,16H16V18M14,10H10V14H14V10M6,16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20A2,2 0 0,0 8,18V16H6M8,6A2,2 0 0,0 6,4A2,2 0 0,0 4,6A2,2 0 0,0 6,8H8V6M18,8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6A2,2 0 0,0 18,4A2,2 0 0,0 16,6V8H18Z" /></svg>
</defs>/* end glyphs */
<style>/* Colors */
svg path {
fill: inherit;
fill: inherit;
/* font and background color specifications */
svg.keymap {
font-family: SFMono-Regular,Consolas,Liberation Mono,Menlo,monospace;
font-size: 14px;
font-kerning: normal;
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
fill: #24292e;
font-family: JetBrains Mono, monospace;
font-size: 14px;
font-kerning: normal;
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
fill: rgb(44, 62, 80);
/* default key styling */
rect.key {
fill: #f6f8fa;
stroke: #c9cccf;
stroke-width: 1;
fill: rgb(250, 250, 250);
stroke: rgb(176, 190, 197);
stroke-width: 1;
/* color accent for combo boxes */
rect.combo {
fill: #cdf;
/* color accent for held keys */
rect.held, rect.combo.held {
fill: #fdd;
/* color accent for ghost (optional) keys */
rect.ghost, rect.combo.ghost {
stroke-dasharray: 4, 4;
stroke-width: 2;
text {
text-anchor: middle;
dominant-baseline: middle;
font-weight: bold;
text-anchor: middle;
dominant-baseline: middle;
/* styling for layer labels */
text.label {
font-weight: bold;
text-anchor: start;
stroke: white;
stroke-width: 2;
paint-order: stroke;
font-size: 14px;
text-anchor: start;
stroke: white;
stroke-width: 2;
paint-order: stroke;
/* styling for combo tap, and key hold/shifted label text */
text.combo, text.hold, text.shifted {
font-size: 11px;
text.hold {
text-anchor: middle;
dominant-baseline: auto;
font-size: 12px;
text.shifted {
text-anchor: middle;
dominant-baseline: hanging;
text.hold {
text-anchor: middle;
dominant-baseline: text-after-edge;
/* styling for hold/shifted label text in combo box */
text.combo.hold, text.combo.shifted {
font-size: 8px;
rect.held, rect.enter, {
fill: rgb(255, 205, 210);
/* lighter symbol for transparent keys */
text.trans {
fill: #7b7e81;
rect.esc, rect.vim {
fill: rgb(200, 230, 201);
/* styling for combo dendrons */
path.combo {
stroke-width: 1;
stroke: gray;
fill: none;
/* Start Tabler Icons Cleanup */
/* cannot use height/width with glyphs */
.icon-tabler > path {
fill: inherit;
stroke: inherit;
/* hide tabler's default box */
.icon-tabler > path[stroke="none"][fill="none"] {
visibility: collapse;
/* End Tabler Icons Cleanup */
<g class="layer-L0">
<text x="30.0" y="28.0" class="label">L0:</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="32.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="58.0" y="84.0" class="tap">
<tspan x="58.0" dy="-0.6em">QK</tspan><tspan x="58.0" dy="1.2em">GESC</tspan></text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="88.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="114.0" y="84.0" class="tap">1</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="144.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="170.0" y="84.0" class="tap">2</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="200.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="226.0" y="84.0" class="tap">3</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="256.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="282.0" y="84.0" class="tap">4</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="312.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="338.0" y="84.0" class="tap">5</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="368.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="394.0" y="84.0" class="tap">6</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="424.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="450.0" y="84.0" class="tap">7</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="480.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="506.0" y="84.0" class="tap">8</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="536.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="562.0" y="84.0" class="tap">9</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="592.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="618.0" y="84.0" class="tap">0</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="648.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="674.0" y="84.0" class="tap">-</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="704.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="730.0" y="84.0" class="tap">=</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="760.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="786.0" y="84.0" class="tap">\</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="816.0" y="58.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="842.0" y="84.0" class="tap">`</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="32.0" y="114.0" width="80.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="72.0" y="140.0" class="tap">TAB</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="116.0" y="114.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="142.0" y="140.0" class="tap">Q</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="172.0" y="114.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="198.0" y="140.0" class="tap">W</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="228.0" y="114.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="254.0" y="140.0" class="tap">E</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="284.0" y="114.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="310.0" y="140.0" class="tap">R</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="340.0" y="114.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="366.0" y="140.0" class="tap">T</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="396.0" y="114.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="422.0" y="140.0" class="tap">Y</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="452.0" y="114.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="478.0" y="140.0" class="tap">U</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="508.0" y="114.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="534.0" y="140.0" class="tap">I</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="564.0" y="114.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="590.0" y="140.0" class="tap">O</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="620.0" y="114.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="646.0" y="140.0" class="tap">P</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="676.0" y="114.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="702.0" y="140.0" class="tap">[</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="732.0" y="114.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="758.0" y="140.0" class="tap">]</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="788.0" y="114.0" width="80.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="828.0" y="140.0" class="tap">BSPC</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="32.0" y="170.0" width="94.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="79.0" y="196.0" class="tap">ESC</text>
