This allows running the speller (default binding: ^T) also on files for
which a linter has been defined. This makes it possible to spell check
comment blocks in source files, for example.
This fulfills
Requested-by: Mike Frysinger <>
Only for BACK and DEL was the first call to update_undo() -- all other
types of action would call add_undo() first, so for them the action in
update_undo() would never be different, but the line number might have
changed (like for ENTER and INSERT), so for them exceptions needed to
be made, which was wasteful.
This addresses
The binding was made only to have *something* bound by default to the
'cutwordleft' function. But now that <Ctrl+Shift+Delete> is available
*and* visible in the help text, the M-| binding is superfluous.
When using the internal spell checker, the message gets overwritten
immediately by "Creating misspelled word list...", and when using
the external spell checker, nano immediately exits from curses mode
and thus the message disappears (when in a terminal emulator) or it
soon gets wiped by the spell checker (when on a Linux console), thus
creating a little flash on the bottom row, which we can do without.
In the past, SIGWINCHes were responded to immediately (which was madness),
but since commit 75d64e67 all a SIGWINCH does is set a flag so that, when
the time comes to update the screen, nano knows the dimensions may have
changed. The mentioned commit removed most blockings and unblockings of
SIGWINCH, but not this one.
So that the user can do 'bind ^H cutwordleft all' in their nanorc
to make ^H (and sometimes also <Ctrl+Backspace>) delete the word
to the left of the cursor while <Backspace> continues to delete
just one character.
As the statusbar() function will write the position directly to the
terminal when not in curses mode, the final part of this position
message will seem to be after the prompt when exiting from nano.
The cursor position will get written correctly to the status bar
anyway, because returning from suspension enters a fake key into
the keyboard buffer, and this key elicits an update of the display.
This fixes
Reported-by: Lauri Kasanen <>
Bug existed since version 2.4.2, commit 75d64e67.
Most of these toggles just change the appearance of things, and
all of them are harmless -- none of them modify the contents of
the buffer.
This fixes
Reported-by: Liu Hao <>
Bug existed since version 2.9.4, commit 54103d8e.
(The offending commit meant in the previous commit was 60f1090d.
My mistake.)
Switching to Replace allows modifiying the buffer, which should
not be possible in view mode.
This fixes
Bug existed since version 2.9.4, commit 54103d8e.
Signed-off-by: Liu Hao <>
When curses gives no code for Ctrl+Shift+Delete, do not fall back
to KEY_BACKSPACE, because then ^H and/or <Backspace> get bound to
This fixes
Bug was introduced with version 3.0, commit e6429e78.
That is, wait with deleting words until they start under cursor,
so the user can see which word is goin to be eaten, and join lines
only when the cursor already sits at the edge of a line.
On FreeBSD and NetBSD (when reached through ssh from a Linux machine)
this has the absurd effect of making <Ctrl+Backspace> do a 'cutwordleft'
by default, out of the box, without needing any rebindings. Weird, but
wonderful, because the ideal behavior.
Also ensure that <Shift+Delete> always does a Backspace.
This makes that we have the following set of "congruent" keys:
<Tab> moves text to the right,
<Shift+Tab> moves text to the left,
<Delete> "eats" a character to the right,
<Shift+Delete> "eats" a character to the left,
<Ctrl+Delete> "eats" a word to the right,
<Shift+Ctrl+Delete> "eats" a word to the left.
If find_paragraph() detects that we're not in a paragraph, it moves
forward a paragraph and then backward to that paragraph's beginning.
Make it check whether we're in a paragraph before moving backward
(since there might not *be* any more paragraphs), to prevent going
forth-and-back and never reaching the end of the buffer.
This fixes
These are available in the menus where they are relevant: the Write-Out
and the Insert menu, respectively. Having them duplicated in the main
menu is inconsistent and eats precious keystrokes. (Sorry, Chris.)
When 'inhelp' is true, there are at least two buffers open: an
edit buffer and the help-text buffer.
And bottombars() already does a full refresh of the bottom window.
And restore the cursor to this position when redoing the cut+insert.
Also remove two unneeded conditions.
This fully fixes
When piping the buffer (or the marked region) to an external command,
we should wait not only for the external command to terminate but also
for the data-sending process, so that it will release its resources.
This fixes
With-help-from: Marco Diego Aurélio Mesquita <>
When undoing/redoing an alternate spell check (of the entire file
or of a backwards marked region), put the cursor back where it was
when the spell check was invoked/finished.
This fixes
On a Linux VT, refuse to start when there are errors in a nanorc file,
so that the messages no longer get overwritten -- which prevented the
user from seeing and reading them.
