docs: trust only Gnome

Tran Hau 2021-04-22 03:33:35 +00:00
parent 4347a5f6ce
commit 834ca49797
1 changed files with 10 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -257,76 +257,18 @@ pacman -Syu gnome-shell \
# Login manager
systemctl enable gdm.service
#### [i3](
pacman -Syu i3-wm i3lock i3status rofi \
xorg-xinit lxappearance \
feh archlinux-wallpaper \
alacritty \
fcitx-im fcitx-configtool fcitx-unikey fcitx-m17n
#### [XDG user directories](
pacman -Syu xdg-user-dirs
#### [Power management](
#### [Backlight](
pacman -Syu xorg-xbacklight
#### [Sound system](
pacman -Syu alsa-utils
pacman -Syu pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-bluetooth
#### Network managers
Use [NetworkManager](Applications/System/
Use [systemd-networkd](Applications/System/
#### [Bluetooth](
pacman -Syu bluez bluez-utils
# Network
systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
# Bluetooth
systemctl enable bluetooth.service
Use [Blueman](Applications/System/
#### Clock synchronization
Enable [systemd-timesyncd](
# Clock
timedatectl set-ntp true
## [List of applications](
### [pacman](
@ -340,17 +282,16 @@ Color
## [Improving performance](
[Journal size limit](
[Disabling automatic core dumps](
[Periodic TRIM](
[Improving system responsiveness under low-memory conditions](