<text x="79.0" y="220.0" class="hold">CTL</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="130.0" y="170.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="156.0" y="196.0" class="tap">A</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="186.0" y="170.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="212.0" y="196.0" class="tap">S</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="242.0" y="170.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="268.0" y="196.0" class="tap">D</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="298.0" y="170.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="324.0" y="196.0" class="tap">F</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="354.0" y="170.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="380.0" y="196.0" class="tap">G</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="410.0" y="170.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="436.0" y="196.0" class="tap">H</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="466.0" y="170.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="492.0" y="196.0" class="tap">J</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="522.0" y="170.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="548.0" y="196.0" class="tap">K</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="578.0" y="170.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="604.0" y="196.0" class="tap">L</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="634.0" y="170.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="660.0" y="196.0" class="tap">;</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="690.0" y="170.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="716.0" y="196.0" class="tap">&#x27;</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="746.0" y="170.0" width="122.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="807.0" y="196.0" class="tap">ENT</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="32.0" y="226.0" width="122.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="93.0" y="252.0" class="tap">
<tspan x="93.0" dy="-0.6em">SC</tspan><tspan x="93.0" dy="1.2em">LSPO</tspan></text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="158.0" y="226.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="184.0" y="252.0" class="tap">Z</text>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="214.0" y="226.0" width="52.0" height="52.0" class="key"/>
<text x="240.0" y="252.0" class="tap">X</text>
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<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="557.0" y="1246.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="617.0" y="1246.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="677.0" y="1246.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="737.0" y="1246.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="797.0" y="1246.0" width="131.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="32.0" y="1306.0" width="131.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="167.0" y="1306.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="227.0" y="1306.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="287.0" y="1306.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="347.0" y="1306.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="407.0" y="1306.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="467.0" y="1306.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="527.0" y="1306.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="587.0" y="1306.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="647.0" y="1306.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
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<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="767.0" y="1306.0" width="101.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="872.0" y="1306.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="held key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="32.0" y="1366.0" width="86.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="122.0" y="1366.0" width="56.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="182.0" y="1366.0" width="86.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="272.0" y="1366.0" width="416.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>
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<rect rx="6.0" ry="6.0" x="842.0" y="1366.0" width="86.0" height="56.0" class="key"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 28 KiB


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View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ layout:
{ qmk_keyboard: dztech/dz60rgb_wkl/v2_1, qmk_layout: LAYOUT_60_tsangan_hhkb }
- { t: GESC, type: esc }
- "1"
- "2"
- "3"
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ layers:
- "="
- \
- "`"
- $$mdi:keyboard-tab$$
- Q
- W
- E
@ -30,21 +30,21 @@ layers:
- P
- "["
- "]"
- { t: ESC, h: CTL }
- $$mdi:keyboard-backspace$$
- { t: ESC, h: "$$mdi:apple-keyboard-control$$", type: esc }
- A
- S
- D
- F
- G
- H
- J
- K
- L
- { t: H, type: vim }
- { t: J, type: vim }
- { t: K, type: vim }
- { t: L, type: vim }
- ;
- "'"
- { t: "$$mdi:keyboard-return$$", type: enter }
- { t: (, h: "$$mdi:apple-keyboard-shift$$" }
- Z
- X
- C
@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ layers:
- ","
- .
- /
- { t: ), h: "$$mdi:apple-keyboard-shift$$" }
- L1
- ""
- $$mdi:apple-keyboard-option$$
- $$mdi:apple-keyboard-command$$
- { t: "$$mdi:keyboard-space$$", type: space }
- $$mdi:apple-keyboard-command$$
- $$mdi:apple-keyboard-option$$
- ""
- "`"
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ layers:
- ""
- ""
- ""
- UP
- $$mdi:arrow-up$$
- ""
- ""
- ""
@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ layers:
- ""
- ""
- ""
- $$mdi:arrow-left$$
- $$mdi:arrow-right$$
- ""
- { t: ▽, type: trans }
- { t: "$$mdi:transfer$$", type: trans }
- ""
- ""
- ""
@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ layers:
- ""
- ""
- ""
- { t: ▽, type: trans }
- $$mdi:arrow-down$$
- { t: "$$mdi:transfer$$", type: trans }
- { type: held }
- ""
- ""
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ layers:
- ""
- ""
- ""
- $$mdi:apple-keyboard-caps$$
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ layers:
- ""
- ""
- ""
- { t: ▽, type: trans }
- { t: "$$mdi:transfer$$", type: trans }
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ layers:
- ""
- { t: ▽, type: trans }
- { t: "$$mdi:transfer$$", type: trans }
- L3
- ""
- ""
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ layers:
- ""
- ""
- ""