# Git ## Config Aliases: ```sh git config --global alias.br branch git config --global alias.ci commit git config --global alias.cl clone git config --global alias.co checkout git config --global alias.df diff git config --global alias.lg log git config --global alias.pl pull git config --global alias.ps push git config --global alias.st status git config --global alias.sw switch ``` Use nice editor when commit: ```sh git config --global core.editor ``` Always pull rebase: ```sh git config --global pull.rebase true ``` Set default branch to `main`: ```sh git config --global init.defaultBranch main ``` Always fetch/pull prune: ```sh git config --global fetch.prune true ``` ## Commands Prefer rebase when pull: ```sh git pull --rebase ``` Clean outdated branches: ```sh git fetch --prune ``` Push force **safely**: ```sh git push --force-with-lease ``` Rewrite history by changing last `x` commits : ```sh git rebase -i HEAD~ ``` Squash last `x` commits to 1 commit: ```sh git reset HEAD~ git add -A git commit ``` Cleanup unnecessary files: ```sh git gc ``` Find common ancestor: ```sh git merge-base ``` Log: ```sh git log --pretty=oneline git log --graph --pretty=oneline git log --date=human ``` Changelog: ```sh git shortlog ..HEAD ``` Clean untracked files and folders: ```sh git clean -fd # If afraid git clean -fdn ```