This fixes
Since the last version, the user can filter an entire buffer through
an external command. This external command can also be a formatting
program, so there is no longer any need for this specific and special
formatter command.
(In the Search and Replace menus Cancel is not essential. And in the
Goto Line menu Cancel is not needed at all: a simple <Enter> after an
empty answer works fine.)
This fixes the second part of
There are at least three other ways to achieve the thing that it did:
^End, M-/, and ^W^V. No need to have a fourth way by default.
For symmetry, also unassign the corresponding binding for M-|.
The 'cutwordright' function has gotten ^Delete as its default binding,
so the 'cutwordleft' function needs a default binding too -- also to
keep the items on the two help lines nicely paired. M-| was chosen
because it is close to the Backspace key on many keyboard layouts.
Print routines are not asynchronous-safe.
But... the only reason the call of kill() could return an error code
is when the relevant process has already terminated -- which is not
a problem, because that was the goal of calling kill().
This fixes
Reported-by: Daniel Kozovsky <>
As the help viewer is almost a normal buffer, commands that make sense
-- like searching backwards, and searching the previous occurrence --
should work in the help viewer too.
In addition, show all Search commands prominently in the help lines of
the help viewer, so that users are likely to notice them and will maybe
infer that they work in the editor itself too.
This fixes
With-help-from: David Lawrence Ramsey <>
Put "Where Was" in its place, to make the symmetry of ^W/M-W/^Q/M-Q
somewhat clearer. Also, conditionally reshuffle "Save File", to try
and keep menu items nicely paired.
The undo item for ENTER should record the file size *before* the amount
of auto-indentation whitespace is added to it.
This fixes
Reported-by: Liu Hao <>
Bind the until-now unbound function 'cutwordright' to <Ctrl+Delete>.
The complementary function, 'cutwordleft', is not bound by default
because on many terminals the keystroke <Ctrl+Backspace> generates
^H -- the canonical ASCII backspace character. We cannot change the
existing action of ^H without upsetting some users.
Signed-off-by: Marco Diego Aurélio Mesquita <>
Signed-off-by: Benno Schulenberg <>
To match the documentation and to match what the nanorc.nanorc
colors as valid.
In theory it would be possible to allow rebinding also F17...F63,
but nano does not recognize escape sequences for these high-order
function keys. As no one ever complained about unknown sequences
when pressing function keys, I am guessing that no one has these
high-order keys, or at least that no one uses them.
This fixes
Instead of being entirely silent when ^] is hit after whitespace
or punctuation, report what is lacking -- similar to M-] saying
"Not a bracket" when the cursor is not sitting on a bracket.
This makes the ^] keystroke more discoverable.
This makes things symmetrical: ^W starts a forward search, ^Q starts
a backward search, M-W searches the next occurrence forward, and M-Q
searches the next occurrence backward.
The Tabs-To-Spaces toggle is moved to M-O, and thus the More-Space
toggle is no longer bound by default.
When using option -K on an xterm-like terminal, pressing <Shift+Del>,
<Alt+Del>, or <Ctrl+Del> would enter "2~", "3~", or "5~", respectively,
into the buffer. Now it will just report an "Unknown sequence".
The crawl needs at least five rows to be perceived as a crawl, and
the widest line is 31 characters (ignoring translations, which might
be even longer). Formerly, when only two or three rows were available,
nothing was shown at all, which was puzzling. So, better do the credits
only when there is room enough for them, and print a message otherwise.
When switching to a different buffer, don't just show its name but
also the number of lines it contains. This is useful extra info.
Then use this same message when at startup multiple files are opened
and (after reading them all) we switch back to the first buffer.
(This loses, when multiple files are opened, the information about
format conversion that nano still shows when a single file is opened,
but... this bug has shown that people don't really look at this line
anyway, so... let it be. The info can still be seen when writing out
the file with ^O.)
This addresses
Just like an <Esc> before a Ctrl+letter keystroke is ignored, an <Esc>
before an Alt+letter keystroke should be ignored too -- it should not
be interpreted as if the user had typed <Esc> <Esc> letter.
This fixes
Even when we don't act on most of these combinations, at least eat up
the whole sequence so the unknown keystroke doesn't enter things like
"3~" into the buffer.
This fixes
Unlike glibc, which in getc() locks the file only when it is needed,
FreeBSD and Bionic libc will always lock the file, causing a massive
slowdown, as the system has to create and destroy a mutex each time
getc() is called.
