4.4 KiB


This page documents Chessa's commands. Her source can be found on the Adélie Linux GitLab.


All dicebot commands support four special features not available to other commands:

  • .help gives usage information and a description of the command.
  • .<command>-as <nick> processes the command as though nick had used it.
  • .<command>-to <nick> sends the output of the command to you and nick as a private message.
  • .<command> ; <comment> appends the comment to the end of the command's output.

The following commands are associated:

  • .attrib generates D&D dice-rolled attributes.
  • .silcore rolls dice for Silhouette Core.
  • .exalted rolls dice for Exalted 2e; .exalted <dice> 6 may be used for old World of Darkness.
  • .hellcats rolls dice for Hellcats & Hockeysticks.
  • .fudge rolls dice for Fudge and Fate, and supports the Fate ladder.
  • .lonewolf rolls a die for the Lone Wolf gamebooks and tabletop game.
  • .dryh rolls dice for Don't Rest Your Head.
  • .dw rolls dice for Dungeon World and variants.
  • .swrpg (and aliases .eote, .aor, and .fad) rolls dice for the Star Wars RPG tabletop game.
  • .pfbuy reports the point cost of the given Pathfinder array.
  • .explode rolls exploding dice.
  • .cortex rolls the requested dice per Cortex Prime rules.
  • .imperialassault (and .ia alias) rolls coloured dice per the Imperial Assault board game.
  • .blade rolls the requested number of d6's per Forged in the Dark rules.
  • .roll and .math are more generic; the former allows for multiple formulas to be calculated at once, whereas the latter allows spaces to be used to make formulas more legible.

The .roll and .math commands support the following:

  • PEMDAS (exponents use ** rather than ^)
  • Bitwise operators (&|^~)
  • d operator (as in 1d6), rolls a number of X-sided dice, up to 100d100
  • functions
    • int (truncates, converts hexadecimal, octal, and binary integers to decimal integers)
    • hex (converts decimal, octal, and binary integers to hexadecimal)
    • oct (converts decimal, hexadecimal, and binary integers to octal)
    • bin (converts hexadecimal, decimal, and octal integers to binary)
    • atan2 (two-argument arc-tangents)
    • cos (cosine)
    • exp (e to the nth power)
    • log (logarithm of n)
    • logn (logarithm of n (base x))
    • log10 (logarithm of n (base 10))
    • sin (sine)
    • asin (arcsine)
    • sqrt (Square root)
    • c2f (convert Celsius to Fahrenheit)
    • f2c (convert Fahrenheit to Celsius)
    • floor (round float downward)
    • ceil (round float upward)
    • min (smallest of given arguments)
    • max (largest of given arguments)
  • variables
    • pi
    • e
    • pie (pi * e)


The weather command set consists of .weather, .f/.f1/.f3, .alerts, and .location. All commands take a query string and, optionally, a semicolon (;) followed by a country designator. This designator will constrain the query to the given country, in cases where an ambiguous query may return an unexpected result (e.g. .weather hell might return the weather for Hellin, Spain, whereas .weather hell;no will return the weather for Hell, Norway).

.f returns today's forecast, .f1 returns tomorrow's forecast, and .f3 returns (via PM) the forecast for the three days following today. Note that the forecast will change over at 00:00 local time.

.location stores the provided location for the user, so as to allow future inquiries to omit a query string.

Issue tracker

Chessa integrates with Adélie's GitLab and with Github. Supported syntax: source:project/repo?n, where

  • source: is either adelie:, or github: or gh:,
  • project is the organization or user where the repo can be found,
  • repo is the repository in question,
  • ? is one of the sigils in $#@!,
  • and n is a number (for $#!) or commit (for @).

Sigils have their GitLab meaning:

  • $ is a snippet
  • @ is a commit
  • # is an issue
  • ! is a merge request

Portions of the syntax may be dropped, e.g. at the moment she is configured to default to adelie/packages.

Note: This module is a work in progress.

Other Commands

  • .choose returns a randomly-chosen entry from a list, delimited by a comma followed by a space.
  • .unicode returns information on the given Unicode sequence. Supports combining characters.
  • .uniname returns information on the given Unicode named sequence.