Avoid that massive overhead by locking the file before starting to read
and unlocking it after reading is complete, and using getc_unlocked() to
read each byte. This makes reading on FreeBSD/macOS and Android anywhere
from 2 to 6 times faster, and on glibc roughly seventy percent faster.
This partially addresses
Signed-off-by: Devin Hussey <>
The 'statusbar_x' variable does not refer to a position in the status
bar, but to a position in the answer that is currently being typed at
the prompt. So... let's call it 'typing_x', for lots of contrast.
And in the bargain get rid of some duplicate code.
This makes a binary without UTF-8 support slightly slower, but that's
not important -- it is more than fast enough anyway. Important is that
the most used and longest code path, the UTF-8 case, becomes faster.
Note that 'is_cntrl_mbchar()' will fall back to 'is_cntrl_char()' for
a non-UTF-8 build, so the deleted piece of code really was equivalent
with the remaining piece for that case.
Take our cue from undoing/redoing line joins: when they take place on
the magicline without --nonewlines, they produce undo/redo items that
don't do anything to the text, but still position the cursor properly.
Reshuffle a bit of code so that we can do the same for magicline cuts.
This fixes
Again, if the most significant bit of a UTF-8 byte is zero, it means
the character is a single byte and we can skip the call of mblen(),
*and* if the character is one byte it also occupies just one column,
because all ASCII characters are single-column characters -- apart
from control codes.
This partially addresses
For UTF-8, if the most significant bit of a byte is zero, it means the
character is just a single byte and we can skip the call of mblen().
For files consisting of pure ASCII bytes (between 0x00 and 0x7F), this
change reduces the counting time of mbstrlen() by ninety six percent.
This partially addresses
When mbtowc() is never called with anything less than MAXCHARLEN as
the length parameter, it will apparently not get confused and will
not need to be reset.
The variable 'last_action' is set at the end of these functions,
serving to prevent a fresh action from being merged with an older
action further down on the stack. Setting 'last_action' before
exiting from undo()/redo() makes no sense.
Also adjust a sideways related old Changelog item.
The macro stuff, however, is basically my code: I told him exactly
how to do it, and I changed most of the patch before applying it.
Also, put myself in second place, as I've just about overtaken David
in the duration of maintainership.
Otherwise the first line of a multiline /*...*/-comment would be
seen as quoted and thus *not* as the first line of a paragraph.
In the code, use "/{2}" to prevent the remainder of the line
getting colored as a comment.
The paragraph-aware indenting is needed only when automatic long-line
wrapping is on (that is, when not using 'nowrap': when writing prose).
When writing code, the user most likely uses --nowrap, which will make
nano indent a new line always to the same amount as the preceding line
-- when --autoindent is in effect, of course.
The only time that feedback about the number of lines written is *not*
wanted is when writing a temporary file.
This fixes
When doing autoindentation, and the next line is not the start of
a new paragraph, then use the indentation of that line for the new
line, as it is more likely to have the desired indentation -- the
current line might be the start of the paragraph and thus could
have a deviant indentation.
Pico wraps at the last blank character before or on the target column;
if there is no such blank, then it will wrap at the first blank *after*
the target column -- when it can wrap, it will wrap. Nano should do
the same (and judging from the comments, it intended to do the same),
instead of turning the paragraph into a single unwrapped line.
This fixes
First step to the next buffer, and then iterate until we either
find a match or are back at the buffer where we started.
This fixes
Signed-off-by: Marco Diego Aurélio Mesquita <address@hidden>
The two help lines will be redrawn in main() only when the current
menu is not MMAIN. So, set it to MLINTER as soon as the help lines
are cleared, just before preparing to invoke the linter.
This fixes
Reported-by: Marco Diego Aurélio Mesquita <>
When executing a command in the current buffer and piping this buffer
(or marked region) to that command, then the cutting of the existing
text and the insertion of the new text should be undone and redone
together, as to the user they appear as a single operation.
With-help-from: Marco Diego Aurélio Mesquita <>
When executing a command, it is now possible to pipe the entire buffer
(or the marked region, if anything is marked) to the external command.
The output from the command replaces the buffer (or the marked region),
or goes to a new buffer.
This fulfills,
and fulfills
Signed-off-by: Marco Diego Aurélio Mesquita <>
Signed-off-by: Benno Schulenberg <>
In the past, the argument could be either a regex or a literal string,
so the wording was kind of vague. But nowadays we can count on having
regex support (through gnulib), so be more precise in the description.
If the edit window consists of a single row, then the do_up() call has
already brought the desired line into view -- which means that trying
to scroll then (when already on the first line of the file) would fail.
This fixes